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THTC and RTS shutdown

  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies

Over the last 6 months I have been carefully following the various Forum threads regarding the (now delayed) RTS shutdown and the consequential loss of the THTC tariff. To date I have had no information directly from SSE (soon to be OVO).  When I called the SSE Specialist Heating Team was I assured by someone  that my supply is not in jeopardy and that a technical solution is awaited to allow a SMART meter installation, but no timescale was given. Nor was there any acknowledgment that the lack of  network coverage in my area (NW Sutherland)  had previously precluded fitting  a SMART meter anyway.

 The main reason for trying to get concrete information revolves around my intention to upgrade my old storage heaters to more energy efficient models which are also controllable remotely. As I understand it the modern heaters work best on Economy 7 or 10 (if available) tariffs which means if I want ultimately to save money, I  need to change from the current  THTC meter. 

Does anyone have any up to date information or is it still a case of wait and hope?

Best answer by Blastoise186

Updated on 17/03/25 by Ben_OVO


Update on RTS shutdown:


As part of the RTS Project development, we are really happy to share with you our progress:


As you may be aware, the RTS signal that instructs some of our meters when to move to the “Off Peak Period”  will be closing down soon and we need to arrange for all of our RTS customers to have a meter exchange so they don’t lose any of their meter functionality.


The RTS signal will end for our customers on 30 June 2025. The period between 1 July - 30 September 2025 will then be used to close-down the RTS signal and allow us to manage any unexpected customers impacted.


Since June 2024 we have begun writing to our Economy 10 RTS customers to invite them to call us to arrange for their meter exchange. 


We will continue to update you on our progress.


That’s right, yes. You’d still get the heaters coming on and off if RTS dies, but it would be at fixed times.

All suppliers will contact customers once a solution is ready and this includes OVO. SSE probably won’t be contacting as many people from here though as the original plan had, as the SSE to OVO Migration is progressing at a fast pace. But either way, both yourself and your neighbours will be kept in the loop

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Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • May 22, 2023

Hi @ColinC ,

I’ve seen the solution that’s being developed and from my understanding, it’ll be a pretty much drop-in replacement for your current setup once it’s ready, albeit with one meter rather than two. It needs a bit more work yet though.

If the RTS Service shuts down before it’s ready, your THTC Meter will run with a static timeswitch to prevent loss of supply. The difference being that it’ll run using the last known schedule and will no longer be dynamic in when the relays get switched on and off.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • May 22, 2023

Thanks Blastoise186.

The fact that the RTS might be switched off before a fix is in place still worries me more than a little. Presumably you mean that running as a static time-switch would  mean that the storeage/water  heaters would come on at set Off Peak times rather than variable as with THTC? This would obviously be on a different tariff. My added complication is that the house is a holiday home and not occupied all the time over the winter period to constantly monitor the supply.

Hopefully a solution will be found, but in the meantime a little clarity and up to date information directly from SSE/OVO would not go amiss. Anecdotally, some of my neighbours on THTC are blissfully unaware of any of this.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • Answer
  • May 22, 2023

Updated on 17/03/25 by Ben_OVO


Update on RTS shutdown:


As part of the RTS Project development, we are really happy to share with you our progress:


As you may be aware, the RTS signal that instructs some of our meters when to move to the “Off Peak Period”  will be closing down soon and we need to arrange for all of our RTS customers to have a meter exchange so they don’t lose any of their meter functionality.


The RTS signal will end for our customers on 30 June 2025. The period between 1 July - 30 September 2025 will then be used to close-down the RTS signal and allow us to manage any unexpected customers impacted.


Since June 2024 we have begun writing to our Economy 10 RTS customers to invite them to call us to arrange for their meter exchange. 


We will continue to update you on our progress.


That’s right, yes. You’d still get the heaters coming on and off if RTS dies, but it would be at fixed times.

