I have read a similar query where it appeared there was a discrepancy between the smart meter and the display unit
injtially I thought this might be my issue, but just now doing further investigation into my £20+ / day costs found my meter is showing the same rate as my display
I should only be paying 34p, even if that is + VAT I appear to being charged far too much
my bills are scarily high, but it would appear they shouldn’t be as high as you are showing me.
Best answer by Blastoise186
Updated on 13/08/24 by Shads_OVO
Ofgem’s energy price cap limits what you pay for gas or electricity on a variable rate plan. Find out how it works – and how it affects your prices with our price cap guide.
You can also see the latest information regarding the price cap levels and date changes on the Ofgem site here.
Your supply won’t just get disconnected. That’s a function which pretty much all suppliers in the UK have either disabled outright, or locked it away behind 20 years of red tape and 50,000 layers of approval - in other words it’s almost impossible to trigger.
The fix for this is actually quite easy. Simply ask the Support Team to run the SMETS Command Update Tariff Configuration against both meters. This should fix the configured rates on the meters and IHD.
Just done some more research , this is really bothering me, affordability is impossible if the smart reader is correct
thankfully my actual account online appears to show the real charges are close to what they should be, but confirms smart meter and display reading nearly double the correct values, this false data could easily cause panic, in some cases I genuinely fear it could end in suicide 😥 or very poor health if everything gets turned off
Ofgem’s energy price cap limits what you pay for gas or electricity on a variable rate plan. Find out how it works – and how it affects your prices with our price cap guide.
You can also see the latest information regarding the price cap levels and date changes on the Ofgem site here.
Your supply won’t just get disconnected. That’s a function which pretty much all suppliers in the UK have either disabled outright, or locked it away behind 20 years of red tape and 50,000 layers of approval - in other words it’s almost impossible to trigger.
The fix for this is actually quite easy. Simply ask the Support Team to run the SMETS Command Update Tariff Configuration against both meters. This should fix the configured rates on the meters and IHD.
Don't email them, it's not an effective way to contact OVO. It's much better to call or use the online chat.
I can only think you haven’t had to call lately, I have over the past 2 days spent nearly 3 hours on the phone and effectively got nowhere
first call I apparently ended up with the wrong team when answered after 40 minutes, I explained I only need my smart meter units correcting but he says I have to talk to the correct team and I am stuck back in the hold loop
after another 20 mins on hold I give up
Then call again today when I have a little more time available to waste
22 mins in, answered, but wrong team again, this is still despite entering my account number, transferred answered after further 30 mins
one hour in I am told there is a problem with my account it has no account name, but it does I can see it all on line plus email and phone number
I need to transfer you to sort it out, ‘sort what my account isn’t wrong I can see it all on line, all I want is my meter sorting’
this could be why the figures are wrong sir
15 mins later ‘how can I help you?’ Please tell me you have been told why I have been on hold for so long and transferred to you 🤬
eventually I am told it has all been sorted, they can see all my account details , which as far as I could see had never been lost
but my IHD unit charges are still wrong and while waiting I have just checked the smart meter and that is still unchanged
we need to re-pair the display can you read out the number on the back, I can but surely this can only repeat the display on the smart meter. Can you give me that number again it doesn’t match our records
all of a sudden I suspect just before call tipped over 2 hours I am told that’s all sorted, please leave the display by the meter within 24 hours it will be corrected
i am sorry to sound rather negative but I have zero confidence that anything will have changed by tomorrow
i will update my status tomorrow tea time and try to regain some positivity
thankfully I have confirmed for myself via my account that I am being charged the correct amounts , now I know that I am inclined to dump the display and use the app
oh I can’t of course because it doesn’t work anymore and trying to get current data useage on the web version is near impossible
Sorry to hear about that experience calling up, @DavidG58. If the promised tariff update to the smart meter and In Home Display doesn’t update in the time frame given, pop back here to let us know and I’ll ask our Forum_Support team to step in.
