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Can I use two EV's with one charger for Charge Anytime?


I have just had a Hypervolt Pro 3 charger installed and have the Hypervolt app and Charge Anytime app. My wife has a hybrid vehicle and wants her own charge anytime app. 
is it possible for the 2 apps to be on the same account?

Best answer by Blastoise186

Howdy ​@Wildeman ,

Yup! There is indeed a way to do that.

What I’d recommend you do is run it the way you have it now - with just one set of logins - and you can both log into the same Charge Anytime account with the same login details. Make sure to set up the Hypervolt Charger with Charge Anytime and you can then just plug in whichever vehicle needs some extra Eco Juice at any given time.

You can adjust the Ready By schedule whenever you want - just make sure its set appropriately for your needs.

Please don’t create a second Charge Anytime account and try to throw that in the mix - Bad Things May Happen if you do! :(

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Plan Zero Hero

Howdy ​@Wildeman ,

Yup! There is indeed a way to do that.

What I’d recommend you do is run it the way you have it now - with just one set of logins - and you can both log into the same Charge Anytime account with the same login details. Make sure to set up the Hypervolt Charger with Charge Anytime and you can then just plug in whichever vehicle needs some extra Eco Juice at any given time.

You can adjust the Ready By schedule whenever you want - just make sure its set appropriately for your needs.

Please don’t create a second Charge Anytime account and try to throw that in the mix - Bad Things May Happen if you do! :(

  • New Member***
  • January 16, 2025


Thanks for the answer and that has worked perfectly 👍


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