Updated on 16/06/23 by Emmanuelle_OVO
Hi @Wissie ,
I’m one of the forum volunteers.
It sounds like you have a SMETS1 Aclara. There’s a known issue with them affecting things like that. This is the info from OVO.
We’re aware that a small number of our In Home Displays have a fault that’s causing them to show incorrect costs. We’ve emailed affected customers in advance to confirm that this is an issue with the display only and not the actual meter, meter reading or energy bills. Customers don’t need to do anything and an automatic fix will happen within the next 24 hours.
Just this afternoon, OVO shared a private update with the forum volunteers. A firmware update is ready to roll-out to affected meters which will fix this issue. It’s going out in waves and should be fully deployed by the end of the year. Once your meter has the fix, your IHD will get it as well. And immediately afterwards, everything should be back to normal for you.