I am posting my views with complete respect for the views of others who have posted, especially Nukecad, who goes the extra mile to help those who ask questions.
These are my views but I welcome evidence based arguments that support or contradict what I believe. Such feedback is healthy and helps us all understand things better.
However, until there is a binding court ruling on who, between a landlord and an occupying tenant is liable for electricity charges in a rental property with just one supply meter, then all anybody giving guidance can do on this forum is offer advice based on their experience or what they believe is correct.
IMHO, the problem landlords and tenants have is that the Utility Companies, and the Energy Ombudsman service, work together to set the agenda to suite themselves.
I have heard of examples when the Ombudsman has been specifically asked to make a ruling on whether the occupier or the landlord is liable for the electricity supply in a rented property with just one supply meter.
The Ombudsman completely avoids answering the question.
This, I believe, may be to protect the utility companies from having to introduce a new department to 'identify the tenants in a rental property, to keep track of when tenants arrive and leave and collect meter readings' (understandably an extra cost to the utility companies, but arguably something that is their business to do).
So the Ombudsman have created their own special rule which says that in this situation they use the general principle that all Ombudsman use. This states that the landlord is responsible until it is proven otherwise.
What do other forum contributors say about this?
This is not fair as it is more within the power of the utility companies to manage. (With their resources of paid field agents and paid customer service departments, with access to registered voters, council tax records, credit agencies, etc)
Landlords do not pay themselves, nor get paid by utility companies, for carrying out administrative duties on behalf of utility companies. (This needs to change). Anybody agree/disagree with this view?
The Ombudsmans special rule is despite their not being any laws that require landlords to provide written tenancies to tenants, and no laws or regulations requiring landlords to share the data they hold on their tenants.
Am I correct on this, any views?
The tenants are the customers of the utility company, surely they should find out who they are. Agree?
GDPR prevents utility companies from telling/confirming the names of their customers to landlords (even though the customers are the landlords tenants)
Are you a landlord that manages the business of the utility companies for them?
My view on who is liable for electricty charges in rental properties is based on my interpretation of schedule 6, clause 3(i) of the 1989 Electricty Act).
This is that from the time they began to use the supply, the tenant, by way of occupation and usage, is liable for the supply.
The landlord would only be liable if the property is empty (same Act) and the supply is used and their is a standing charge, or if no supply is used and there is a standing charge then they are just liable for the standing charge.
Agree? Disagree? Any thoughts?
Win some, lose some but always challenge if you believe something is not fair.