Add a data submission bot to the support armoury

Related products: OVO Help

We often see cases where customers being helped need to submit documents, photos, screenshots or other data as evidence in their particular case. It seems unnecessarily frustrating to have to wait in a long queue to connect to an advisor who can then receive data. In the old days, of course, we’d just have rattled off an email, but that channel appears to have been closed.

The current chatbot already kicks off with a number of questions, so it should be simple enough to clone the bot to create one that asks for, say, a name, an account number and a case number (and whatever other details the identity/confidentiality/fraud police may require) before opening the possibility of uploading files - limited, of course, to certain file types. A quick confirmation of receipt would then close the channel. 

The files should of course be automatically routed to whoever owns the case.

Sounds like a useful upgrade @Firedog 

Ok, sooo… After digging through absolutely tons of documentation from the vendor, it looks like this might be possible.

I think a flow like this might work but I can’t comment on how to program it in.


That is exactly the process I envisaged. How do we persuade them to implement it?

With this Idea post! :) is such a helpful tool for me and that’s how I created that flowchart by the way. I’m tempted to add it to my Confluence sites as well.

In the past i have always attached images to a private twitter message if i want to send something to ovo. 

I preferred the audit trail even when ovo were accepting emails. 

Emails provided an audit trail, which is why it is a great shame Ovo stopped using them. Twitter, Facebook etc are no good, as we do not use them - and will not.

Emails provided an audit trail, which is why it is a great shame Ovo stopped using them. Twitter, Facebook etc are no good, as we do not use them - and will not.

You always get a named ovo person reply on twitter private message with a date and time stamp.

Honestly it has always been dramatically quicker than email to contact OVO for many years. 

I use Twitter to contact a vast array of companies including OVO. Just looking at my private messages on Twitter i have used it to contact 23 companies via private message over the last few years.

It is dramatically quicker than email with all those companies. 

NewOpen for votes

Hi @Firedog  and thanks for this very well thought out idea!


With this kind of contact method becoming more commonplace, it’s important we make it as user friendly as possible.


I’ve changed this to ‘open for votes’, let’s see what others think!