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OVO have lost my FIT account!?

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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • November 10, 2023
mshealey wrote:

I’m pleased you managed to switch. I was wondering what would happen if I tried to switch and OVO still denied all knowledge of me.  I fear ending up in a worse limbo. 

How can such a disorganised company be allowed to run a national power network?  Why isn’t OFGEN sorting them out?

OFGEM did intervene with OVO specifically this year

Unfortunately it seems things are still not good in some areas, particularly around FIT.

OVO are currently the second worst supplier in the country for the proportion of customers vs escalated complaints to 3rd parties like the Energy Ombudsman, 142.7 per 10,000 customers. Octopus for example 27.8 per 10,000 customers. The stats are collated by ofgem and are on the Citizens advice website.

After 8 weeks you can take your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman.

Citizens advice may also be able to give you advice. They also have some unique statutory powers when asking suppliers queries which can help in some cases.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • November 16, 2023

So rang up OVO this morning to talk about our missing account and complaint raised on 29th September. They claimed they had been unable to  process this complaint as it had no data in it. The operator was thoroughly unapologetic, even though it was their error. Gave them our FIT readings and account numbers again, so let’s see what this week brings. OFGEM next week if still no progress 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • November 16, 2023
mshealey wrote:

So rang up OVO this morning to talk about our missing account and complaint raised on 29th September. They claimed they had been unable to  process this complaint as it had no data in it. The operator was thoroughly unapologetic, even though it was their error. Gave them our FIT readings and account numbers again, so let’s see what this week brings. OFGEM next week if still no progress 

There isn't a process for OFGEM to look into your issue.

You need to get the Energy Ombudsman involved which you can do 8 weeks after submitting your complaint if it isn't resolved

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • November 16, 2023

Thanks Jeffus. You are a mine of useful information

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • November 20, 2023

So one last phone call to OVO today. The FIT operator claimed our case was being processed by someone else so they couldn’t give us any information. She also stated she had “limited power to do anything”.

We then spent the rest of the morning raising our dispute with the Energy Ombudsman. 

The terrible thing overshadowing our whole experience with OVOs has been their complete lack of care for us, their customer.  They have not admitted their error or apologised.  They are unconcerned by the financial impact the loss of this quarter’s income is having on us.  

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • November 22, 2023
mshealey wrote:

So one last phone call to OVO today. The FIT operator claimed our case was being processed by someone else so they couldn’t give us any information. She also stated she had “limited power to do anything”.

We then spent the rest of the morning raising our dispute with the Energy Ombudsman. 

The terrible thing overshadowing our whole experience with OVOs has been their complete lack of care for us, their customer.  They have not admitted their error or apologised.  They are unconcerned by the financial impact the loss of this quarter’s income is having on us.  

@mshealey if you post how you get on with the Ombudsman it may help others.

They are often pretty quick based on what other customers have posted.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • November 22, 2023

Ok. So to start our case with the ombudsman we had to provide a summary of our dispute, a detailed list of all our contacts with OVO ( email, phone and webchat) and a pdf of all our email correspondence with them.  We had to show that OVO had had eight weeks to resolve it. We also had to say what outcome we’d like.   Today (two days after we submitted our case) we had an email telling us they had accepted it, and giving us the name of the person handling it. A few minutes later, our handler phoned to introduce himself and give his phone number so we could contact him. He asked us to check that we had submitted all the evidence we wanted. He will send this to OVO and they can respond to us.  After OVO have responded he will make a decision about what should happen.  

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • December 1, 2023
mshealey wrote:

Ok. So to start our case with the ombudsman we had to provide a summary of our dispute, a detailed list of all our contacts with OVO ( email, phone and webchat) and a pdf of all our email correspondence with them.  We had to show that OVO had had eight weeks to resolve it. We also had to say what outcome we’d like.   Today (two days after we submitted our case) we had an email telling us they had accepted it, and giving us the name of the person handling it. A few minutes later, our handler phoned to introduce himself and give his phone number so we could contact him. He asked us to check that we had submitted all the evidence we wanted. He will send this to OVO and they can respond to us.  After OVO have responded he will make a decision about what should happen.  

Hi @mshealey 

Has there been any further progress?

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • December 1, 2023

So OVO have submitted their evidence and offered a remedy. So now we are awaiting a decision. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • December 4, 2023
Jeffus wrote:
DesB wrote:
mshealey wrote:

. . . . . 

