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Power Move for Autumn 2024?

Hi  does anyone know if there will be an autumn challenge this year (just a little concerned that I’ve been left out of the loop - if there is a loop) 

Best answer by Blastoise186

Updated on 07/03/25 by Chris_OVO

Hi @decroisic ,

Yes, it’s been named as the Winter Challenge. Details below:


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Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 24, 2024

Updated on 07/03/25 by Chris_OVO

Hi @decroisic ,

Yes, it’s been named as the Winter Challenge. Details below:


  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 72 replies
  • September 24, 2024

Thanks @Blastoise186  Somehow I missed that and currently my beyond app is fibbing and saying I don't have a smart meter which makes me ineligible to join  - have mailed beyond team for help.


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  • September 24, 2024

Hey @decroisic


Let us know if you don’t hear anything back from the Beyond team and we can chase an update if needed 😊

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  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 72 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Hi @Chris_OVO 

the team came back and asked me to uninstall & reinstall - which I have. I left 24 hours for readings to get updated, which they have BUT even though I have a “welcome to your Energy Savings Account Page that talks of Power Move (see attached) I cant find anywhere to opt in to it, nor can I see anything that shows I am in the current challenge  - can you help please - Thanks


  • 85 replies
  • September 26, 2024
decroisic wrote:

Thanks @Blastoise186  Somehow I missed that and currently my beyond app is fibbing and saying I don't have a smart meter which makes me ineligible to join  - have mailed beyond team for help.


That's because Beyond has moved to the main OVO app. If you are already signed up to Beyond and try to access through the Beyond app, you'll see something like this: 


If you log in through the main OVO app instead you will now see all the Beyond stuff on the home page:


  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 72 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Hi @MCH59 

thanks for that - that Upgrade notice was exactly what I got. The Beyond team got me to (in a nice way) uninstall beyond and install the main ovo app but I still cant see where power move is (I do have the savings page that mentions Power move - but I cant see power move anywhere ...where do you find it?


  • 85 replies
  • September 26, 2024
decroisic wrote:

Hi @MCH59 

thanks for that - that Upgrade notice was exactly what I got. The Beyond team got me to (in a nice way) uninstall beyond and install the main ovo app but I still cant see where power move is (I do have the savings page that mentions Power move - but I cant see power move anywhere ...where do you find it?


If you are eligible for the next challenge, you'll get an invite in the coming days to register for the next challenge.

Check the link in @Chris_OVO's reply, because the eligibility criteria have changed.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 26, 2024

I can confirm what @decroisic is saying.

Newly installed OVO app, on the Homepage click the link to Beyond, get shown:

Tapping “Explore savings” will take you through the the solar, boiler, EV, etc. offers.

But there is no way to actually sign up to the PM winter challenge. (yet).

I’m guessing that the link may not have been activated on our accounts yet?
Maybe because we are already signed up to the current  PM challenge?

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 26, 2024

Can Reproduce

Dewott Android 14 One UI 6.1 App version 19.3.3 CP v482 & v483

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  • Carbon Cutter*****
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  • September 26, 2024

Thanks @Nukecad for letting me know I’m not alone ;) 

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  • September 26, 2024

Hey @decroisic, @MCH59, @Nukecad & @Blastoise186,


I just asked and the team are just finishing testing the new signup system and the go live date for this is Monday! 

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  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 72 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Thanks Chris for investigating - hopefully then, as I’m still eligible as far as i can see, I will get my invite next week :)  (fingers crossed for you too Nukecad :) ) 



Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 26, 2024

As Tuesday is the start day for the winter challenge then does anyone else think that ‘still testing’ and ‘go live on Monday’ appears to be cutting things a bit fine?

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  • September 27, 2024

I think they needed extra time to make sure everything was running well! I’m hopeful for a smooth launch on Monday 🎉

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  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 72 replies
  • September 30, 2024

YES! Just signed up for Power Move on the app  and really pleased to see it is saying I’ll get weekly progress updates which is a welcome improvement in my opinion. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • September 30, 2024

It is an improvement over the 1-update at the half way point.

(Plus of course it makes sure that you visit the app at least once a week- great for ‘how many visit’ metrics, but that's posssibly just me being cynical).