All suppliers will contact customers once a solution is ready and this includes OVO. SSE probably won’t be contacting as many people from here though as the original plan had, as the SSE to OVO Migration is progressing at a fast pace. But either way, both yourself and your neighbours will be kept in the loop

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • February 20, 2025

I have RTS meter for heating and hot water on a Total Heating Total Control tariff. My house is in the IV27 postcode area of Sutherland. I have been following the OVO Forum discussions on the RTS shutdown for a considerable time and I think I understand fully that there are technical and geographic issues involved in installing suitable replacement meters. Somewhat belatedly Ofgem now have an advertising campaign urging those affected to take urgent action with their suppliers.

All along there have been assurances from OVO that a suitable “fix” will be in place for all customers prior to the shutdown deadline on 30 June 2025. This line continues in the most recent FAQs published online, and in responses in the Forum, which state you need do nothing until contacted by OVO. At the same time you are encouraged, when contacted, to make an appointment without delay as there may be a backlog as cut off approaches. I also received an e mail on 29 November 2024 from OVO giving the same advice. It is, however, now less than 19 weeks until the shutdown and I’ve heard nothing further. I’m sure I won’t be alone. OVO themselves, in their FAQs,  say 100,000 customers are likely to be affected.  

Despite the somewhat longwinded preamble, my question is simply this - despite their reassurances, can we have confidence that OVO have sufficient resources in place ie trained technicians, to deliver on their promise to have a solution in place for all customers by the 30 June deadline and what will happen if they don’t?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • February 20, 2025

Hi ​@ColinC ,

I will need to ask the Forum Moderators for help with part of the response to your question as I don’t think some of it has been totally ironed out yet. ​@Ben_OVO if you’re around could you swing by?

In the meantime, you should now be able to book if you call 0330 303 5063 and ask for Squad 70. That team is specially trained to deal with RTS Meter setups and should be able to see if slots are available.

I also know that OVO has been working like mad to get their Smart Meter Engineers trained up for RTS and IIRC pretty much all of them now have the required skills. Our very own Forum Engineer, Luke, for example is trained in doing tons of different setups. One of the local ones near me (howdy Ben!) also told me he’s had it too.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • February 20, 2025

Thanks Blastoise186

I’ll give the number a try and see what they have to say. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • February 20, 2025

No worries. Sorry I couldn’t help answer the entire question - it just sounds like something that has to be absolutely nailed or it causes nightmares… And I can’t answer a question if I don’t feel confident about my answer.

Sorry about that. I’m always learning though, so I might have it for you in the future!

Community Moderator
  • Community Moderator
  • 128 replies
  • February 20, 2025

Hi ​@ColinC, and thanks for your post. 


Thanks ​@Blastoise186 for giving me a nudge. Just to confirm, I was recently speaking with one of the managers in ‘Squad 70’ who ​@Blastoise186 mentioned you should get in touch with. They have advised that their teams are working hard every day on researching potential problems with the RTS shutdown, and how they can be alleviated before the shut off date. I’m sorry to give a generic reply here, but all I’ve been made aware of is the fact that the relevant teams know exactly what issues are being/will be encountered and are working tirelessly on ensuring everything can be resolved before the end of June. I’m not sure if you’ve spoken to Squad 70 as per Blastoise’s advice yet - they may be better placed to give you some more concrete answers. 


Just to reassure you - a large amount of people within OVO have been working on the RTS shutdown for a long time now, we’ve got good people on this and we’ll do everything we can to ensure this all goes as smoothly as possible. When we hear of any updates or news we’ll make sure the Forum content is updated for you all. This is a huge change in the Industry and we’re doing everything we can to be prepared for it, and to give the best possible service to our RTS customers.

  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter***
  • 4 replies
  • February 20, 2025

Hi Ben_OVO


Thanks for both responses.

I have now spoken with Squad 70. As you indicated, it very much seems as if each RTS meter replacement gives rise to unique issues for which there is no single solution, although lack of a signal appears to be at the core of it. Two years ago I wanted to upgrade to more efficient storage heaters and fit a SMART meter  but was told it wouldn’t work for this reason. The person I spoke to at Squad 70 said they couldn’t allocate any slots at present but indicated they were working through various possible solutions and I would be contacted ahead of shutdown to implement something (?) to maintain my heating supply.

I can’t help thinking that there is an analog solution to this - off peak storage heaters worked perfectly well for years before digital “improvements” came along.

