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Kaifa MA329B 3 phase meter - what does the J symbol mean ?

  • 1 July 2024
  • 7 replies

Hi All,

I recently had a 3 phase SMETS2 meter installed - a Kaifa MA329B.

I have solar PV panels on the roof and previously found it useful and easy to look at my ancient meter with a wheel to determine how the PV was doing. i.e. The wheel would obviously be stationary when I wasn’t importing any electricity.

With the new meter it seems not so easy to determine whether I’m importing or exporting at any given moment. I’ve noticed on the right of the LCD screen a “J” symbol with an arrow next to it. The arrow points in one of 8 directions, but I think when I’m steadily importing electricity, the arrow is pointing Right → and when exporting it points Left ← .

Am I correct in the above ? Any idea what the other 6 arrow positions mean ?

Thanks, Robbie.

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1


Can you post photos please? This will help us get the details right to advise you.


Hi Blastoise186.

Here you go:



Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Thx. We’ll do some digging and let you know. :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Not sure about the ‘J’ symbol but the arrow usually indicates a vector parameter relating to the supply. 
There are active, reactive, capacitive and other components of any supply and this can affect the ‘useful’ power consumption. 
Take a look here
(Normally only of interest in industrial installations)


Actually see this earlier post on a single phase unit 


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I’ve found this from a Kaifa manual. The display isn’t identical but it shows something similar

You can see the + and - symbols indicated

Userlevel 2

The “J” could be for Joules, which is the measurement unit for energy. 1 Watt = 1 Joule per second.

Userlevel 7

The “J” could be for Joules, which is the measurement unit for energy. 1 Watt = 1 Joule per second.


Does this advice help @rob w

How did your digging go @Blastoise186? 😊
