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Is it possible to fit an EV charger in my garage if it's away from the house?


The garage where our cars are parked is about 4 metres from the house and Distribution Board. There is a standard 13 amp socket in the garage on a spur from the house.

The garage is hardly larger than the cars, a golf estate and a polo.  The estate has to go nose in, the polo tail in, so as to be able to exit the cars in the small space between ever-widening car dimensions.

We have solar panels on the house, which feed surplus into the grid, and an economy 7 tariff.

Is it possible to fit one - and in future 2 - chargers in the garage?

How much space is required around the cars to be able to connect to them - or is that a “how long is a piece of string?” question that depends on the specific model?

Does the system allow for daytime charging using surplus from the panels, but otherwise only the night-time electricity?

Best answer by Ash_OVO

Updated on 10/03/25 by Abby_OVO


I can confirm that when an installation takes place in a garage that isn’t connected to the main building where the consumer unit is located, there would usually be groundworks involved. This usually consist of digging up a small trench between the main property and the garage and laying ducting down in place for the wiring run (power and ethernet).


As this is outside of a standard installation, however, some installers may charge for this work to be completed or you would usually be welcome to get third quotes of your own to complete the work.  A standard 7kWh Smart Charger is around 32 amps and as such, requires the correct cable to be laid between the main building and garage. 


Why not check out the exclusive OVO offers on Smart EV chargers here. There’s more advice on the possible placing of a home charging unit from our community members below!

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Please can someone help?

Every video I have seen of V2G or home charging points shows the charger on a drive next to the house. 

Our drive is one car wide, but we have a double garage at the back beyond the house (blame Persimmon who built it). To effectively use an EV each, we’d need to plug in in the garage.

Can it be done?

Community Manager
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  • 1864 replies
  • August 11, 2020

Looks like this topic was missed, @EverythingNeedsAUserName when it was posted 7 months ago! :confounded: I can see it wasn’t a ‘Question’ topic type, so other Mods didn’t have this on their ‘to answer’ list. I’ll make it a Question topic now, as I know other potential EV owners will have this same question! 


I’m reaching out to the OVO Smart Home team (previously Kaluza Support) now to get some technical advice to you. 


I’m hoping some V2G trialists will be able to advice in the meantime. I know @IbrahimEV and @Jequinlan had lots of visits from OVO and DNO engineers, so might be able to advise today….

OVO Staff
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  • 8 replies
  • Answer
  • August 11, 2020

Updated on 10/03/25 by Abby_OVO


I can confirm that when an installation takes place in a garage that isn’t connected to the main building where the consumer unit is located, there would usually be groundworks involved. This usually consist of digging up a small trench between the main property and the garage and laying ducting down in place for the wiring run (power and ethernet).


As this is outside of a standard installation, however, some installers may charge for this work to be completed or you would usually be welcome to get third quotes of your own to complete the work.  A standard 7kWh Smart Charger is around 32 amps and as such, requires the correct cable to be laid between the main building and garage. 


Why not check out the exclusive OVO offers on Smart EV chargers here. There’s more advice on the possible placing of a home charging unit from our community members below!

Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 113 replies
  • August 11, 2020

Hi. I had my v2g installed on my garage which was separate to my property and they just ran a cable tacked above ground to the v2g from the main unit. I am guessing distance and maths will mean situations vary especially length of run.


Thanks @Ash_OVO @Jequinlan

I hadn't thought about the cable, with there being a power supply - but of course it won't be powerful enough. 

I guess the first problem will be that between the house and the garage is a pattern-imprinted concrete driveway!

The second problem will be be the shortage of space inside the garage particularly in front of my Golf Estate which has its bonnet underneath set of shelves.

If we do go electric we'll need charging on the right side of the cars. 


Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 113 replies
  • August 11, 2020

@EverythingNeedsAUserName if you have a route to trace around you may be in luck,  but boy my cable is thick! (And, you will need 2 per charger!) I also had a space issue do got the charger mounted on outside garage wall and the cable can go in...

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 103 replies
  • August 12, 2020

My charging point is nowhere near my house. I have two allocated parking spaces for my house but luckily my spaces are right next to my back garden. Or else I don't think it would of happened 


It doesn’t seem as though I am going to be getting an EV. The concrete (shown in blue) is pretty thick and there is very little space for anything inside the garage. If the cars (arrow facing forward) are not parked tightly, there is hardly room to squeeze between them to get out or in!

The garage wall to either side of the door is only about 18 inches. There are fences all along the sides of the drive - at the top of the image is my neighbours garden, at the bottom ours with mature shrubs, and the gate to the garden, next to the house. Our garage wall is their garden edge.

The Leaf is only 7cm shorter than my Golf Estate, and the same width! So I cannot see how I could get at its charging socket.

