Had smart meter fitted 2 weeks ago apparently takes up to 6 weeks to get your account up to date. Since originally on THTC plan unable to access app as doesn’t support complex meters so still unable to access app
when logging online found that the energy plan has been changed from THTH to economy 9 in line with the smart meter being fitted However how can it be stated Plan date year 2000 when this is 2024 am I’m missing something here or is Ovo Energy (Incompetent )
only migrated from SSEE last year
Also notice that since smart meter fitted apart from the IHD showing tariff and standing charge Why has the standing charge on line not stopped day after smart meter fitted and is still increasing daily Suggesting Two standing charges in operation simultaneously
likewise of the energy plan has been changed online you would expect to Now be able to access the app rather than continuing online access to your account