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  • October 1, 2024

@decroisic @Nukecad 


I’m happy to hear that you’re liking the increased progress updates! Hopefully this is a step to making it easier to keep an eye on your progress in the challenge. I appreciate your feedback and shared it with the PM team 😃

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • October 8, 2024

This is insane. They're advertising it as "helping customers to save" when in fact it's absolute BS and they are now making it super hard to save any money. I've been able to save £10 -£15 each month with the power move and now they want me to join some rubbish program to be able to save money. In order to join the program I have to pay £111 debit card EVERY MONTH when I actually spend £48 -£52 every month. Why tf should I join and pay £111 every month when I've never actually paid that much monthly ever. Like literally you want me to join some made up program that changes is me almost triple just to be able to save £10 per month?! Ovo has officially lost it. Time to switch to energy providers that actually do want to help you. Why advertise helping customers when you're doing the opposite and making it more difficult and making it more spenny. Onto better provider. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 9, 2024


It costs nothing do download the app, it costs nothing to join the Power Move winter challenge.

Nobody charges your Debit Card, or anywhere else, for taking part in Power Move.
Sorry but I have no idea where you are getting that information from?

Are you meaning that you don’t currently pay by direct debit and don’t want to?
If so then who/what has told you that your DD payment would be £111 monthly?

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • October 9, 2024

I was subscribing to the Beyond program when one of the instructions said that to be able to join the free Beyond program I need to set up direct debit. I don't mind at all, so went to set up the direct debit via Ovo and it asked what day of the month I want to pay the bills on monthly basis, blah blah blah and then it said the direct debit will be set up for £111 going forward and reviewed after 3 (4?) months?! TF?! I've never paid that much money so absolutely not setting up direct debit option if they want to charge me that much money. You CANNOT join the free Beyond program if you don't have Dorect Debit set up. So basically they're being absolute *edited by mod*, just trying to making it extra difficult for everyone for no real reason. Totally had it with OVO. I've already had a look at other providers this morning. They look like they want to help but in reality they just want to make things more difficult and pay out less money. Classic greedy company

Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 9, 2024

Mmm, when you say that you have been using £48-£52 a month has that been over summer, it will be higher during winter.

Assuming that you don't have a debit balance then the DD's are calculated based on your estimated future anual consumption.
That is then averaged out so that the payment should be the same each month and not go up in winter.

Although that FAC can be incorrect in some cases, there are various reasons why which I won’t go into here.
If you look at the Plan page of your online account it will tell you what they have for your FAC, and you can then check if it's too high for what you actually used in kWh over the past year.

However, if you do currently have a debit balance and are opting for a Standard Variable Tariff then the DD amount will be set to try and reduce that debit balance to zero by 31st March, which can also increase the DD particularly now with only 6 DDs until 31st March.
You can offset that somewhat be going for a Fixed Rate tariff, which will spread that debit recovery over a 1-year (or 2-year) period.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • October 9, 2024

I’ve had OVO energy for the last 1.5 years so I’ve already done 2 winters with Ovo. My bill was never higher than £75 in winter. So to charge £111 for direct debit is absolute BS. Never has my bill been this amount so I absolutely am not paying £111 each month, it’s infuriating. I am on fixed term plan and done 2 winters so there is no way my bills will be this high.
As I said Ovo is making it difficult for people to actually be part of this ‘green initiative’ with all their rules and wanting to charge extra money. It has worked super well since they introduced it and they realised that people are able to save money and how much they need to pay out and they are trying to be difficult and introduce rules. it’s the false advertising and them trying to position themselves as trying to help people and planet when the opposite is true. Absolute disgrace. They could have just kept it as it is, there was absolutely no need to introduce all the new rules, make it difficult and try to overcharge their own customer to then pretend to give them some money back. 

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  • October 9, 2024
Kara.lucia wrote:

Ovo is ... wanting to charge extra money. 

Please read up about the Direct Debit system. There is no question of ‘overcharging.’ If your DD amount is set higher than your bills amount to, the extra will just accumulate in your OVO account to help pay for usage in the future. You can see how well (or badly) it’s working on your account pages. You’re only charged for what you actually use at the prices in your plan. 


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