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Power move credit still not showing on November bill updates, no confirmation email either!

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 39 replies

On the app my Power Move peak average showed at 4.14% at the end of October, but with a reduced credit of £11.61 for some unknown reason. I've received no end of month email and no credit shows on the to date November details either. Anyone else having this problem? 

Best answer by Emmanuelle_OVO

Hey @Tricia 

Please expect a delay in payments this month due to a slight change to how your Power Move data is calculated. The team has provided an update below regarding some recent issues with collecting data from smart meters and the changes that were made to improve this for everyone. 


“Our consumption data collection and calculation process previously ran from 1 pm each day, collecting consumption data from the day before. We've since identified that some data now doesn't return until later in the day after the calculation process has been completed, so for the day before you may have been classed as 'no-data' which is why some of you may have seen in your progress update that we don't have enough data to calculate your progress.

We've now moved our process to run later in the day and have been testing to ensure this pulls through as much data as possible. There will still be some circumstances where we couldn't retrieve any data for a genuine reason, but the tests have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of customers with 'no data' we've had so far in October.

At the end of October, we will calculate rewards and look to pull through data from the first 2 weeks of October that have previously been flagged as not having any. We will only use this data for your end-of-month results if it positively impacts your peak %, e.g. you now earn a reward or go up a tier, if it would negatively impact your end-of-month results then we will honour the more positive result and reward.”


When they were collecting the data needed to calculate your Power Move data, the system was running too early, causing some of the data to be missing. They’ve trialled a new time for collecting the data and have seen a huge improvement so far. They’ll need to process payments this month manually, which means a small delay until the credits arrive, but it’s nothing to worry about. You should receive an email confirmation of your award.


Things should return to normal in November with the process being fully automated and the feedback we’ve had from users has helped us make improvements that are helping everyone. If you have any follow-up questions let me know!


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Community Manager
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  • Answer
  • November 13, 2024

Hey @Tricia 

Please expect a delay in payments this month due to a slight change to how your Power Move data is calculated. The team has provided an update below regarding some recent issues with collecting data from smart meters and the changes that were made to improve this for everyone. 


“Our consumption data collection and calculation process previously ran from 1 pm each day, collecting consumption data from the day before. We've since identified that some data now doesn't return until later in the day after the calculation process has been completed, so for the day before you may have been classed as 'no-data' which is why some of you may have seen in your progress update that we don't have enough data to calculate your progress.

We've now moved our process to run later in the day and have been testing to ensure this pulls through as much data as possible. There will still be some circumstances where we couldn't retrieve any data for a genuine reason, but the tests have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of customers with 'no data' we've had so far in October.

At the end of October, we will calculate rewards and look to pull through data from the first 2 weeks of October that have previously been flagged as not having any. We will only use this data for your end-of-month results if it positively impacts your peak %, e.g. you now earn a reward or go up a tier, if it would negatively impact your end-of-month results then we will honour the more positive result and reward.”


When they were collecting the data needed to calculate your Power Move data, the system was running too early, causing some of the data to be missing. They’ve trialled a new time for collecting the data and have seen a huge improvement so far. They’ll need to process payments this month manually, which means a small delay until the credits arrive, but it’s nothing to worry about. You should receive an email confirmation of your award.


Things should return to normal in November with the process being fully automated and the feedback we’ve had from users has helped us make improvements that are helping everyone. If you have any follow-up questions let me know!


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • November 13, 2024

I’ve received no £12 credit this month either so far… saw information that credits are delayed due to data now reporting around 1pm -  so a few hours gives them an excuse to be tardy by over a week with this months credit without any proper explanation. Had online chat last week which was time wasted.  Now I’ve also noticed they are calculating DDs on projected use18 months ahead so part of the calculation is outside of my fixed rate so they bump up my DD again and build a larger surplus … pretty unhappy atm with the lack of communication and general skulduggery from OVO! 

Community Manager
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  • November 13, 2024

@Tricia can you please send me your account number, name & email via private message & I’ll pass this on to the team to look into.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
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  • November 13, 2024

@Coldspur Andy I’m sorry you’re feeling frustrated about the delays with power move & the changes with the direct debit calculation. 


Any updates we get internally we’ll post on the forum to keep our community members up to date. We can also pass your feedback onto the team.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 31 replies
  • November 13, 2024
Tricia wrote:

On the app my Power Move peak average showed at 4.14% at the end of October, but with a reduced credit of £11.61 for some unknown reason. I've received no end of month email and no credit shows on the to date November details either. Anyone else having this problem? 

