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The Hypervolt pro is a trial, if the trial is unsuccessful will the charge not facilitate the Charge Anytime tariff?


We’re buy our first EV, Volvo XC40 registered 9/2023. Have seen the Hypervolt Pro 3 or Ohme Home Pro. Like both but have questions about both:


The Ohme is only 3/4G.. my only issue with this is that our house connectivity isn’t always as efficient as it should be and we have ‘black spots’ in the house where we can get intermittent connect. Can I assume this wouldn’t be the charger for me?


The Hypervolt pro seems more suitable however my worry is the charger is on a trial. The trial terms states:

2.2 You accept that this is a trial offering, and that the purpose of the trial is to assess the viability and effectiveness of providing the Charge Anytime add-on to owners of the newly unlocked vehicles.

As such, you accept that the Charge Anytime add-on may not operate properly or be fully functional, for which neither we, nor our partners will be liable. (But if any of these arise, we'll try to minimise their impact on you).

So that suggests to me that if the trial is unsuccessful the charge won’t facilitate the Anytime tariff? 

I’ve contacted Hypervolt directly and they say the trial terms are correct  “however we have successfully completed the private beta testing and there were no issue with the integration and hence we made the integration available for wide public”.


So if this is the case why is Ovo still stating in their terms that the integration period is 6 months ? 

The top and bottom of this is. Is HV ok for me to buy and use with Anytime tariff? 

And I assume our new car will be compatible for both chargers??


11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hey @KET ,

I’d say based on what you’ve said… You’ll want the Hypervolt. It’s now fully supported on OVO Charge Anytime and while it’s still a “trial” phase, it’s proven pretty stable so far from what I’ve been hearing.

Given you mentioned poor 4G Signal, I cannot recommend the Ohme in your specific case. If you go with the Hypervolt, things should work fine and support ANY EV you plug in - even those used by your guests will get the Charge Anytime rate.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have more questions.


Hey thanks for the reply.

Do you know how long the trial has been on going? You also mention it’s stable so far… ??? Is there anywhere I can read this information? My only concern is Ovo nor HV don’t take any responsibility if it’s not ok 😕. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

They will do - OVO and Hypervolt have worked very closely for a while now and will take ownership of any issue that comes up, depending on which side needs to deploy the fix. You have my word for that.

The trial has been active for over six months iirc.


Your response puts my mind at ease. Thank you


Userlevel 7

Hey @KET,


Welcome to the OVO Online Community,


Blastoise has already given some helpful advice here, just wanted to add that the following topics may be of interest to you:



I’ve added an ‘EV owner’ badge to your profile so other community members who own the same green technology will be able to identify you 😊


Hi @KET 


I have had the 2.0v of the Hypervolt charger for over 3 years now. I have nothing but praise for Hypervolt and their customer service (there is a Hypervolt Facebook group which the CEO belongs to).

I recently moved to Charge Anytime following the purchase of a BMW iX3. I use the Charge Anytime app to control the charging and it works well for me.



Thanks for feedback on HV. We’ve decided to go with them. The company seem very efficient and they’ve provided us with one of their installation teams in our area. So within 10 days we would be up and running. Assuming it’s easy to set up the car, the ovo app and the charger.


Thanks again

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

No worries! :)

Just make sure to go for the V3 as that’s the one which is already supported. OVO and Hypervolt have committed to getting the V2 working as well, but that still needs more work.


I’m sure we’re getting the Pro 3 - is that the correct one? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Yup! That’s the one you’re after :)

Userlevel 7

We’d love to hear from you @KET about your experience with the Pro 3 if you’re able to pop back with an update 😊