I’ve tried complaining, OVO complaints procedure says they will set out for me how they plan to resolve my case and answer within two days.  Guess what, no plans or answers

. . . . . 

Their customer service seems to be beyond appalling.  

Likewise, our complaint seems to have gone nowhere. Apart from the automated email sent out immediately I raised the complaint, there has been absolutely no contact or action - the two days quoted by OVO is a complete joke.

It is clear that as well as the OVO customer service system and escalation procedures being totally broken, the complaints procedure is as well!

Any progress @DesB ?

Hi again,

I had a response from the FIT team on 15th November that read:-


Thank you for your email. I can confirm that your account has now been updated to reflect the correct meter details. I've used your photograph to verify the meter and you will not be due another meter inspection until (2025).

Unfortunately our read submission window is closed so we cannot add your reading. We accept readings in March, June, September and

December. You can submit your reading/s to us between the first and last days of those months.

Thank you for your help in getting this resolved.

Kind regards

The FIT Team”

Whilst this sounded more hopeful, it still did not answer the original questions I had asked and for all I knew, could just have been confirmation of setting up a new account without any reference to previous readings. I have therefore waited until December when new readings were due before making further contact, which I have done today.

Once I got through, I explained all the issues to a very patient and helpful lady who took my December generation reading, re-took my export reading from September and confirmed that it was the final export reading, confirmed all the meter ID numbers, confirmed that they required no further information on our new installation to continue making generation payments, sent me details to allow me to set up my bank account to receive payments and confirmed they have details of the previous set of readings submitted in July. This now appears to confirm that the transfer from SSE has been completed successfully and that all my outstanding queries have now been resolved! I now await payment in February as final confirmation that all my issues have really been resolved.

Whilst it is good to report that the issues appear to have been resolved, it really should not have taken so long or been so trying. Apart from the email quoted above, I have had no other response to my formal complaint - I would have thought that I would at least have had a follow up to see if all my issues had been resolved.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1057 replies
  • December 5, 2023

Hey @DesB 


Glad to hear that’s all finally been sorted, all be it quite a lengthy and painful process for you to get there.


Hopefully you don’t encounter any further problems, but always feel free to pop back to the Forum any time.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • December 5, 2023
mshealey wrote:

So OVO have submitted their evidence and offered a remedy. So now we are awaiting a decision. 

Any progress on a decision @mshealey 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 7 replies
  • December 7, 2023
DesB wrote:

Hi again,

I had a response from the FIT team on 15th November that read:-


Thank you for your email. I can confirm that your account has now been updated to reflect the correct meter details. I've used your photograph to verify the meter and you will not be due another meter inspection until (2025).

Unfortunately our read submission window is closed so we cannot add your reading. We accept readings in March, June, September and

December. You can submit your reading/s to us between the first and last days of those months.

Thank you for your help in getting this resolved.

Kind regards

The FIT Team”

Whilst this sounded more hopeful, it still did not answer the original questions I had asked and for all I knew, could just have been confirmation of setting up a new account without any reference to previous readings. I have therefore waited until December when new readings were due before making further contact, which I have done today.

Once I got through, I explained all the issues to a very patient and helpful lady who took my December generation reading, re-took my export reading from September and confirmed that it was the final export reading, confirmed all the meter ID numbers, confirmed that they required no further information on our new installation to continue making generation payments, sent me details to allow me to set up my bank account to receive payments and confirmed they have details of the previous set of readings submitted in July. This now appears to confirm that the transfer from SSE has been completed successfully and that all my outstanding queries have now been resolved! I now await payment in February as final confirmation that all my issues have really been resolved.

Whilst it is good to report that the issues appear to have been resolved, it really should not have taken so long or been so trying. Apart from the email quoted above, I have had no other response to my formal complaint - I would have thought that I would at least have had a follow up to see if all my issues had been resolved.


Just as a further follow-up, this morning we received 2 cheques from OVO (in 2 separate envelopes!), one for the export element and one for the generation element of the readings submitted las t September. There was no statement or other explanation with them, but they did match exactly with what was due from those readings. Perhaps the statement will arrive shortly - it always arrived a couple of days after the cheque when we were still with SSE.

We were not expecting payment for the September readings till February, having previously been told that the submission window had closed, so it’s nice that payment has come through earlier. It seems to confirm that our issures have really been resolved. Thank you for all the advice we have received on this forum.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1057 replies
  • December 8, 2023

Hey @DesB 


Glad to hear that you’ve received that payment. Hopefully the rest will now run smoothly in future.