Length    4490mm
Width    2030mm

Length    4562mm
Width    2027mm

I never thought we’d be stymied because of the mistakes that Persimmon made while building the estate in the mid eighties!  Supposedly they allowed too much space when setting out the earlier houses, and by the time they got to us, everything had to be squeezed in to get the rest of the houses on the land!

Not drawn to scale - IRL the house is bigger than the garage ;)


Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 103 replies
  • August 12, 2020


Sorry I saw persimmon homes and laughed. I've been living in my persimmom home for 5 years now and it's just awful 😂 but you can get a valuation done where someone comes out and evaluates if it's possible to get an ev charging point. Mine is outside and not under a cover. It is still going with zero issues 

Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 113 replies
  • August 12, 2020

@EverythingNeedsAUserName mine is also outside and the cable just runs inside the garage. Ev chargers need to be durable to weather so it should be fine

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 103 replies
  • August 12, 2020

@EverythingNeedsAUserName I'll draw a diagram how mine is done and it's still under the guidelines 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • August 13, 2020

Erm… I don’t see a problem here.

You just need a SWA (Steel Wire Armoured) cable from your Distribution board to the garage.

If you don’t want to dig a trench between the garage and the house, then run the cable overhead and design yourself a climbing-rose arch to hide it!

Nor do you require two separate cables. You could use a four-core SW cable with the trips at the Distribution Board end. Or you could run a (thicker) 2-core cable and put the trips in a new sub-board within the garage.

4-core SWA exterior cable from TLC

Have a look at this helpful explanation and cable-calculator from the website of TLC Direct. Their SWA cables and prices are here.


Thanks @Transparent 

The practicality of getting enough electricity to the garage is solved. 

The next thing is how do I physically fit a wall charger somewhere accessible. There is not enough space on the walls outside the garage (37cm). There might be space inside, but the cable(s) would then drape over the top of one of the cars to plug it in. I can see needing a suspended system to hang said cable from the rafters. Then all I need is a car that has its socket on the offside, as I can’t even reach the front of my bonnet when the car is parked.

It will need a survey to be sure, so when I am ready to change my present car, that is probably going to be the first step. No doubt things will have moved on by then.

I hate architects. I hate house builders more, as they cut corners.

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • August 13, 2020

Ah… progress is being made @EverythingNeedsAUserName :slight_smile:

I have all sorts of ideas about suspending cables beneath rafters. As a self-builder of many years, I’m well used to devising solutions where none seem to exist!

The key point is to obey the rules for heat-dissipation from a cable. Running it in free air is better than using conduits or going underground.

Feel free to post a photo with arrows pointing to where you think the connection board and chargers might be sited within the garage.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • August 18, 2020

Interesting stuff this, I feel there might be more to come from @EverythingNeedsAUserName 


Out of interest, do these cables really get that warm when in use?


As always, this is going to help anyone else with he same dilemma so please come back to us with the latest! 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 982 replies
  • August 18, 2020


Out of interest, do these cables really get that warm when in use?

You mean the cables from house to garage?

In a word - yes! If you bury an SWA cable in the ground, then you must de-rate its current carrying capacity, or (more likely) increase the size of the conductors..

That’s why I thought I should provide a link to the cable-size calculator on TLC’s website.

To see how much heat it dissipates, enter the figures into the calculator and look at the Voltage-drop it reports. Multiply that by the current, and you’ll have a figure in watts of the losses which will be radiated as heat.

For @EverythingNeedsAUserName to run two 7kW chargers, an overhead SWA 2-core cable to the garage would need to be 10mm² but if he runs it underground, then he requires 16mm². That’s a price increase from £2.60 per metre to £4.64 /m (plus VAT).

And now we begin to see what Kaluza found out when they started installing V2G chargers for the current trial. Once you survey a real house and find a route between the Consumer Unit and the optimal position for a charger, you can quickly gallop through many metres of hefty copper cable!


And if you think we’ve got problems, what headaches do you think the DNOs are facing? :scream:

The underground feeds from the local substation to the pavement outside our houses were laid down many years before anyone thought we’d want to be charging Electric Vehicles.

To save money, those Feeds were sized such that they could get hot during the evening peak, and then use the cool hours of the night to radiate that energy back into the surrounding soil. If we now want to charge EVs overnight, that strategy has been blown wide apart .

Since the UK can’t afford to dig up and double the size of all its 440v Feed cables, we need to consider alternative strategies…

That’s why we need someone knowledgeable on this subject from Kaluza to present themselves to our next Forum AMA Topic. The one that comes to my mind is Conor Maher-McWilliams… or possibly Tom Pakenham.

And now perhaps you’ll see why I broached the subject of phase-balancing within the AMA round we’ve just concluded?