Sorry to hear about that experience calling up, @DavidG58. If the promised tariff update to the smart meter and In Home Display doesn’t update in the time frame given, pop back here to let us know and I’ll ask our Forum_Support team to step in.
thankyou for noticing my aggravation , sadly as I expected nothing has changed, technically it is only 22 hours into the 24 I was told to wait, but I think that is academic
I am now confident the last operator I spoke to was just trying to get rid of me
not thinking through that the problem was not going to disappear
both the smart meter and the repeater IHD still show incorrect unit charges
i would be very grateful if you can direct this to someone who can put this right, I really can’t face another 2 hours on hold and being told things that simply don’t make sense
I do now realise my actual billing units are thankfully correct
still showing same very high and incorrect values on my smart meter and IHD
customer support have asked for extra info but 4 days on still no change
my account is reading correctly , or at least it was as of last Friday , since then I can’t see electricity usage or costs online . Not helpful when I really want to stay on top of my costs
we are actually using about £15 / day but displaying over £30 / day, very frightening till I found out why
all I want is my meter and IHD to have the correct unit cost, can it really be this hard
my issue is still outstanding over 2 weeks in, I have told it has been passed to support, do they really take this long to do or even say anything
last time I rang it took 3 hours to eventually be fobbed off by telling me to check tomorrow it may have updated . I am sure they did nothing but it got rid of me for another day
All of the forum volunteers here (myself included) can indeed talk to OVO via the forum moderators. But it’s not an overpowered all-singing all-dancing power. We can use it to get advice and updates from internal teams for tricky questions, but we can’t use it to gain access to other people’s accounts.
With that said, if a SMETS Command has been sent out to update the tariff rates, it can take 24 hours to push through in some cases. That much is true.
However, as this forum cannot handle account specific issues due to the restrictions on accessing your account, you’ll need to go via the Support Team for this issue. There’s not much we can do here I’m afraid.
All of the forum volunteers here (myself included) can indeed talk to OVO via the forum moderators. But it’s not an overpowered all-singing all-dancing power. We can use it to get advice and updates from internal teams for tricky questions, but we can’t use it to gain access to other people’s accounts.
With that said, if a SMETS Command has been sent out to update the tariff rates, it can take 24 hours to push through in some cases. That much is true.
However, as this forum cannot handle account specific issues due to the restrictions on accessing your account, you’ll need to go via the Support Team for this issue. There’s not much we can do here I’m afraid.
thanks, the issue was referred to the ‘support team’ the week before last . I maybe expected a quicker reaction than it is getting
it’s a shame we can’t be put through to the support team when we call, or them allowed to call us
it’s such a seemingly simple issue that makes it so frustrating
I can usually get through in under 30 seconds, but that’s mainly because my account has a flag on it that diverts my calls away from the general queue to a specific team.
You’ll get that flag sooner or later as well - everyone will in fact. Once you do, it literally turbocharges the experience.
You are an awful lot luckier than I am, my last three calls, despite entering my account number, have ended up with the ‘wrong’ team which then means they throw you back into a queue
but really all enquiries should be dealt with similarly, hopefully most are not just ignored as mine seems to be, despite being passed on for support
OVO is currently transitioning everyone over to the new method. It takes time though as the entire Support Team needs to be retrained and reorganised to make it work, but as new sub-teams are ready to migrate, a bunch of randomly selected OVO members are assigned to them and any calls from those members then go to that team.
It’s possible your account is currently in that process, but I can’t say for sure. The idea is that once everyone is moved over, everyone will get the new experience.
The main reason I’ve had it for so long is because OVO randomly selected something like 40,000 members roughly 18 months ago to pilot the new method and try it out. I was randomly selected to be one of them and my account has remained that way since.
Further update, but only to confirm there is no change, really can’t believe I have waited nearly a month and still waiting
how hard can it be for someone to change my meter readings for the correct charges
despite assurances that it has been reported for support, at time when we really need to be on top of our usage and costs I can’t and to make it even worse the app / web site information has been minimised I can’t even check daily consumption there
I’m sorry to hear the prices on your smart meter and In Home Display are still to be updated. Good to hear your charges and online account details are all good.
Please be advised that a forum topic can be optimised or updated in order to help others with another question. In your case, the question of wrong prices on the smart meter has a known solution that blastoise186 stated. So we make sure that’s prominent for anyone who finds this topic moving forwards by assigning it as the ‘best answer’. In your case that’s not been possible as of yet. Hopefully this gets sorted for you soon!
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