1st Photo (Top): Night Element Re-Setter.

2nd Photo (Middle): Dial - Taken At 1.15pm.

4th Photo (Bottom): My Meter.
Plan: 'Simpler Energy Economy 7'.
I hope the attachments would show the sort of set-up I have.
At the moment my hot water seems to be coming on at 3pm -
which seems strange to me - as I thought it was supposed to be
only set to heat between midnight to 7am.
By next morning my hot water is not at its hottest.
NOTE: My Day Element is switched off. I don't often use this.
All I ever touch is the night element re-setter (see 1st attachment).
QUERIES: If you cannot help me with the above problem, can you advise
me of anyone who can?
Or should I just try to find an electrician?
Or a plumber?
And do I have a ‘radio teleswitch’ or not?
I have an Economy 7 Immersion Heater with a 'day' element
and a 'night' element. Both of these are wired up to switches
on the wall nearby (see 3rd attachment.).
1st Attachment shows the type of element re-setter I have (thermostat?).
I don't have/can't find any other kind of re-setting equipment on
the tank/boiler itself.
4th Attachment shows my Meter.
I've also attached a photo of a dial that is alongside my electricity meter
(see 2nd attachment.).
QUERY: Would re-setting this dial solve the problem of my night element
seeming to only be heating my water during the day (starting at 3pm)?