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I'm signed up to Power Move Plus but haven't heard anything, how will I know if there's an event?

  • 17 January 2024
  • 6 replies

Has anyone had any dealings with the Power Move Plus scheme ?  I signed up for it last month but haven't heard anything about it since then.  I'm signed up for Power Move scheme and have met the target every month !!!! Thanks......  Mike

6 replies

There was  reply on the forum a week ago

you should receive an email saying you did or did not reach your target

if you did you should get the money the following month on the date of your payment cycle 

my payment cycle is next week so I will let you know

Userlevel 1

There was  reply on the forum a week ago

you should receive an email saying you did or did not reach your target

if you did you should get the money the following month on the date of your payment cycle 

my payment cycle is next week so I will let you know

But, I was never informed of any gaff to meet or beat !!!!

Userlevel 1

There was  reply on the forum a week ago

you should receive an email saying you did or did not reach your target

if you did you should get the money the following month on the date of your payment cycle 

my payment cycle is next week so I will let you know

But, I was never informed of any gaff to meet or beat !!!!

Not gaff, but target.

I got this for todays one 

Maybe it selects people at random you would need to ring customer services

If you are signed up for PMP, you should be invited to opt-in every time there is a PMP event. The invitation to opt-in looks something like this:


These emails come at very short notice. I got mine at 11:02 today for the event starting at 17:30 today. You have to opt-in each time or it will not include you.

If you are not getting these invitations, it is possible that they are going into spam/junk or that your signup has not worked for some reason.

Try checking spam/junk. If there is nothing there, maybe try to signup again. if that fails, contact customer support.

Good luck!


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I had success, the first time I opted in for this <0.8kWh on Jan 17th 5:30-6:30pm. I made sure the underfloor heating was switched off, and we went out. We managed 0.38kWh and received £1.26 reward. But I note from other posts that the target might get harder next time. I await with interest.



