Trying to get mother-in-law's meter changed in anticipation of RTS switch-off.
It started off complicated and it just seems to get worse from there on!
Not sure where I am now.
Mother-in-law has an apartment in a Churchill older peoples' building (about 30 similar apartments).
Back in September 2024 I started with a phone call to book an appointment and was immediately hit with the question of tariff. I thought that I was just booking a meter change, not realising that I would have to pick an alternative to Superdeal. Anyway, after a bit of too-ing and fro-ing it seems that dumb night storage heaters will be best suited to Economy 10 and an appointment booked.
It seemed straight forward enough, so only mother-in-law was there on the day of the appointment. However, it turns out that the OVO technician could not do the job. Mother-in-law was told that there was asbestos and it required a different team and approval from the leaseholder (Churchill) to sort that out. The OVO technician gave mother-in-law a form for the leaseholder to authorise the work. Once OVO had received the completed form, then OVO specialist team would contact to make a new appointment. Unfortunately, I never saw the form, so I do not know what it was.
The form was sent through the leaseholder. In December 2024, When we hadn't heard anything from OVO I contacted them again and was told that these jobs were being coordinated and the team would get back in touch in late January.
Today, not having heard anything for a while, I thought I better get back to OVO again. Now I am told that I have to go to our DNO (SSEN), but I don't know why, I thought that this was OVO's job. So, I am even more confused. This isn't what I originally understood and not sure what I am supposed to know about getting SSEN to remove OVO's meter and OVO to remove SSEN's fuse and who swaps the board? Am I missing something?
If it is any help. The building was built and the meter cupboard installed in 1992 although the meter is dated 2001. The contents are simple; an incoming supply cable to a fuse, a tail-pair to an RTS meter and 2 tail-pairs out to 2 consumer units elsewhere (one for 24 hour circuits and one for off-peak heating circuits). Image attached.