We are all electric and on THTC, or so we believe, we moved here in March 2021 and we have been trying to switch since we moved in, due to our apparent meter type we were with SSE then switched over to OVO. Currently going through energy ombusman to get a different meter/tarriff, due to living in the countryside we have to travel to a shop and due to weather it is not always possible and being pay as you go its not sustainable and we were told absolutely no way can we get a different meter and we would just have to wait until the RTS shuts down and hopefully we can get a smart meter(apparently this is not possible at the moment due to signal, yet others on our street have smart meters)OVO have argued that we are on a THTC tarriff..but the rates he gave me dont match the rates on our actual meter, each rate on our meter being 1pence more per kw. We have been told by someone, that our meter is infact an economy 7/10 meter. I cant seem to see the RTS box or the second meter they are claiming we have? We have one meter with 2 rates but that is all. Attached are photos of our electricity cupboard. Can anyone shed some light on what type of meter this is as seem to be passed from pillar to post!