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Delay in Power Move results and credit

Has anyone received their results for October ???  I hit the max the max target  every month since the start of this, but I haven't heard ANYTHING about the results for October !!!!  Before, we'd get the results almost straight away !!!  I called OVO and I'm definitely signed up for the Power Move (haven't heard anything about the Flex thingy!!!) but no results!!!  I know I hit max target !!!!  Any advice would be appreciated!!!  Thanks !!! Mike

Best answer by Emmanuelle_OVO

Updated on 19/11/24 by Abby_OVO


Payments for the most recent challenge have now all been applied.


If you can’t see your expected credit, let us know in the comments below and we’ll do our best to help find out why.


Check out the dedicated Power Move FAQs page here.


Please expect a delay in payments this month due to a slight change to how your Power Move data is calculated. The team has provided an update below regarding some recent issues with collecting data from smart meters and the changes that were made to improve this for everyone. 

“Our consumption data collection and calculation process previously ran from 1 pm each day, collecting consumption data from the day before. We've since identified that some data now doesn't return until later in the day after the calculation process has been completed, so for the day before you may have been classed as 'no-data' which is why some of you may have seen in your progress update that we don't have enough data to calculate your progress.

We've now moved our process to run later in the day and have been testing to ensure this pulls through as much data as possible. There will still be some circumstances where we couldn't retrieve any data for a genuine reason, but the tests have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of customers with 'no data' we've had so far in October.

At the end of October, we will calculate rewards and look to pull through data from the first 2 weeks of October that have previously been flagged as not having any. We will only use this data for your end-of-month results if it positively impacts your peak %, e.g. you now earn a reward or go up a tier, if it would negatively impact your end-of-month results then we will honour the more positive result and reward.”

When they were collecting the data needed to calculate your Power Move data, the system was running too early, causing some of the data to be missing. They’ve trialled a new time for collecting the data and have seen a huge improvement so far. They’ll need to process payments this month manually, which means a small delay until the credits arrive, but it’s nothing to worry about. You should receive an email confirmation of your award.

Things should return to normal in November with the process being fully automated and the feedback we’ve had from users has helped us make improvements that are helping everyone.

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29 replies

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 21 replies
  • November 8, 2024

The power move (4pm - 7pm) results are shown weekly on the app (not by email). The power move flex (power ups and downs) results are sent weekly and an end of month summary by email.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 14 replies
  • November 8, 2024

Hi Mike .

I received an October flex results email yesterday. The credit is on my account.

More concerning is the £12 power move credit is not currently on my account. The App told me I’d easily hit target but no credit yet (it’s usually on my account by 4th each month) .

I had an online chat yesterday which just told me what I already knew and was evasive about when I’d see Octobers £12. It was intimidated its now credited on billing day (10th) for me but I don’t recall seeing anything about a change since October 1st when it went to beyond. Andy

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2024

Still waiting for my £12 from October, it was splashed on the progress for around six days and has now vanished, no email, contacted OVO but no luck yet

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 756 replies
  • November 8, 2024

I have just got the PM reward email about 15 minutes ago.

It shows a different (lower) percentage than the app did, but only slightly.
The two figures are just either side of my own calculated figure.

(The app said 7.02%, the email says 6.94%, my own calculation was 7.00%)

The reward has not been credited on my online billing yet.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2024

Just received my power move email saying I hit the target and will get £12 credited to my account 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 97 replies
  • November 8, 2024

I received an email regarding Power Move this morning, Friday the 8th, at 11:55am. But I don’t see it on my account yet. It has the Power Move correction (from the previous bill), and the Power Move Flex, so I know I’m looking at the right place.


Further, I’m going to have a bit of a rant, sorry. 

