To cut a long story short… the insistence of OVO we had a smart meter fitted at our holiday home in The Highlands of Scotland and were told that we had to opt for a tariff as the new meter would be pre programmed and we opted for the economy 10 tariff.
Having given the system a few weeks to settle down I look at our account and see that it is still showing the Simpler Energy THTC tariff, so I email OVO to see what is going on.
An hour later I get a phone call that says we are on the wrong tariff and that Economy 10 has been renamed and does not exist.
We then get an email to say that we are being put on the same tariff “Simpler Energy THTC” as of tomorrow with much higher charges than quoted when we agreed to economy 10.
I am left completely confused and feel totally let down by OVO. I envisage a long struggle ahead.
Is Economy 10 still a tariff?
Has anyone else had a similar experience and if so do you have any advice on how to continue? Any help would be much appreciated.