Hi All,
Started with OVO over a year ago moving from e.on. So at the time of that move the tariffs sent to the meter by OVO were incorrect - VAT was added twice as I recall. I tried via customer support to get it fixed but to no avail. I KNOW it does not affect the billing but it does affect the IHD budget/usage display. In the end I forgot about it - it was roughly right.
Moving to a new tariff in March (radically different) I hoped the update would fix everything :-) Well the electricity is now correct but Gas hasn’t changed from the incorrect ones of a year ago. I raised this with Customer Service and Joseph emailed me
“I understand that your In-Home Display (IHD) is missing some data. We have now sent some information to your smart meters remotely which should reinforce the connection to your IHD.
Please allow 24 hours from receiving this email and then turn your IHD off and on again and keep it as close to your electric meter as possible (as your electric meter acts as the communications hub for both meters). If your IHD is still missing information after this process, please let us know as there are other things we can try.”
Unfortunately nothing has changed after a couple of days and I have emailed to say so.
In passing, the Bright app operated by Hildebrand Technology has got one correct reading for the kWh for electricity but the wrong figure for per day and the incorrect but IHD values for gas! My understanding is that Hildebrand are a DCC Other User and get this data from the meter. Checking on the meter itself I can only access the electricity tariff which is correct.
So my questions are…..
- Is it possible to check on the meter what the gas tariff are? I cannot find them in the menu structure.
- How can Bright/Hildebrand get a wrong number from the meter?
- What “buttons” do I need to press with OVO to get the right numbers downloaded to the meter and thus IHD and Bright app? I have responded to Joseph above but have little expectation based on my attempts a year ago.
Why does this matter? Because I am getting Solar installed and want to see the correct budget/bill/usage/export on the IHD!