Dear OVO, this move to the Beyond app was really confusing. I’m taking part in the Power Move right from the beginning and always reach the upper or middle tier. Knowing that I reached the upper tier in September, which was more competitive than in October, I’m sure I would reach £12 in October. But because of the move to the app, which wasn’t well explained, I missed some days, therefore I was credited less than £12. I’m here on this forum because of that confusion - I had to google, then read the forum to find out why I couldn’t join the Winter Power Move, despite receiving an email inviting me to (I needed to update the app on my phone). I understand, it’s just 77p I’m missing, not a big deal. It’s more about attention to your loyal customers. [the end of the rant]

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • November 8, 2024

Hey all, 


Just wanted to add an update to say there was a recent thread that popped up that i’ll link below. We found a few of our members were being affected by the timing of when the data was being collected to calculate their Power Move data. The teams made some changes to when this is done and has had to manually apply the credits for this month so it caused a small delay in the payments arriving. 


The emails should’ve been sent out this afternoon confirming that the payments have been made and credits are on the way.


@Nukecad The emails are being sent to confirm the payments and the data side should fall in line next week when the transaction ID’s are updated 🎉

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • November 8, 2024

I think I’ve only (just!) hit my power move target once. For me it’s impossible to hit it. I don’t have a dishwasher, always use my washing machine first thing in the morning and rarely use my oven favouring the hob and my ninja multi cooker. Two nights a week there’s no one home until at least 6:30 and TVs etc are turned off at the wall until needed. Don’t know what else I can do 🤷🏻‍♀️

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 756 replies
  • November 8, 2024

If you don't use much electricity during the peak hours for PM then you don't have much to MOVE out of them.

As the name says it is Power MOVE,  if there is no usage that you can move then ……

It's just one of those things, attaining a Power MOVE reward is possible for many - but not possible for everyone.

In my experience and gathering the numerous posts about this then the biggest peak use is cooking with electricity - if you can shift that out of peak hours then you can usually easily hit the PM targets.
It’s then only if you are borderline on shifting the cooking that moving the use of otther things like washing machines and dishwashers may help get the bit extra needed.

To reinforce that point - in all the PM posts on this forum I have never seen anyone who has a gas cooker and has been able to meet the PM target by shifting other usage.

  • Carbon Catcher*
  • 55 replies
  • November 8, 2024

My progress has been in the app since the second week of the month and I got an email today.  Its not in my account yet but I think it only gets applied when bill is created, unlike the Power Move Flex and Charge Anytime Credits which are already in my Current Billing Period

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 97 replies
  • November 8, 2024
Nukecad wrote:

If you don't use much electricity during the peak hours, currently 4-7, then you don't have much to MOVE out of them.

As the name says it is Power MOVE,  if there is no usage that you can move then ……

It's just one of those things, attaining a Power MOVE reward is possible for many - but not possible for everyone.

The idea is to move away your electricity use from 4-7pm to another time during the same day. In other words, during the 4-7pm time it should be no more than 12% of your daily use. Weekends are counted slightly differently. 

  • 0 replies
  • November 10, 2024
Nukecad wrote:


To reinforce that point - in all the PM posts on this forum I have never seen anyone who has a gas cooker and has been able to meet the PM target by shifting other usage.

I do. I got a TATSUJIN portable gas stove with side loading canisters. I take a 10 mile/3 hr walk during peak period and gas cook after 7pm winter, 9pm summer. Still only using less than 2 kWh per day. I guess that would put me in the lowest users group. Still hitting the full PM target every time. I've been able to meet the PM target by shifting other usage.


  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 66 replies
  • November 10, 2024

Is anyone still waiting for their power move to be added/deducted from their bill? I had £15 on the app but only my £3 has been deducted from power move flex 

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 47 replies
  • November 10, 2024

I have had the power up/ power down credit added to current bill although no say which day(s) i earnt it from, however,  the Power Move i think goes on next bill.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 13 replies
  • November 10, 2024

Personally, I find the whole accounts system tricky to track. I have power move, charge anytime and heat pump plus. My bill runs from the 11th to the 10th of the month, but the credits run on the basis of the last calendar month. Also sometimes it seems that the heat pump plus data is not credited on time to meet the deadline for the monthly bill. It generally works out eventually. Where it falls down is if, as has happened to me, your smart meter or car charger stop communicating for a period. You don’t realise this has happened until you get the bill. There is also no way that I can see of knowing how much heat pump credit you are accumulating through the month as you can with charge anytime, though even with that it just gives you the kWh or £ but not when they calculated so you cannot get a direct comparison on day by day basis with you local data.

as I say, generally it’s works out eventually, but it would be a lot easier if they reported each section with a date and time when they took the readings so you could see what period they were calculating on for each sub section.


