Updated on 04/07/23 by Emmanuelle_OVO
Hi @JohnRL44 and thanks for posting about this.
I’ve shared this thread with a bunch of very clever colleagues who work for OVO to support the smart meter roll out.
They have advised that the tariff and the ALCS (auxilliary load control switch - a relay that can open and close to power things attached to it like storage heaters) are two separate objects in a smart meter.
When OVO implemented a capability for economy 7 (E7) in SMETS2 meters, it introduced it with a working assumption that there was one SSC/TPR combination for each MPAN area and as such, set up the tariffs/ALCS schedules to this assumption.
This has proven to be incorrect and as a result, there are instances where some customers have switched to us on an SSC/TPR that we don't currently support to the minute. This is being corrected, with Kaluza (our billing platform provider) mapping all the possible SSC/TPR combinations to ALCS/tariff schedules for each area, but we’re not sure when this will be delivered.
In the meantime we can do a manual workaround to amend either the ALCS or the tariff. If you haven’t done this already please request that a ticket is raised with Support for this, and let me know here if you have any issues. It might be easiest to simply link this topic in a web chat, which you can access here.
Hope this helps,