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I booked a smart meter appointment with OVO a few days ago. Yesterday I got a text from “SMSplc” telling me the appointment could not be carried out on the day due to engineer availability. I provided my phone number, partners phone number and address.

It seemed legitimate as the grammar used was correct, the phone number (03301359948) is on the SMS PLC website and it knew of my existing appointment. However, when looking the number I find conflicting reports online. I did not receive a confirmation email about the rebooked appointment on a different day either. I am now anxious that I have been scammed, and customer service is unavailable. Help?

Updated on 21/08/24 by Abby_OVO


It’s legitimate. I can vouch for that one.


SMS are one of the engineer partners we work with, mostly for fitting smart meters. 

Thanks! Seems people online think its a scam due to questionable customer service and aggressive marketing.

Probably just naysayers tbh. It happens.

SMS doesn’t have a full customer service team that you can access as such - you go via your supplier and they get in touch with SMS for you.

They also don’t do outbound marketing either. They just do the install and maintenance jobs that suppliers ask them to do.

Thanks for the elaboration, I read through these and felt terrified.,03301359943

I did contact the live chat for SMS and they seemed to corroborate your replies.

I am confused at no email notification though.

Have you been given advice on how to rebook your appointment, @kittycat27?

@Tim_OVO I rebooked it over the phone using the number I was given. 