Deanna Troi
Carbon Cutter*
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 3 replies
  • November 10, 2024

My ‘power move credit’ is missing from  this months bill. Had email saying I had earned it. App says I achieved it too.

This has happened once before and it did get credited the following month. 
Very annoying as you have to remember to check. 
Wondering if I should email them but others have reported similar here so I will make a note and just hope it does appear.


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • November 10, 2024

Can anyone  tell me if power move includes gas or is it just electric ? 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 756 replies
  • November 10, 2024

That’s good to hear @Kall 

Very low electricity users should also be able to make the targets, as long as most of it is used outside of PM peak hours, it’s just more difficult to do and takes more thinking about.

Not everyone would want to go for a 3 hour walk everyday on cold dark (wet) winter nights, you could go to the pub but that would blow your PM reward in one night.

Of course the gas doesn’t count for PM at all so you could cook on gas whenever you like.
As long as you didn’t use an electric kettle too, and cooked by rechargable lighting or torchlight.

Set up a tent in the garden and go camping for 3 hours each weekday? (Only joking, but ….)😄


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 97 replies
  • November 10, 2024
Nukecad wrote:

Very low electricity users should also be able to make the targets, as long as most of it is used outside of PM peak hours, it’s just more difficult to do and takes more thinking about.

They do. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 756 replies
  • November 10, 2024

Two things to note.

Firstly -
Power Move and Power Move Flex are different schemes with different rules and different rewards.

Second -
The (probable) reason fo the delay in getting the reward/credit on your bill.
Now that Power Move has moved into Beyond it is being administered slightly differently.

One change that could easily cause that delay in processing the credits to your billing could be due to them now checking back for any days that had missing data and including them if they can.
That’s a good thing for PM participants and means that as many days as possible can now be included, but those extra checks will take time.
(Hopefully they can automate them better and speed them up in future?).

However as it stands that change may mean that if your billing period end is towards the start of a new calendar month (in the first half of the month?) then the PM reward/credit for the  previous month may not make it in time for that bill, and so it will have to be credited on your next bill.

In the end that’s just due to PM running by calendar months, whereas you billing period doesn’t.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 756 replies
  • November 10, 2024
KayDavey wrote:

Can anyone  tell me if power move includes gas or is it just electric ? 

Only electricity use is included in any of the Power Move schemes.

The Power Move schemes are all about reducing demand on the electricity network at peak times, by moving your use away from them.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 8 replies
  • November 10, 2024

My “Power move” credit is also missing from the latest bill. Did you remember to sign up for it in the mobile app? I got the email last week: “Well done, you made it onto Tier 1 in October. That means £11.23 Power Move credit will soon be on its way to your energy bill.” [mine is £11.23 not £12 because I signed up a couple of days late). But the only thing on my 6th Oct-5th Nov bill is a “Power Move Correction” of £3 because September’s was miscalculated to tier 3 when I actually achieved tier 2, the expected £11.23 is not showing at all.

  • 0 replies
  • November 10, 2024
Nukecad wrote:

That’s good to hear @Kall 

Very low electricity users should also be able to make the targets, as long as most of it is used outside of PM peak hours, it’s just more difficult to do and takes more thinking about.

Not everyone would want to go for a 3 hour walk everyday on cold dark (wet) winter nights, you could go to the pub but that would blow your PM reward in one night.

