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Make the power move time shorter so it's more achievable

  • September 8, 2023
  • 7 replies

I wish Ovo would reduce the time on the power move to 2 hours which is what another company did. 1600hrs to 1900 hours is impossible for people who don’t get home from work until 1700hrs or thereabouts. It is also impossible for me even though I am retired as I have to feed my grandkids at 1700hrs and give them there tea.

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September 8, 2023

Updated on 06/03/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:

Think we can improve ‘Power Move’ why not submit a feature idea:

Power Move challenges you to use less non-essential electricity during peak times (5pm to 7pm, Monday to Friday). Electricity used on weekends also counts as off-peak but Bank Holidays aren’t included. This helps lower the energy demand when less renewable power (like solar and wind) is available. By moving your home’s electricity use away from peak times, you’re reducing the demand on the grid and our reliance on fossil fuels.

Check out our website for the latest challenge information:,

Join Power Move today

Log in to Beyond to get started. Don’t have the app? Download it on iOS or Android to unlock exclusive rewards for free.

The Power Move prize draw starts from 1 February 2025, and the first draw is in March. Afterwards, all entries will be drawn the following month. To join, you need to pay for your energy by Direct Debit and have a smart meter set up.

Check our FAQs to find out more. Power Move terms also apply.

7 replies

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • September 8, 2023
Pinned reply

Updated on 06/03/25 by Emmanuelle_OVO:

Think we can improve ‘Power Move’ why not submit a feature idea:

Power Move challenges you to use less non-essential electricity during peak times (5pm to 7pm, Monday to Friday). Electricity used on weekends also counts as off-peak but Bank Holidays aren’t included. This helps lower the energy demand when less renewable power (like solar and wind) is available. By moving your home’s electricity use away from peak times, you’re reducing the demand on the grid and our reliance on fossil fuels.

Check out our website for the latest challenge information:,

Join Power Move today

Log in to Beyond to get started. Don’t have the app? Download it on iOS or Android to unlock exclusive rewards for free.

The Power Move prize draw starts from 1 February 2025, and the first draw is in March. Afterwards, all entries will be drawn the following month. To join, you need to pay for your energy by Direct Debit and have a smart meter set up.

Check our FAQs to find out more. Power Move terms also apply.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 43 replies
  • September 8, 2023

We don't get home until after 5 and have no problems . I prep food in advance and then cook after 7.  If we need to eat earlier we either cook in advance and reheat in the microwave or use the gas hob.

The reasons stated for wanting to reduce the time us the reason why it is the peak time. This scheme is aimed at reducing use during peak time not reducing the overall amount used. 

Carbon Cutter*****
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 24 replies
  • September 8, 2023

It's not impossible, it might be a tad inconvenient for some but it's not impossible. Do you have to feed your grandkids at 5 exactly. Why not 4? Your meal prep could be started at 3:30 so even if you take 45mins to make the food, the bulk of your usage is before the peak hours. Or make the meals the night before (after 7) so they just need to be reheated in the microwave. Moving your power use outwith peak hours does take a bit of thought but it is certainly doable for most folk (I'm sure there are some who really can't).

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2730 replies
  • September 8, 2023

The whole reason for this exercise is to get people used to using less energy during peak hours. Peak actually goes through from around 4pm to well after 7pm and if you see the state of the grid at that time, you would understand why .. reducing carbon emissions. 

If most can’t adjust things to achieve this, I believe it likely that prices will end up being charged at a higher rate for the peak and I wonder who will manage to reduce energy consumption then

  • 0 replies
  • September 8, 2023

BPLightlog you have hit the nail right on the head!

Surely long term that is how energy should be priced. Low initial cost for low energy users and then a rapid rise for energy guzzlers or those who use energy at peak times.

A bit like road tax on bjg vehicles.

That would certainly concentrate the mind.

A bit controversial but you can't argue with the logic.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 12 replies
  • September 8, 2023

Use a slow-cooker, turn it off at 4:00pm, wrap it in a towel and leave it until kid’s feeding time..

This has a couple of advantages:

The kids will be getting real food rather than super-processed, unhealthy crap.

Your electric usage will go up slightly outside the  Power Move time making it easier to hit the reduction target.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2561 replies
  • September 11, 2023

Really wonderful advice and tips in this topic! Great to hear 😊


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