Hi can I get Ovo to pay me what I am owed from my solar panels? Since SSE sold us out without warning I’ve not had a single payment from Ovo. I’m tired of being fobbed off with “expect payment in 10days” It never happens. Since my first readings in September I still haven’t been paid and it’s now nearly February. I’ve also given Decembers readings and been told not to expect payment before March.
Why is this? It only took SSE 4 weeks to pay out. I am desperate for money and incurring debts I’ve never had before. We hardly dare put on the heating and we are both in our 70s and very poorly. We couldn’t even afford Christmas presents . I am so dejected. I’ve now got a claims number but have been told it will be (guess what) 10 days before they deal with it. This is the third time I’ve rung about it. Why didn’t they give me a claims number after my first phone call? I could have been well through the process by now.
Can anyone help or advise me?