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Power Move Autumn Challenge

Power Move Autumn Challenge
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  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2023

Blastoise186 - I am using same device, where I have received e-mail invitation to  Autumn challenge, I can log in to see OVO home page, see my energy usage, payments, etc. Do I need some very special device/browser to see and join  Autumn challenge? 

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  • October 3, 2023

Nope, seems to work fine in Chrome. It also works fine in Firefox/Safari if you disable or bypass the enhanced anti-tracking stuff.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • October 3, 2023

I don't think I will be able to ever hit my target. I'd already made big changes to power usage following the energy crisis and I don't have a dishwasher or tumble drier.  I wonder if I should withdraw. 

  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • October 3, 2023

I experienced the same issue as many above - link did not work in Firefox browser on Windows. The problem appears to be the adblocker I have enabled by default. Tunring off the adblocker for OVO allowed both the link to work and presented me with the “Discover Path to Zero” banner on the account page.


Hope that’s useful to others!

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  • October 4, 2023

Hey @Sandyeyes 


We’ve had quite a few helpful insights on this thread that might be helpful for you in making some changes you might not have thought of yet:


As there’s no penalty for not meeting the target, there’s no harm in staying on the Power Move Challenge, and if you don’t hit the target by the end, at the very least you’ll have changed some habits that still have a good impact for yourself and for the environment. 

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  • October 6, 2023



Half-hourly figures for electricity suddenly unavailable, whilst gas figures still OK

Need the help of a wise head in this one, please!


My usage stats in my account all through September up to and including 2nd October have been reliably and unfailingly showing gas and electric half hourly usage.


But as of Monday 3rd October the usage stats for electricity inky show daily total, not broken down into half hourly.  For gas, the half hourly readings for 3rd and 4th are all there.


My IHD is behaving as normal. 

My particular monthly billing period starts on the 5th every month, and the bill for 5th Sep to 4th Oct is still “bill pending”.  Would this have something to do with  the problem?  The breakdown and all the details for 5th Sep - 4th Oct are all there and look fine (including the Power Move payment for hitting the Sep target), but might it be possible for a bill pending to impact on half hourly readings in this way? Surely not?


of course, the problem would crop up exactly on day 1 of the October Power Move challenge!  Hopefully, though, my half hourly readings are “still there” and haven’t disappeared into the ether!


has anyone else experienced similar stuttering in their half-hourly electricity usage figures whilst gas half hourly continue fine?


Thanks in advance….


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  • October 6, 2023

Hi @waltyboy , yes there can be occasional missing slots of data as the meters don’t always connect when required. I doubt it’s anything to do with the billing period but it’s worthwhile keeping an eye on the info and sending a manual reading if needed the morning after your billing end. 
Just another thought. Those daily slots rather than half hourly … they may be estimated not from your meter so that would answer why a full day not each half hour

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  • October 6, 2023

Hi @BPLightlog Thank you so much for your kind reply, and the tip about possibly sending a manual reading at the bill end.


Your final point about the possibly estimated reading, now I hadn’t thought of that: and guess what, the two electricity readings for 3rd and 4th are within 0.01 kWh of each other! Something to ponder indeed…


Many thanks again

  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 64 replies
  • October 6, 2023

I have had slow upload of data at start of month to the point where late at night it hasnt been there from the day before and only kept showing the 1st 2 half hrs if anything. 

Ive just looked and all my data is there including yesterdays. I dont normally look until later. I thought it was end of mth or powermove stats being done that slowed it down or maybe they were doing maintenance to the site.

Ironically it was my gas that wasnt showing kept saying it was unavailable and to effectively keep trying but that is all back now too.

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  • October 6, 2023

Cheers @Ria , it’s so encouraging to get such kind and swift replies…hopefully the wrinkles will iron out over the next few days!


And, yep, on my last smart meter before this one, which was struggling to send any readings for weeks on end, it was the gas readings which it found particularly unpalatable! This new one, though (Kalia MA 120) has been terrific for the few months we’ve had it…we’ll, apart from the 3rd and 4th Oct!


cheers again…

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  • 279 replies
  • October 7, 2023

Hello @Abby_OVO Help needed from a wise OVO head please!


As of 3rd October, the first day of the Autumn Power Move challenge, my OVO account has suddenly stopped showing any daily usage electricity data. All through September was fine, up to and including the 3rd Oct. The gas half hourly is still fine, and the IHD is still performing flawlessly. 

On 5th October I set up an account at, which despite my frequent logins, always fails to download my electricity data. Is it possible that my smart meter is somehow locked out of sending electricity data whilst the smarttariffsmartcomparison site is unsuccessfully attempting their download? I have sent an email to request they stop. 

My opening an account with smarttariffsmartcomparison may have absolutely no bearing on my electricity data being no longer visible to me or to OVO: apart from my being unable to try for the Power Move targets, I see OVO still have “bill pending” against my last billing period 5th Sep to 4th Oct.  It seems a marked coincidence, though.


However this disappearance of my data has come about, is it possible please to fix things so that these readings become visible again? 

A full week of no data right at the start of the Power Move Autumn Challenge, ouch!!

Hoping you can help and that somebody at OVO can shed light on this mystery, with many thanks in advance….

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  • October 7, 2023

Sorry, that should read up to and including the 2nd October that everything was fine. It was from the 3rd that my problem started…apologies…

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  • October 7, 2023

Hello @Abby_OVO An update!!


I received a very kind and comprehensive reply from Hildebrand support, explaining, as @Alandamore mentioned in a previous posting, that the smarttariffsmartcomparison site was a prototype, and pointing me in the direction of the Bright app. 

The email did emphasise that their effort to download my data will definitely not have caused my current problems with my smart meter data:

We can completely reassure you that there is absolutely no link between the issues you are having with your Ovo sourced data and signing up to smart tariff. All we can do is 'read' a meter - we can't do anything else other than join one of our CADs to your meters (for people who purchase one).

