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my bill

  • March 18, 2025
  • 1 reply

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 14 replies

hi i really dont know where to start !!our bill is £5,000 reason is we was paying our direct debit and it suddenly shot up with no warning ovo kept saying its the usage on the house well we got ovo to check useage and guess what everything is fine had a smart meter and this is where is suddenly went wrong have switched it off now .aslo my husband has heart failure and is in last stages of it today i contacted ovo told them we can not afford £650 per month but we can afford £ 300 guess what told us all they could do is hold account for  7 days i send you have a dying man here and they came back with go to stepchange cant do that as have iva against us aslo they said letters will keep coming out i said they have no compassion or repect please any thoughts on this 


1 reply

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 128 replies
  • March 19, 2025

Hi ​@cooper,


I’m sorry to hear of what’s happened here and what you’re going through with your husband. We don’t have access to customer accounts here on the Forum so we can only give our advice on what to do. Ultimately it’s our Support Team that you’ll need to speak to get this resolved. If the account is in debt you’re potentially being re-routed to our Collections team if you’re calling. My advice would be to use Webchat, or to email, as you’ll then get through to Customer Services who’ll be able to fully diagnose the situation. If you’re not getting the help you need you can ask to log a complaint.


When you contact Support ask them to check over your readings, and to make sure that we have a photo of the closing reading from your old meter. It may be that something is wrong here, but it could also be that we didn’t receive readings for a long time, and underestimated the usage. If the latter is the case then the debt on the account will stand and, in this scenario, you’d need to contact our Collections team to request a payment plan. They’ll ensure that you’re only paying an amount which you can afford, irrespective of the amount of debt on the account. From what you’ve said it sounds like these conversations haven’t been had. 


To sum up:


  1. Contact Support via email or webchat and ask if the billing is correct, and if they have billed you to removal reads from your old meter(s)
  2. If the billing is incorrect you can then request to make a complaint, which should expedite things
  3. If the billing and debt is correct you’ll need to speak to Collections to get a payment plan set up. They’ll also advise what other support can be given 


I’d also highly recommend signing up to our Priority Services Register if you haven’t already. Best of luck with this, I hope you get some answers quickly. Please be reassured that, if the debt is correct, our Collections team will be able to set up a payment amount based upon your circumstances and what you can afford. If there are any billing issues that need to be fixed, our Support team will put all billing on hold whilst everything gets resolved.


Best wishes to you and your husband, and please do reach out if you have any further questions.




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