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Did anyone else on the trial only just get an invite to join the power move at the start of September?

New Member**

I was in the previous Power Move that ended in March or April (whenever the winter one ended  😋) but never got an invite back until yesterday September 6th!

Best answer by Gillarms

I stumbled across it on the website, wasn't officially "invited".  I joined at the end of August and, so far, have been well in target. I only used 8.22% of my energy between 4 and 7pm. Yay!


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  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2023

Yes, exactly the same for us!!

Did it last winter but only received another invite yesterday although I see it's been running since July!

Although I also notice the reward is only £10 a month now compared to £20 during the winter one... 😤

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 95 replies
  • September 7, 2023

Same here. Did the winter trial, and only got invited yesterday. Now, the invite is actually for the one starting in October if read carefully,but we can choose to join the current one but we'd only get a part credit for this month.

Does make me wonder why previous members weren't invited to the July one, and also I thought Power Move was going to be a permanent thing going forward not an opt-in for each one individually.

  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 64 replies
  • September 7, 2023

Yes, but i managed to stumble across it on 30 Aug and signed up and i hadnt been part of a trial.

Carbon Cutter*****
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 24 replies
  • Answer
  • September 7, 2023

I stumbled across it on the website, wasn't officially "invited".  I joined at the end of August and, so far, have been well in target. I only used 8.22% of my energy between 4 and 7pm. Yay!


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 47 replies
  • September 7, 2023

No invite received, I located it via the website in August and requested to join via that.

I think it could/should have been promoted via the app...

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • September 7, 2023

Only just got mine too.

  • New Member***
  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2023

I joined in August but haven’t had any notification of how I am doing

New Member**
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  • New Member**
  • 1 reply
  • September 7, 2023

Ah good to know that I wasn’t singled out haha, thank you all for responding! 

I feel like we should be retro-credited!!

Carbon Cutter*****
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 24 replies
  • September 7, 2023
Gillarms wrote:

I stumbled across it on the website, wasn't officially "invited".  I joined at the end of August and, so far, have been well in target. I only used 8.22% of my energy between 4 and 7pm. Yay!


Oops, I joined at the end of July so all of  August peak time use was 8.22%. This hot weather has addled my brain 😄

  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 5 replies
  • September 7, 2023

Same with me invite arrived on 5th - so they’ve saved themselves 2 if not 3 month of rewards

Just got mine too. I assumed it was because the only way I could reach the target was to start using extra electricity during the day. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1978 replies
  • September 10, 2023
Baffled but hopeful wrote:

… the only way I could reach the target was to start using extra electricity during the day.

That may well be the way it looks, and equally so the way it is - one of the failings of this rather simplistic attempt to persuade people to use less energy in the ‘high peak’ period. Three hours - 4-7PM - is 3/24 of a day, which just happens to be 12.5%. So the aim is to use no more than the average during this period.

I was a bit perplexed this week after switching off everything not absolutely necessary and refraining from boiling kettles and so on, to find that my 4-7PM usage was still higher than that for the quietest hours, in my case 3-6AM, when I expected it to be about the same. This was even more surprising considering I’d switched off many things that normally run overnight: Wifi modem/router, Alexa, indoor climate sensor, IHD, microwave on standby etc. 

This suggested two things:

(1) It’s a very bad idea to just trip the breaker for ‘sockets’, because this meant I had to reset all the electric clocks afterwards, like the one on the microwave and my bedside radio alarm.   

(2) In the current heatwave, the fridge and freezer (the two items actually consuming significant power around the clock) are undoubtedly having to work harder to maintain their working temperature as the temperature in the kitchen reaches its peak at - surprise surprise! - 4PM. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 734 replies
  • September 11, 2023

Hi all, new member here.

I wasn't on the scheme previously but I got an emailed invite to Power Move last Thursday, 7 Sep.
I believe that all OVO customers on electricity Smart Metering are now to be invited.

So I've switched to the half hour metering as required.
However when I go to the link in the email (there's 2 of them ) to 'Join the Summer Challenge' all I get is:

"Oops, there's a problem ...
This page is not accessible at the moment".

I realise that the summer challenge is now almost over and a new one will start in October, but why email me saying I can still join the summer one and give a non-working link?

As far as the challenge itself when I do manage to get signed up -

I'm a single, in my early 60's, not working, and a low electricity user.
So like other low users it may be a struggle to cut use between the hours of 4 and 7, weekdays only.
Which almost certainly means that to meet the challenge means switching weekend use to increase my weekday off-peak use.

I have LED lighting 8.5W bulbs throughout, gas CH and hot water.
I don't have a TV, but my laptop is on most of the day, it draws about 30-35 watts with another 11W for the router/wifi.
Sometimes I'll have 2 laptops going at once.

My cooker is electric, but unless I am batch cooking to freeze then I tend to use the microwave and/or air fryer.
I also used to cook bread, cakes, and biscuits in the oven, but have mostly switched that to the air fryer where possible (Buns instead of loaves).
Apart from cooking my biggest electricity use is probably the kettle, followed by the fridge/freezer at 90 W when running.
I don't have a dishwasher, my washing machine is usually used at weekends.
The gas CH pump uses 70 W when running.

So to try and met the challenge:

  • Obviously batch cooking, and other cooking outside of peak hours.
  • Cold drinks, or a thermos flask of hot water for tea/coffee between 4-7. (I've also got a gas single ring camping cooker).
  • Get some rechargable LED lights/lamps and if needed between 4-7 in winter use them on the battery. (I've been meaning to get a couple anyway).
  • Same for the laptop computer(s), use only on battery between 4-7.
  • Maybe set the CH timer to off between 4-7 so that the pump doesn't run?
  • Maybe put the fridge/freezer on a timer that switches the power off for 3 hours a day?
  • Switch clothes washing from weekends to Monday, to increase off-off peak weekday usage.
  • I usually do the hoovering at weekend so that will have to change.

I can't really think of anything else.

The laughable thing here being that usage isn't being switched from peak hours to off-peak hours, it's being switched from weekend off-peak to weekday-off peak.
That's not the intention of the scheme at all, but if moving off-peak use about can massage the figures and give me £10 a month then I'll take advantage.

PS. Don;t turn your broadband router/hub on and off to save power.
If you do that then the service ‘thinks’ there is an intermittent fault on the line and reduces your broadband connection speed to compensate for that fault.

  • 5 replies
  • September 19, 2023

Got my invite today!!!!! 19th Sept.

What use is that? 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 1978 replies
  • September 19, 2023

@Nukecad Thanks for your thoughts, which will be helpful to all those taking part in the Power Move scheme, as well anyone else keen to use electricity as efficiently as possible. 

I’d just point out that there is a long and interesting thread about users’ experience with the trial scheme last winter. Your suggestions might be better placed over there, because there’s nothing to say that what was valid a few months ago isn’t still valid. If a moderator sees this comment, it may moved for you:


Carbon Catcher*
  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 45 replies
  • October 2, 2023

I use so little electricity anyway that I wonder if mine will show much of a drop. I charge my car and run my dishwasher when I’m asleep, and usually eat my dinner at that time, but it’ll be a quick zap in the microwave.

I only just received my invitation, and I’ve been an Ovo customer over 13 years.

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