Hi all. First post on here and I need some help if possible please?
I’ve moved into an ‘A’ energy rating flat which comes with solar panels and a heat pump installed. I was told that bills are very low. The heat pump is by ModulAir.
However, and especially in the last couple of weeks, some days have seen sky high prices.
I live on my own and I don’t really use an excessive amount of electricity...I think anyway. TV is maybe on for 2 hours a day. I take one, 5 minute shower per day. I don’t use the dishwasher and will use the washing machine, on a one hour cycle, at most two times a week. I have two Amazon Alexas in the flat too. No EV charging either.
When I first moved in the daily price was roughly £2.50 for the electricity. I went away for work for two weeks and turned everything off in the flat. But I was still charged about £2.50 a day. When I got back and started to turn things on my daily charge went up to about £5.50...and I had nothing different in the flat. Then recently it’s gone wild with some days at £12! One of those days I had the tv on for about 7 hours but everything was the same.
My heating is steady throughout the day. 21c for 90 mins in the morning, then down to 17c during most of the day. Up to 19c between 6.30pm-10pm and then 15c during the night.
I can’t work out why my prices are so high. At the current rate I will be paying £200 a month for one person in a flat which has a heat pump and solar panels. I’m thinking this can’t be right.
Is there anyone who could help me with this please? My property management team don’t seem bothered. OVO are sending out someone to check the accuracy of the meter but will charge me £150.
Sorry for the long post. If anyone could offer some advice then I’d greatly appreciate it.
Thanks. Josh