Of course the gas doesn’t count for PM at all so you could cook on gas whenever you like.
As long as you didn’t use an electric kettle too, and cooked by rechargable lighting or torchlight.

Set up a tent in the garden and go camping for 3 hours each weekday? (Only joking, but ….)😄


I didn't always walk 3 hours. Just the last 6 months. I'd been away looking after a friend after his surgery and we ate a lot and watched TV. So I wanted to lose weight.

I think for me, meeting the PM target is purely down to using the kettle and washing and drying clothes outside of peak hours. If I make a hot drink during PM I use the gas.

Tradition teaches us to eat at certain times whether we are hungry or not, but then that's another arguement for another time (someone else's arguement that is, not mine)

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • November 11, 2024

Hey all, 


Please expect a delay in payments this month due to a slight change to how your Power Move data is calculated. The team has provided an update below regarding some recent issues with collecting data from smart meters and the changes that were made to improve this for everyone. 


“Our consumption data collection and calculation process previously ran from 1 pm each day, collecting consumption data from the day before. We've since identified that some data now doesn't return until later in the day after the calculation process has been completed, so for the day before you may have been classed as 'no-data' which is why some of you may have seen in your progress update that we don't have enough data to calculate your progress.

We've now moved our process to run later in the day and have been testing to ensure this pulls through as much data as possible. There will still be some circumstances where we couldn't retrieve any data for a genuine reason, but the tests have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of customers with 'no data' we've had so far in October.

At the end of October, we will calculate rewards and look to pull through data from the first 2 weeks of October that have previously been flagged as not having any. We will only use this data for your end-of-month results if it positively impacts your peak %, e.g. you now earn a reward or go up a tier, if it would negatively impact your end-of-month results then we will honour the more positive result and reward.”


When they were collecting the data needed to calculate your Power Move data, the system was running too early, causing some of the data to be missing. They’ve trialled a new time for collecting the data and have seen a huge improvement so far. They’ll need to process payments this month manually, which means a small delay until the credits arrive, but it’s nothing to worry about. You should receive an email confirmation of your award.


Things should return to normal in November with the process being fully automated and the feedback we’ve had from users has helped us make improvements that are helping everyone. If you have any follow-up questions let me know!


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2561 replies
  • Answer
  • November 11, 2024

Updated on 19/11/24 by Abby_OVO


Payments for the most recent challenge have now all been applied.


If you can’t see your expected credit, let us know in the comments below and we’ll do our best to help find out why.


Check out the dedicated Power Move FAQs page here.


Please expect a delay in payments this month due to a slight change to how your Power Move data is calculated. The team has provided an update below regarding some recent issues with collecting data from smart meters and the changes that were made to improve this for everyone. 

“Our consumption data collection and calculation process previously ran from 1 pm each day, collecting consumption data from the day before. We've since identified that some data now doesn't return until later in the day after the calculation process has been completed, so for the day before you may have been classed as 'no-data' which is why some of you may have seen in your progress update that we don't have enough data to calculate your progress.

We've now moved our process to run later in the day and have been testing to ensure this pulls through as much data as possible. There will still be some circumstances where we couldn't retrieve any data for a genuine reason, but the tests have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of customers with 'no data' we've had so far in October.

At the end of October, we will calculate rewards and look to pull through data from the first 2 weeks of October that have previously been flagged as not having any. We will only use this data for your end-of-month results if it positively impacts your peak %, e.g. you now earn a reward or go up a tier, if it would negatively impact your end-of-month results then we will honour the more positive result and reward.”

When they were collecting the data needed to calculate your Power Move data, the system was running too early, causing some of the data to be missing. They’ve trialled a new time for collecting the data and have seen a huge improvement so far. They’ll need to process payments this month manually, which means a small delay until the credits arrive, but it’s nothing to worry about. You should receive an email confirmation of your award.

Things should return to normal in November with the process being fully automated and the feedback we’ve had from users has helped us make improvements that are helping everyone.


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