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Standard of service to respond to a complaint? Compensation amounts.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 10 replies

Hey all! 

So I have a few outstanding issues with Ovo and want to calculate a rough estimate of compensation owed. They are no longer my supplier.

I spoke to an online chat person who actually asked me what amount I was expecting.

So I'm trying to work it out 🙂

Anyone know if there is a compensation amount for failure to log and respond to a complaint? (8 weeks ago). It's mentioned on the Ovo website and is extremely vague in timescale (which seems to be a breach of regs), but I can't find an amount and can't find the correct topic on the OfGem site.

Best answer by Jeffus

Updated on 11/02/25 by Ben_OVO

  • As of 02/01/2025 the Guaranteed Standards of Practise (GSOP) payment for failed appointments has increased to £40
  • As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for failing a five working day usage assessment for a reported faulty credit meter has increased to £40
  • As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for ‘switching compensation’ has increased to £40
  • As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for failing to take appropriate action, or book an emergency appointment, for a faulty prepayment meter to has increased to £40. For example, if we fail to take appropriate action (book a maintenance appointment or have a conversation around a faulty prepayment meter with the customer) and/or failed to book an emergency appointment within 3hrs on a working day & 4hrs on a non-working day

The idea of the 8 weeks is to put a limit on how long the supplier has to fix an issue before you go to the Energy Ombudsman. So if a supplier doesn't even reply within 8 weeks you can go to the Ombudsman. There is no standard amount for not replying to a complaint. 

If you can I would try and resolve the issue with OVO now.  Obviously we don't know what your complaint is.

So put in compensation amount for whatever you are due based on the links above. Typically £30 for each regulated failure like missing an appointment then another £30 for each failure for not paying within 10 days of the incident. 

Then add a small amount for the inconvenience of having to potentially raise the complaint with the ombudsman which the ombudsman often adds. £100 is a reasonable figure I personally think. OVO are likely to have to pay something if you go to the Energy Ombudsman, and also the last time I looked the standard case fee ovo have to pay the ombudsman as well is £334 to cover the energy ombudsman administration so it is not in the interest of ovo to let it go that far. 

If you post how you get on I am sure it will help other customers. 



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Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2572 replies
  • August 24, 2023

Hey @Emmywoo,


Really sorry to hear about this,


Community Member @Jeffus is really hot on all things complaints/OFGEM and may know?

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2733 replies
  • August 24, 2023

Jeffus might know more but as far as I can see, following the suppliers complaints proceedure and then to the energy ombudsman is not listed as a standard compensation amount.

Of course, the ombudsman may set their own level depending on the full facts of the case.

There are a number of standard amounts listed for other things.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
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  • Answer
  • August 24, 2023

Updated on 11/02/25 by Ben_OVO

  • As of 02/01/2025 the Guaranteed Standards of Practise (GSOP) payment for failed appointments has increased to £40
  • As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for failing a five working day usage assessment for a reported faulty credit meter has increased to £40
  • As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for ‘switching compensation’ has increased to £40
  • As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for failing to take appropriate action, or book an emergency appointment, for a faulty prepayment meter to has increased to £40. For example, if we fail to take appropriate action (book a maintenance appointment or have a conversation around a faulty prepayment meter with the customer) and/or failed to book an emergency appointment within 3hrs on a working day & 4hrs on a non-working day

The idea of the 8 weeks is to put a limit on how long the supplier has to fix an issue before you go to the Energy Ombudsman. So if a supplier doesn't even reply within 8 weeks you can go to the Ombudsman. There is no standard amount for not replying to a complaint. 

If you can I would try and resolve the issue with OVO now.  Obviously we don't know what your complaint is.

So put in compensation amount for whatever you are due based on the links above. Typically £30 for each regulated failure like missing an appointment then another £30 for each failure for not paying within 10 days of the incident. 

Then add a small amount for the inconvenience of having to potentially raise the complaint with the ombudsman which the ombudsman often adds. £100 is a reasonable figure I personally think. OVO are likely to have to pay something if you go to the Energy Ombudsman, and also the last time I looked the standard case fee ovo have to pay the ombudsman as well is £334 to cover the energy ombudsman administration so it is not in the interest of ovo to let it go that far. 

If you post how you get on I am sure it will help other customers. 



  • Author
  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 10 replies
  • August 24, 2023

Thanks for the detailed reply, that's really helpful.

If it's of interest I've had a long standing problem with Boost and then Ovo.