Pop back to the Forum any time you have a question again.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • December 8, 2023

Thanks for asking Jeffus. We have had an ombudsman decision that OVO should set up our accounts and pay us the money they owe us.  
we have accepted this decision but the next part of the process is that OVO needs to accept it as well. Two days on from the decision and OVO haven’t confirmed yet. 

We are disappointed that the ombudsman did not ask OVO to improve their customer service, or put a deadline on setting up our account, and paying us our September money. He said that these things were not in his remit.  OFGEM has to deal with customer support issues.  

Our experience with OVO is that their staff did not have access to the information they needed to do a good job, or the power to do anything to help.  They were universally polite and friendly but completely useless.  We are concerned that without OVO changing their process, any problems in the future will be just as difficult and time consuming.


We’re hoping that we get paid before Christmas, otherwise we might be having a very small turkey.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2569 replies
  • December 11, 2023

Hey @mshealey,


That all sounds very frustrating, but I’m glad to hear the Ombudsman is sorting this out. 


OVO has to accept the Ombudsman remedy, here is more information about the complaints procedure which may help. 


Step 4 – Taking things further


We will do everything we can to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. In a small number of cases it might take longer and if it’s taken over 8 weeks, you can speak to the Energy Ombudsman. We may also write to you with a final decision that you disagree with. This is called a ‘deadlock’ letter and you can also speak to the Ombudsman if you are unhappy with our actions. The Energy Ombudsman provides a free, independent service.

They’ll review what’s happened and how we’ve handled your complaint. First, they’ll look at everything we’ve done so far with your complaint. Then they’ll decide if we should have done more – and what we need to do to put it right.

Here’s how to get in touch with them:

Helpful to know – you don’t have to accept their decision – but we have to.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • December 13, 2023

Well. One week on and our Ombudsman case still says waiting for OVO to accept the decision. I wonder what will happen when we try to submit our December numbers next week 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • December 13, 2023

I emailed Roman Bhatia last week, summarising our tale of woe, and got a call on Friday from James, of Ovo complaints, apologising and saying that all would be sorted out in 5 working days. They already had our bank details, which  proves they did know who we were all along!

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • December 13, 2023

Thankyou MLOwen I will try that tomorrow 

I’m happy for you, but question why we have to jump through all these hoops to get what is legally ours. We earn our money, we shouldn’t have to beg for it as well

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 9 replies
  • December 13, 2023

Absolutely!  BTW, his name is Raman Bhatia (spellchecker error!). 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2569 replies
  • December 14, 2023

I’m glad to hear you’re finally getting somewhere @MLOwen, I’m sorry it’s been such a stressful situation. 

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • December 14, 2023

So OVO accepted the decision yesterday late afternoon . And today we were able to submit our December reads. They had an account all ready and waiting for us. 
Progress indeed. Now just waiting for our September payment 


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1057 replies
  • December 15, 2023

Hey @mshealey 


Glad to hear you’re now making progress, despite the lengthy and difficulty process you had to take to get here. We’re really sorry again for the difficulty you had trying to get this sorted out.


Keep us updated with the progress, and if there’s anything else we can help with, do let us know.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • December 29, 2023

Thankyou Abby.

Sadly I have no progress to report at all. Before Christmas we were telephoned by someone from the OVO Complaints team who said not to worry she was our personal manager and would get it all sorted for us by Christmas. She asked for all our meter readings which we gave her and felt hopeful that we might at last be getting paid. 
The next day she sent an email asking for the meter readings again. We supplied them.  She didn’t reply. 

So now just before New Year, we have still not been paid the substantial sum of money OVO owes us. Our account manager has not been in touch, we have no idea when we might expect to be paid or what is happening with this quarters readings  

You might remember I reported that we were able to submit our December readings.  But just recently we received an email from the OVO fits team saying they can’t find our account. So no steps forward and one step back.

 Happy New Year all


  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 28 replies
  • January 7, 2024

A quick update to say that OVO have mailed us to say they will not have set up our FIT account or paid us within the time frame set by the ombudsman. They have refused to give us any information about why there is a problem, what they are doing about it or a time plan for when we might get paid. 
On Wednesday our case will be passed to a new department which handles complaints which are outside the ombudsman date. 


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