i have recently received a letter to my current rental address from a debt collection agency about a bill for a property i moved out of. With no prior contact from Ovo energy.
In short last year i rented a flat with my partner the ovo bill was in his name with me as an additional. We moved out in june. And had a final bill and refund from ovo. Then 9 months later, receive a letter to my new property from debt collectors asking for money from the two months after our tennacy ended. How can they justify this without prior contact. When they had our forwarding address etc on file. We updated credit files, electoral registers and banks etc as soon as we moved. I assume this was a traced account but am completely confused as to how my name was legally attached to this.
i have since spoken to ovo and made a complaint and enquiry nearly two weeks ago without an update. I have sent tenancy agreements, council tax bills and final bills from the old account as evidence. But am yet to have confirmation that this is a) being looked into and b) is closing down.
after two weeks i am increasingly worried about my credit file. And am unsure how to get someone on the phone that can actually fix this. Everytime i make contact i am told different time frames.