Good evening @chas242 ,
Please note that this comment was written by a Forum Volunteer who does not work for OVO.
Apologies, but the unjoin PIN cannot be provided to any customer under any circumstances. Likewise, the pairing/joining of any IHD that didn’t come from an authorised or approved source is, unfortunately, forbidden (second hand IHDs are always considered to have come from unauthorised sources) so you’ll never be able to pair it to your own meters. Factory Reset is also locked out and not accessible to you - only the Supplier can do that.
The IHD belongs to the Supplier, not the Customer and strictly speaking, must remain at the property where it was originally installed at - it can’t be used anywhere else under any circumstances. The OVO Forum also takes a stance that we can’t provide any assistance for IHDs that weren’t obtained legitimately - which snags you on the second hand thing too I’m afraid.
The Secure Pipit 500 IHD is a SMETS1 IHD that is also fully discontinued and no longer available from Secure. In addition, OVO will not provide any support for IHDs that didn’t come from verified sources that OVO has signed off.
Please return the IHD to wherever you got it from and obtain a refund - it’s of no use to you.
I don’t want to make this completely a waste of time for you though, so I can help you to source a replacement IHD that you can use. Please check out my guide below for more details on what you can do next.
Thanks for understanding. Let me know if you have any questions