Our next online event: Ask Me Anything with Rebecca Heaton!
RSVP to our upcoming event
Heads up, we’ve got an upcoming event with guest speaker Rebecca Heaton!
We’re hosting a live ‘Ask My Anything’ event with OVO Energy’s Director of Sustainability, Rebecca Heaton. Here’s a little bit about Rebecca:

What did you do before OVO and how did you get where you are today?
“My whole career has been about climate change – making choices on where I could make the most impact. For example, I sat on the UK Climate Change Committee (CCC), setting the framework for the UK’s net zero target and advising the government on how to get there.
“I’m also a forester by training – I’m a forestry graduate and a fellow of the institute of chartered foresters. Most of my roles have been focused on how land use, trees and climate change interact from a business perspective. A big attraction for joining OVO was that the company is already doing things in that space and using trees to help meet our objectives.”
Can you tell us a bit about your role at OVO and what you’ll be doing?
“I’m the Director of Sustainability at OVO. So, I inherited the fantastic Plan Zero, which is embedded across everything the company does. My job is to look at how we’re going to deliver Plan Zero, meet those targets and embed it even further into the company.”
What sort of subjects are you hoping to discuss in the Forum AMA event?
“I’m still very new to OVO, having joined in August of this year, so I won’t be best placed to discuss specifics around OVO’s products, services or historic strategy.”
“As I mentioned earlier my career has been dedicated to issues around climate change, so I’m well placed to share my experience and opinions around this. COP 26, Plan Zero, the UKs energy transition plans, climate solutions and carbon reduction. I’ll happily discuss these important subjects and answer any questions as best I can. I’m looking forward to it!”
To get the ball rolling, we’ve set up an ‘Ask Me Anything’ topic thread for you to submit some questions to Rebecca ahead of the event:
Rebecca will also be happy to discuss with attendees any of the questions and answers in more detail on the day. So get there on time as we’ve got a lot to cram into the 60 minutes!
We’re using Google Meet again, which is free, cloud based (so no installs), admittance based and comes with some cool features!
Here’s the URL which you can simply copy and paste into your browser when the time comes: meet.google.com/ynf-ehao-hny
It’s recommended that you log out of your Google account, or go ‘Incognito’ in your browser before joining, to avoid your Google account name being shown. No personnel information such as email addresses is visible, and you’re able to choose to have your video and microphone off/on before joining.
After we’ve all had a chance to say hello, we ask that everyone mutes their microphone, we’ll introduce Rebeccca, and dive into the pre-submitted questions
If you have a question or reaction for Rebecca, you’re able to use the ‘Chat to everyone’ comments feature, or the ‘Raise your hand’ feature of Google Meet. We will have a dedicated note taker who will make sure any questions in the comments are put to Rebecca, and that anyone with their hand raised gets a chance to ask Rebecca directly.
We’ll do our best to answer all questions, including those pre-submitted, and asked on the day. However we might not have time to get to all of them.
Please respect everyone’s right to be heard, to remain private (please use chosen names or forum user names), and to be free from abuse.
Please RSVP to this event so we can get an idea of numbers. We understand that things can come up and you might not be able to make it in the end, and that’s OK!
We appreciate the time of any attendees, and we’d like to thank Rebecca for agreeing to speak to you and hear your questions. We're really looking forward to this one and we hope you are too.
See you on the 13th!
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