Hey @MuppetThumper
We’ve got a really helpful topic all about Power Move Flex, as well as the homepage that have really great explanations on how the credit rewards work but I’ve also added this part for you below:
Power Down
For Power Down events, you're rewarded based on how much electricity you’d normally use. For example, if you normally use 0.6kWh of electricity between 5pm & 6pm, and during a Power Move Flex event you only use 0.4kWh, we’ll reward you for the 0.2 kWh you didn’t use. With a reward value of £1.25/kWh for example, you’d get £0.25.
Power Up
For Power Up events, you'll be rewarded for any kWhs of electricity you shift into the event times above 0 kWh. For example, let’s say you take part in a Power Up event between 10am & 11am, and you use 1.5 kWh of electricity – we’ll reward you for the 1.5 kWh you’ve used. And if the reward value is set at £0.29/kWh for example, that means you’d earn £0.44 – just for shifting your energy use to a time when there’s less demand for it.
I hope this helps clear up how the rewards are calculated for each event type.