Good Evening,
I am looking for some support and this seems like somewhere that will be able to help - the information already consumed has been enligtening but I do have a specific issue which I am hoping I can get some support on.
I have been with British Gas since buying my property in Dec 2018 (in Scotland - that will come to life later in my story). I’ve always been on one of their tariffs which had a end time on it until the whole energy crisis put me onto the standard tarfiff which was seen to be the best for everyone - everything worked fine, I could sign into my account, I could use my in home display and all was well with the world.
In Dec 2022 British Gas informed me they were moving me to their ‘new system’ - I didn’t think much of it at the time but I thought hey ‘new system’ it’s gotta be better right? Around that time the gas side of my in home display stopped reading, didn’t think much of it at the time but after contacting them they advised it was this ‘new system’ that caused the issue and all would be recitified at some point in the future - I took them at their word.
Fast forward to March 2023 and the anticipation of my new EV car arriving I made enquiries on how to move onto their new EV tariff, no problem they said, we can do that, use this link. So I signed up for their EV tariff and then surprisingly got letters/emails saying ‘Sorry you are leaving us’ - erm I’m not….I contacted them and they said ‘you are moving from British Gas to Scottish Gas, it’s the same company, don’t worry all will be fine. When I tried logging into my account with the detials I had I get a message saying ‘we hope you come back soon’ or similar.
I’ve contacted them a few times and they’ve eventually given me a link which gets me to view my account online, although it says ‘your details are on our ‘new system’’ - but it does display that I am on Scottish Gas EV tariff, and they have said i’m back on their ‘old system’
I’ve contacted them a few times as I would have expected my in home display to suddently kick into life but it hasn’t. I also thought that my meter would have had a Rate 2 (it only shows Rate 1), and no matter how much I have fiddled with the E470 I cannot get it to change to Rate 2 (i’ve watched the guides here). I’ve contacted them again who say there are no issues, they are receiving my readings as expected and when I asked them about the in home display they said it was out of warranty and wouldn’t be replaced (I don’t think it’s faulty to be honest)
So looking for some advice, will I get a mammoth bill because I am not actually on an off peak/on peak tariff and my meter isn’t setup correctly. Should I call them again (about the 6th time) and force the issue. I also don’t know why I wouldn’t be showing a Rate 2 - is there some other method of the meter reading for them to calculate my bills?
Any help much appreciated. A photo of my electricity meter for giggles.