I've been wondering about it myself !!!  It seems to me that OVO's November Post Move deal is way past FUBAR !!!! Unlike the previous months which we, the customers, we're kept up to date and credits were issued in a very timely manner !!!!  What happened OVO ????????  Mike Hansen !!!

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 31 replies
  • November 13, 2024
Mike Hansen wrote:
Tricia wrote:

On the app my Power Move peak average showed at 4.14% at the end of October, but with a reduced credit of £11.61 for some unknown reason. I've received no end of month email and no credit shows on the to date November details either. Anyone else having this problem? 

I've been wondering about it myself !!!  It seems to me that OVO's November Power Move deal is way past FUBAR !!!! Unlike the previous months which we, the customers, we're kept up to date and credits were issued, BOTH in a very timely manner !!!!  What happened OVO ????????  Mike Hansen !!!


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 96 replies
  • November 13, 2024

Mike, why so many question and exclamation marks? It really reduces chances for others take your comment seriously. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 96 replies
  • November 13, 2024

@Tricia have you joined the Winter Power Move right from the beginning? There was some confusion around it and some members, including myself, joined for some days later. My credit is £11.23 because of that. I’m wondering if it’s the same case with you?

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 31 replies
  • November 13, 2024
costeek wrote:

Mike, why so many question and exclamation marks? It really reduces chances for others take your comment seriously. 

I don't give a monkey's ___ whether anyone takes it seriously or not !!!  I said what I said, the way I wanted to say it !!!!  Is that okay with you ???????

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 39 replies
  • November 13, 2024

@costeek  I've been with Power Move since 2022 and joined Beyond in order to continue,  so the problem lies with OVO. I'm hoping that Emanuelle will sort it out now she has my details. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • November 13, 2024

@Tricia  I have a similar problem. For the first 2 weeks or so in Oct my meter was apparently ‘not sending any data’ despite it showing up as half-hourly in my usage area. After following & commenting on @Kall ’s post it appeared I wasn’t the only one with this problem & that something was being done about it. The last 2 weeks or so I eventually had readings showing up & I got the power move email saying I’d got the £12. 
However, it hasn’t appeared in my bill. I emailed yesterday but haven’t had a reply yet. Fingers crossed it gets sorted soon for all of us. My DD is now apparently being increased & it doesn’t need to be!

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 96 replies
  • November 13, 2024
Tricia wrote:

@costeek  I've been with Power Move since 2022 and joined Beyond in order to continue,  so the problem lies with OVO. I'm hoping that Emanuelle will sort it out now she has my details. 

Would it possible if you could update on your case? I’m really interested to know what was the reason do not credit you full £12. Just to be clear, I believe you, I’m interested to see if the same could be applied to my case. 

Community Manager
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  • November 14, 2024

I’ve messaged you @Tricia to explain why the credit was less, if you check your private messages 🙂

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  • November 14, 2024

Power Move credits should now have been applied 🙂 for those that have had delayed payments this month

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 39 replies
  • November 14, 2024

Thanks Emanuelle,  just checked the app and the credit now shows. 

@costeek . The reduction in my case was due to apparently not signing up to Beyond until the 2nd October,  thus losing one day. I obviously didn't read the email properly 😒! 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 22 replies
  • November 14, 2024

Hi ​@Emmanuelle_OVO 

OK, my October PM £12 credit is now showing as a credit on my latest running bill but not my latest proper bill - does this mean that my October and my November Power Move credits will both show up in my next proper bill at the beginning of Dec?  

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 96 replies
  • November 14, 2024
solarrolar wrote:

does this mean that my October and my November Power Move credits will both show up in my next proper bill at the beginning of Dec?  

From what I remember from other conversations on this forum, that’s correct, it will be added to your current bill (next proper bill). 

Something similar happened to one of my previous bills when they recounted my energy usage and found that I was entitled to the bigger credit - it was added to the next bill. 

Community Manager
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  • 2561 replies
  • November 15, 2024

That’s right ​@solarrolar 😊

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 66 replies
  • December 17, 2024

That happened to me I tried to ask the chat service but they didn’t even understand the 2 different schemes. Mine finally showed up on my Novemmber bill 2 weeks in

Community Moderator
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  • December 18, 2024

Hey ​@Sally123,


I apologise for any confusion that was caused. Power Move Flex is currently a trial that we’re running so not everyone has access to it. You’ll find all the information about the delay in the pinned comment above and if you’ve got any follow up questions please let me know 😊


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