They suggested that the root cause for problems such as mine are that typically my communications hub connected to the smart meter is not on to the WAN and therefore not reporting back to the DCC:

We can see your gas consumption data but no electricity data. On our side, on investigation we've never retrieved any electricity data for you which I suspect is why smart tariff is 'failing' as it can't get the data it needs for electricity comparison.

We are not able to get a response from your meters at the moment which seems to confirm that is the situation.

You will need to contact Ovo to ask them if they can get your meters back on the WAN. Sorry but there is nothing we can do here - it is only suppliers who can do this. Once they have told you it is fixed, please let us know and then we can sort out the electricity connection.


Is restoring this WAN connection something you can very kindly fix from your end, Abby, or do I need to reach out to some other specialist team at OVO?


Hope you can help, sorry everyone about all the wordy postings, but I’m a bit anxious about the apparent “loss” of data, already one week into the new Power Move challenge apart from anything else!

Good, though, that thankfully it doesn’t seem to have happened to anybody else on here! I can’t think I’ve done anything to incur the wrath of the smart meter gods…maybe in a previous life!!

(And for info @Alandamore, many thanks for all your kind suggestions and hard work, this is something I hope to follow up on using, as you already suggested, the Bright app. So it looks like I completely misread things when I first had the harebrained notion that smarttariffsmartcomparison might somehow be “locking”the data in some way!! Anyway, I only joined smarttariffsmartcomparison on the 5th, these problems date back to the 3rd.)


As always, many thanks in advance, Walt

  • 0 replies
  • October 7, 2023

Thanks for that Abby, all signed up and survey completed. I note that a good number of people are having IT problems completing this task. I did it on a 40 quid Amazon tablet no problem and I will continue to record my daily figures with a pencil on the calendar hanging in the kitchen. Need to keep things simple at my age, but it does seem to work

Regards Len

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  • October 7, 2023

I tried to answer @waltyboy’s question in another thread he posted it in:


In all probability, this is a temporary situation which will right itself in due course.

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  • October 7, 2023

Hi @Firedog Many thanks again, I’m very new to all this fantastic Forum stuff, but will learn to be more disciplined about threads etc.


Also more patient!


Thanks again….

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  • October 9, 2023

Hey @waltyboy 


How are those reads showing up now? Any change?


I see Firedog left a really great comment on the other thread.


If you’re still having issues with the readings, it may be worth carrying out a smart meter health check for your meter, (I’ve linked both below, just have a check at which one matches your meter) and forwarding the results on to our Support Team for further investigation. The team will be able to verify any connectivity issues with the meter.


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  • October 9, 2023

Hello @Abby_OVO Thank you so much for your follow up, I shall indeed do the health check you’ve kindly linked. 

The problem indeed is still ongoing, 7 days now with no electricity readings, but impeccable half-hourly gas readings continuing fine, and the IHD also behaving impeccably. 

I’ve had some very kind and helpful responses from forum members, mentioning the current tariff changes (although I’m actually fixed tariff until May, but I can appreciate how busy things are at the moment) and betting that any daily electricity “reading” has actually been estimated since the 2nd (they’re right, day after day an electricity reading of 0.68 kWh has been imputed. Our household doesn’t have that regular a consumption!).


We ‘phoned the OVO customer support earlier this morning (before I’d seen your post) which elicited an emailed set of questions from them based around the idea of the meter being possibly in an awkward location. We tried to explain on the ‘phone about the impeccable half-hourly readings of electricity (and gas) all through September until the 2nd October, and the continuing half-hourly has readings and the impeccable behaviour of the IHD throughout, but all to no avail.


I so very much appreciate your offer of the linked tutorials and will gladly let you know the results later today when I’ve finished absorbing all the information…


Thank you again for your kind interest and help…

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  • October 9, 2023

@Abby_OVO Health check all submitted using the form, many thanks Abby, here’s hoping….

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  • October 10, 2023

Hey @waltyboy 


Shame the readings haven’t come back like before. Drops in connection are reasonably common, and can be due to a wide range of reasons. Considering you were getting consistent half hourly reads, hopefully it’s just a little blip in the connection that the team can sort out, or even sort itself out. Keep us updated on how you get on.

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  • October 10, 2023

Many thanks @Abby_OVO as ever, will keep you posted! It’s odd, as the gas meter half hourly have been continuing faultlessly as before, the IHD seems perfect with both gas and electricity readings, and  the WAN and the HAN lights on the Comms Hub are each flashing every 5 seconds, yet no electricity reading on the usage pages since 3rd October.


A mystery! As you say, Sep up until 2nd October was fine so hopefully the electricity readings will eventually revert to their former selves! 

Many thanks again…

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  • October 10, 2023

Hello @miladenaa, you have my sympathy! So frustrating, at any time but especially during the PowerMove challenge!


Hopefully if you submit a form to the Support Team as @Abby_OVO kindly suggested to me in one of her recent posts above, it’ll get sorted for you?


Mind you, the firm suggests that someone will get back within 45 (working) days, which means sometime before Christmas with a bit of luck!


But, as was said on here earlier, it may sort itself all out if you leave it alone. But mine’s been out for 8 days now….


all the very best to you, I hope you get it sorted soon, please let us know if and when you do (and likewise I will as well)…

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  • October 10, 2023

@miladenaa ”form” not “firm”…apologies…

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  • October 10, 2023
waltyboy wrote:

@miladenaa ”form” not “firm”…apologies…

You can edit a post using the three dots … if within an hour from posting

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 279 replies
  • October 10, 2023

@BPLightlog Many thanks, I didn’t know; a useful feature given my clumsy fingers! 


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