I had new meters installed as they'd lost comms (smart meters SMETS 1 to SMETS2) and Boost are shockingly bad.  We'd switched over to credit mode and Ovo were the supplier then (January 23). We kept having the meters switched back to PAYG so we're off supply a few times. We've never received a gas bill from Ovo, citing 'technical issues'. We were off gas supply in June for a weekend due to someone at Boost switching it ( eventually confirmed by Ovo). Ignored by Ovo/ Boost the whole weekend to try and resolve. Sent complaint June 25th which wasn't even logged until yesterday (confirmed with Ovo).

Switched supplier because honestly I'd had enough, (confirmed with DNO) 28th June, not received a final/ any gas bill. (6 weeks is the statutory timeframe).

But we have received a gas bill for a period they're not the supplier (July to August). 

We've never been able to set up online account because of 'technical issues'.

They took 9 months to answer a Data access request. 

Their complaints process doesn't outline timescale and the Regs (Consumer Complaints Handling), stipulate this in Reg 3(d).

It's all little things, but they amount to poor service and I'm honestly fed up. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2553 replies
  • August 24, 2023
Emmywoo wrote:

Thanks for the detailed reply, that's really helpful.

If it's of interest I've had a long standing problem with Boost and then Ovo.

I had new meters installed as they'd lost comms (smart meters SMETS 1 to SMETS2) and Boost are shockingly bad.  We'd switched over to credit mode and Ovo were the supplier then (January 23). We kept having the meters switched back to PAYG so we're off supply a few times. We've never received a gas bill from Ovo, citing 'technical issues'. We were off gas supply in June for a weekend due to someone at Boost switching it ( eventually confirmed by Ovo). Ignored by Ovo/ Boost the whole weekend to try and resolve. Sent complaint June 25th which wasn't even logged until yesterday (confirmed with Ovo).

Switched supplier because honestly I'd had enough, (confirmed with DNO) 28th June, not received a final/ any gas bill. (6 weeks is the statutory timeframe).

But we have received a gas bill for a period they're not the supplier (July to August). 

We've never been able to set up online account because of 'technical issues'.

They took 9 months to answer a Data access request. 

Their complaints process doesn't outline timescale and the Regs (Consumer Complaints Handling), stipulate this in Reg 3(d).

It's all little things, but they amount to poor service and I'm honestly fed up. 

You are not the only Customer to have posted about an issue being switched from credit to payg. It feels like there are some checks missing between ovo and boost generally. 

The out of hours support in the energy industry isn't good. I understand that some  new rules are potentially coming in this winter. There are posts every month with customers struggling over weekends and evenings. 

Sometimes it does feel like the best option is to switch suppliers as you have done.

At least it sounds like ovo are hopefully finally dealing with the issues looking at your earlier post 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • September 12, 2023

Left one address in credit got refunded and account closed . 6 weeks later new address new account. Randomly unbeknownst to me in May 2023 get £66 to my bank from OVO . This I am told was a govt support payment paid in error six months before to my closed account after I had left and so now OVO want it back …. I can see the £66 paid to my bank in May2023 but I can also see that I appear not to have been paid any Govt support payment to my new account until March 2023 despite having the new energy account from early December 2022…  OVO are sending me threats of debt collection for the £66 they randomly gave me in May 2023 that they didn’t explain and I didn’t ask for and didn’t realise I had (and even if I had seen it I would have assumed it toward my govt payment missed in Dec Jan and Feb)  OVO are  telling me I will have to pay £186 for warrants to be be issued so that access to my property can gained for a pre payment meter to be installed !!

What a mess and stress this is …  


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1066 replies
  • September 13, 2023

Hi @Graysg 


I’m really sorry to hear about this.


We don’t have access to accounts here at the Forum so you’ll need to raise this with the Support Team who’ll be able to take a look into the billing and resolve this for you.

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • 2 replies
  • September 13, 2023

I have spoken on the phone and agreed to review my accounts which I have and it seems that over all OVO  owe me at least £100 for unpaid Govt Support . Despite this It remains that I am still receiving texts telling me in seven days I will be in default …. Why can’t this constant inappropriate threat of action simply be stopped until this is sorted out ? . 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1066 replies
  • September 14, 2023

Hey @Graysg 


Sorry to hear this.


The Support Team should be able to place these notices on hold until this matter is resolved and stop them from being sent. I would recommend getting back in touch with them and requesting that they place the collections notices on hold while you await the fix.


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