It’s not just the substation transformers which get hot; the underground Feeds are equally susceptible to thermal breakdown. :cold_sweat:


The key to this is to set a levy for customers who insist on using electricity in the evening peak, and ring-fence that to deploy OpenLV monitoring within all 230,000 ground-mounted substations.

The money gets recovered by the DNOs being required to credit back to the electricity accounts of consumers who put their EV chargers at the disposal of the Kaluza Platform. When the substation monitor detects a Feed heading into overload, then it can decouple devices via Kaluza’s smart control system and save the cables from destruction. The credit is due because it’s those customers who have saved the DNO the cost of replacing the Feed cables.

That financial arrangement enables the DNOs to meet their forthcoming RIIO-ED2 revenue-cap targets and everyone’s happy, including their shareholders.

The alternative is dire - a meltdown of our underground Feeds across the entire nation as we all invest in EVs.


Now I realise I’ve gone off-topic from what @EverythingNeedsAUserName wanted to know about putting two EVs in his garage…

… but what he’s facing is a microcosm of the problems we need to resolve nationally.

And I’m just going to tag @D10hul here because he may wish to flag this Topic to others on his V2G FB site.

Carbon Catcher**
  • Carbon Catcher**
  • 113 replies
  • August 18, 2020

Thanks @Transparent , yes I have a 10mm cable to my v2g and yes after being plugged in a while even the chademo handle gets hot but the cabling (all out in open) still gets warm! And thanks for the links, are these more links for a handy reference page again? :)

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • January 21, 2025

I want to install an EV Charger and take advantage of OVO’s charge anytime tariff.

The location is on the side of a garage some 40m from the electric meter. However the garage has a 40 amp supply (according to my Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate), and its own consumer unit. It powers a number of sockets and lights and also supplies an outhouse with solar panels/inverter and other lights/sockets (used for a freezer and DIY tools).

Does anyone know if the Charger can be connected directly to the garage consumer unit, or must it be connected to the meter? If the latter it will need to avoid existing cables/pipes and be routed through garden & gravel paths and hardstanding. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • January 21, 2025

Could you clarify a little ​@Kazadilly . I’m presuming that the CU in the garage connects back to your meter anyway?

If that is the case, then it would come down to cabling already installed .. if that is able to take the current consumption required by the EV charger (on top of the existing circuits), then it could have the extra connection added. However, as the EV charger is a high consumption feed, it is probably unlikely that the cabling is sufficient. Most (all?) have their own high current isolator. 
Another consideration might be internet connection. Many of the chargers require a data feed - although your set up might not.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2025

Thanks for your reply. Yes the garage CU is connected to the meter via the house CU and has its own breaker. I’m only planning to charge the car overnight so the only other appliances using the garage supply would be a freezer and small radiator. My electrician has agreed to come by and check the capacity of cabling supplying the garage.

Yes internet connection maybe an issue as the house wifi doesn’t reach to the garage although I think the proposed charger can use 4G. Something else to check.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • January 22, 2025

Depending on your intended set up (EV and charger), with Charge Anytime, you would need to ensure it is compatible with solar panels .. not all are. 


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2025

OK thanks. I’ve just had a long chat with OVO and the bottom line is that their charges have to be connected direct to the meter. Also, they do not provide groundwork services, so I would need to arrange that myself. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • January 22, 2025

Ok - perhaps you have an answer then. 
I am still slightly confused as no device is connected ‘directly to the meter’ as they all need to be wired via an isolator and a fused path (or CU)

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 24 replies
  • January 25, 2025

Just had solar and battery fitted by OVO to our remote garage.

They needed to run a separate feed back to the meter box and isolators/fuse protection.

Remember to ask them to install cat5 cable alongside the electrical wiring which will connect the garage to your house router.

Hard wiring your EV charger, solar and battery to the house router is the most reliable connection and negates weather conditions that 4g will be susceptible to.

Spec. it at the design stage as cat5 cable costs almost nothing.

Peter E
Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 325 replies
  • January 25, 2025

If you have a 40A limit on the supply to the garage then your charge point will necessarily be limited to 3.5kW max (16A) which means the charge time will be twice as long. This is not a show stopper though as most people just use the CP to top the battery up at regular intervals. I use a 2.1kW CP and still do 12,000 miles a year. The usage in the garage would have to be down downgraded to 20A to compensate. Probably not the best option.


If you want to charge at 7kW though you will need to run extra cabling from the consumer unit with a 40A MCB plus the necessary OpenPEN protection unit (for any CP that is installed). You don't have to have the CP fitted by OVO, although they will ensure that a unit compatible with your setup is installed including being compatible with Charge Anytime if you are controlling the charge from the CP.


This subject gets complicated very quickly depending upon what you have already and compatibility with the CP or car with Charge Anytime.





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