Hey @Lemong84
Sorry to hear about the trouble you’ve been having.
It’s hard to tell exactly what the issue is and why it’s being sent to the industry as we don’t have access to accounts here at the Forum.
Firedog and Nick Challacombe have left some helpful advice which may apply if the meter has been set up correctly with the industry as an economy 7 meter. The team should only have to change you over to a flat rate for both registers on the meters, you’d still have 2 reading but you’d be charged for the same unit price on each, creating a flat rate tariff.
As we can’t see accounts I can’t be sure why they’d send the request off. It might be worth checking with the Support Team the details of what’s going on as it may be a quicker fix if it doesn’t need to go to the industry to be updated. If this is the case, we nor any other supplier have the ability to speed up their processes.
Keep us updated with how you get on.