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Updated on 22/01/25 by Abby_OVO


It's an exciting time in the EV and Solar market for customers. We're looking to get some feedback from customers who have Charge Anytime and Solar on what they would like to see if we were able to offer both services at the same time.


Currently customers with solar panels are not eligible for Charge Anytime. Charge Anytime works by crediting customers, for each kilowatt hour (kWh) of EV electric vehicle charging that occurs, from their grid imported home energy rate down to 7p. Currently, when customers with solar panels charge their EVs, we can’t tell the difference between imported and self-generated energy, leading to problems with getting credit and rendering them ineligible.


We’re looking to solve this and we’d like you to take part in some research.

Are you eligible for this research? You’d need to either:


  • Use Charge Anytime 
  • Have an Electric Vehicle or use Charge Anytime and be considering installing solar panels 
  • Or have an electric vehicle and solar panels 


If you’re interested in taking part please let us know in the topic comments below and one of our forum team will be in touch via private message! 🙂

Hi, I have charge anytime with an Ohme Epod charger and solar panels, I am interested in taking part in this research.

I have solar panels and an EV and would be willing to partake in the research.

Hey @nav88 & @Beau,


I’ve sent you both a private message to share some more information. Keep an eye for this coming through here.



I have just had an Hypervolt Pro 3 EV charger installed, am on charge anytime and have solar PV installed already.



Hey @apost,


I’ve sent you a message with a form to complete you’ll find it in your private messages.

I have an Indra Smart Pro charger, charge anytime and solar panels.

Hi @Taj,


I’ve sent you a message with a form to complete you’ll find it in your private messages.

Please add, very interested

Hi @philgb,


I’ve sent you a message with a form to complete you’ll find it in your private messages.

Hi, I have an Audi Q4 EV but no solar panels. Would be very interested in taking part in this trial. 

Hi @Whipster2210 ,

I can only ask the Forum Moderators to set you up if you’ve either currently got Solar Panels, or are considering them. Otherwise, you can’t take part in this particular research.

Are you thinking about getting any by any chance?

Hey @Whipster2210,


Thanks for your interest in taking part and so that I can confirm you’re eligible could you confirm you meet the eligibility criteria? 

  • Use Charge Anytime 
  • Have an Electric Vehicle or use Charge Anytime and be considering installing solar panels 
  • Or have an electric vehicle and solar panels 

If so i’ll reach out and get you added 😊

Hey @Whipster2210,


Thanks for your interest in taking part and so that I can confirm you’re eligible could you confirm you meet the eligibility criteria? 

  • Use Charge Anytime 
  • Have an Electric Vehicle or use Charge Anytime and be considering installing solar panels 
  • Or have an electric vehicle and solar panels 

If so i’ll reach out and get you added 😊

Hi, yes, I currently use Charge Antime.

I have an electric vehicle but no solar panels. Interested in purchasing these if accepted for the trial. 


Gotcha! Hang in there for a bit and I’ll let the Forum Moderators know.

Keep an eye on your Private Messages here! They’ll reach out to you soon.

I’ll private message you @Whipster2210 😀

I'm interested.

I have solar panels and an ev. 

I’ll private message you @Mick 😊

I have a EV and Solar panels. I will be happy to take part.

Hi @BobTom,


I’ll send you a private message shortly. 🙂

Hi , I use charge anytime for my EV and am looking to install Solar panels + battery system with OVO , so would be happy to take part 


I have just had an Hypervolt Pro 3 EV charger installed, am on charge anytime and have solar PV installed already. I would like to take part.



Hey @ChrisBan & @Percy1 


I’ll send both of you a Private Message😊

Hi, I have charge anytime, solar panels and a battery and have just replaced a Zappi with the Hypervolt 3.0 Pro so that it is compatible. I would love to take part as I am currently very confused as to why the charger kicks in during the day and the Charge Anytime app says that it is solar charging when we do not have any excess solar i.e. the charger is kicking in and we will be getting charged our regular tariff (because there is no excess) when it should really be waiting for overnight. I also don’t want it to draw from our battery overnight when we can be using Charge Anytime for 7p /kwh.

Yours, Confused…...  

Howdy ​@ms7dcml ,

You might want to call 0330 175 9678 for that as I think the team needs to check a few things. But my guess is that the Charger isn’t detecting Solar stuff properly right now.

Hey ​@ms7dcml 


Welcome to the OVO Online community


As Blastoise has advised I think it’s best to reach out to the team about this issue.


The webpage has more information about Charge Anytime:


Can I get Charge Anytime if I have solar panels?


At the moment, the only way we can work out charging with solar panels is if you have an Indra Smart Pro Charger4 or Hypervolt Home 3 Pro charger.

We install these chargers, so they come compatible with Charge Anytime. Charge Anytime only tells us how much electricity you’ve used from the grid. So if your home has solar panels it’s harder to work this out – because some of the electricity may come from your solar panels, and some from the grid.


