Hello, we bought our current flat a few months ago and found out that Ovo is our electricity supplier. It is an all electric property, with electric immersion heater for hot water and electric storage heaters. This flat was designed around off peak electricity.
There are 2 electricity meters, one so called white meter just for the off-peak circuit (storage heaters plus immersion water heater) and one for everything else, each with a separate MPAN number. The off peak meter turns the off peak circuit on and off, so that water heater and storage heaters only have power at night, it is the RTS type.
When we moved in, Ovo created 2 account numbers, one for each meter and put each on the single rate tariff (without consulting or giving options).
This means that we have to pay the standing charge twice and we have to pay expensive rate for hot water and heating.
I have contacted Ovo multiple times (calls and chat) asking to:
- have only one account with one standing charge
- be moved onto some type of off-peak tariff (Economy 7 or something else)
I was told that neither is possible. I was told that they cannot merge the two accounts and that they cannot put me on Economy 7, because I have the two meter set up (complex meter).
Also, I wasn’t offered migrating to a 5-port smart meter with Economy 7 as a solution - I only came across it on this forum.
I don’t understand this. Why can’t they offer some kind of peak / off-peak tariff to me?
I know about the shut down of RTS signal next year and the push to smart meters. However, switching to a smart meter is not useful for us if they refuse to change our tariff.
Also, I think we should only be paying one standing charge, as these two MPANs are associated (it is one household).
Can you please advise? What are our options?