Hi, first post.
I had a smart meter fitted by EDF a couple of years ago. It’s definitely SMETS2. It interfered with my wifi network, but it did work well, for a few days.
I complained to EDF about my wifi and they came out and turned the meters dumb - they’ve been like that since.
I’m now being told by my current supplier that meters in dumb mode cannot be switched back to smart mode and they need to be replaced. The meters can’t be replaced as nobody can get hold of them apparently so they won’t come out.
Trouble is, I’m absolutely desperate to get them back to being smart again - I have an EV and want to get on a dual rate tariff, otherwise the car will cost more than petrol to run soon!
I’m not buying the answer that it’s impossible to make ‘dumb’ meters smart again - so is it true?!