So, all in all, I’m no further forward and with the clock ticking I will have to rely on OVO’s assurances that a solution will be forthcoming before the deadline. I suspect I am not alone in not holding my breath!


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • February 20, 2025

Unfortunately, whether analogue or digital… This stuff has a finite lifespan. And analogue stuff isn’t really used much anymore.

Regardless of the tech or what transmitters/receivers are used, it’s ultimately the same kind of radio signal - if the signal doesn’t reach you, it won’t work anyway.

The ultimate reason that RTS is being killed is because the equipment at Droitwich Transmission Station has reached End of Service Life. The glass valves that are used only last a couple of years at a time and when they blow, they blow hard by exploding. Replacements cannot be sourced anymore - they’ve not been made in over 20 years.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • February 25, 2025

Hi, I currently have the Scottish THTC (Total Heat Total Control) tariff and meter set up.  I am soon changing to a smart meter and Economy 10 tariff because of the RTS (Radio Teleswitch Service) switch off in June 2025. 

I currently have two non revenue sub meters (standard use and heating/THTC) in an annexe part of my house so that I can measure how much electricity is used there.  But I am billed on just one bill for the whole house based on readings from my main meters.

Will it be possible to replace my non revenue meters so that I can continue to measure the use in the annexe?  I accept I would need to do and pay for this privately.  I’m not sure how the current system, with separate standard and heating circuits and meters would change to a time based system with off peak and peak measurement.   Would I have to buy a single (peak/off peak) meter and route all the wires for the annexe through that meter?  Could I somehow re-use the existing meter(s)?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • February 25, 2025

Howdy ​@MarkW123 !

I suspect you’ll be able to just keep using the sub-meters more or less as they are now. But you’d obviously want to grab a meter reading from them just before the engineer kills the supply meters so you have a new starting point after the upgrade work is done.

But could you show us some photos of the setup by any chance? If you’ve got wiring diagrams too, that’d be amazing.


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • February 27, 2025

Hi Blastoise186

Thanks for your swift response.  Sorry I’ve only just been able to reply.  I’m attaching photos but do not have wiring diagrams, sorry.

The first photo shows the main meters for the entire house (Std and THTC) and the consumer units for the house (excluding annexe).  So, the circuits for Storage heaters, panel heaters, showers and water tank all go through the THTC meter which has a cheaper unit rate, whatever time of day.  The other circuits (lighting, sockets, cooker etc) go through the standard meter which has a more expensive unit rate, whatever time of day.

The annexe meters are shown in next pictures.  Again, the heating, water and shower go through the THTC meter and the other circuits go through the standard meter.

My understanding of the Economy 10 tariff, that I’m forced to move to, is that the entire

electricity use is measured together but counted as peak or off-peak, depending on time of day (ie no matter what the electricity is used for).  So I’m not clear how the meters could continue to be used.  I was thinking that all the annexe circuits would have to go through a new dual (peak/off peak) sub-meter so that I can see how much is being used at each rate.   

Alternatively, I guess that if I thought the standard use electricity was not that significant I could re-use the standard meter and direct all the annexe consumption through that.  It would show total Kwh used but I’d have to come up with an adjustment to the unit rate if I wanted to charge for annexe use fairly….. 

Does that make sense?



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • February 27, 2025

Oh wow, quite the rats nest you’ve got there!

I think you may just have to end up being very careful, but I’ve got one more question - this will absolutely help us figure out how to answer your question.

Is someone living in the annexe who pays you for what they use in some way?

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • February 28, 2025

Indeed, That’s why wiring diagram not available!

In the past we have used annexe for holiday let but not charged for electricity directly.  Just used it as guide to costs.  Now have friend staying as lodger and using meter readings to assess electricity bill on monthly basis.

Is there anything to stop me buying a dual meter and feeding everything through that?


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • March 3, 2025

You can if you want to - I suspect it may be your only option.

Make sure you don’t make a profit out of this though - otherwise you get snarled up in legal red tape that you really don’t want to be wrapped up in...

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 4 replies
  • March 3, 2025

Thanks, no not wanting to make profit from it.  Thanks for the advice.  Will obviously talk it through with the electrician I use.



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