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Power Move Flex

How to celebrate 🥂 😁


May 23, 2024

Hey @MuppetThumper 


We’ve got a really helpful topic all about Power Move Flex, as well as the homepage that have really great explanations on how the credit rewards work but I’ve also added this part for you below:


Power Down

For Power Down events, you're rewarded based on how much electricity you’d normally use. For example, if you normally use 0.6kWh of electricity between 5pm & 6pm, and during a Power Move Flex event you only use 0.4kWh, we’ll reward you for the 0.2 kWh you didn’t use. With a reward value of £1.25/kWh for example, you’d get £0.25.

Power Up

For Power Up events, you'll be rewarded for any kWhs of electricity you shift into the event times above 0 kWh. For example, let’s say you take part in a Power Up event between 10am & 11am, and you use 1.5 kWh of electricity – we’ll reward you for the 1.5 kWh you’ve used. And if the reward value is set at £0.29/kWh for example, that means you’d earn £0.44 – just for shifting your energy use to a time when there’s less demand for it.


I hope this helps clear up how the rewards are calculated for each event type.

Carbon Cutter*
  • Carbon Cutter*
  • May 16, 2024


  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • May 16, 2024

Don't let anyone tell you to ‘spend it wisely’, you just blow the lot @Lucky2 lol! enjoy 😄

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • May 16, 2024

And I thought I was hard done by. I get £0.05p. :-(

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • May 16, 2024
Lucky2 wrote:

How to celebrate 🥂 😁


Well you got 1p, 

I got £0 after switching off my breakers. 

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • May 16, 2024

I was at work for the Power Move Up so I definitely didn't earn any credit for that one.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • May 17, 2024

I would choose to overlook the Power Move Flex events, as it is not worth the time and effort for a few pennies 😁

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • May 22, 2024

Anyone taking part in the Power Up events? I have been offered 3 so far and followed the instructions to increase my electricity use during the set hours. I used my dishwasher and washing machine during the Power Up period. However, I've only been paid 4p. It probably cost me a £1 during this period. I thought I would gain from participating but I'm.out of pocket.

I have solar pv so could have spread my use during the day.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • May 22, 2024

I suppose the idea is that you would have done the two washes anyway just at a different time? So that hasn't cost anymore.

But solar etc. adds another variable into the equation.

The rewards being reported do seem very low, but of course it's not supposed to be just about rewards.

It's a scam if you ask me. I used 9kwh during a power up hour - predominately 2x 3kw immersion heater elements plus other appliances that I only run during overnight rate normally. 

My reward? 5p for having shifted 0.18kwh, apparently. So it actually cost me money, since this was around lunchtime and standard rate. 

There was a power up event the next day too for 2 hours, which I did not participate in as I was not home. The reported result that day was the same again, 0.18kwh shifted. Bonkers. 

Something is very wrong with Flex and I have zero trust in it. I am almost minded to complain about false advertising; certainly I won't bother paying it any further attention. 

Way to go to get people on board with dynamic pricing. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • May 22, 2024

I've spent the afternoon trying to get to the bottom of those with Ovo customer services. Something mot right.


  • Carbon Cutter*
  • May 22, 2024

I have made 3p x 2. I used my washing machine and the oven so not really sure how I could have used any more power really.

I've been offered a power down tomorrow morning and I never manage those at all, as my general usage is already so low. I concentrate on the general 6-9 hours, rather than worrying about these slightly pointless extras too much.

It's not even pennies - if you shifted high power appliances out of off peak rate for a daytime power up event, you will more than likely be on a net loss.

I used 9kwh during a lunchtime power-up (immersion heaters etc usually only used at night) and they only credited me 0.18kw, or 5p. So I lost money.

Is it teething problems, plain broken, overly complicated mechanics or an outright scam? 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • May 22, 2024

Ovo have replied and confirmed I have lost money by participating in Power Up. Won't be doing it again.


  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • May 22, 2024

What I do for a Power Move Up is move any electric consumption that I was going to have that day anyway eg put a wash on, vacuum, mow the lawn, charge gadgets etc into the time frame of the power move up. So far I have got a few pence for my effort - which I think is better than nothing.  And for a power move down I avoid using electricity everywhere I can - and I get a few pence for my effort - which I think is better than nothing. The early morning power move down I don't even bother with as so the time frame (before 8) isn't a time that I use significant energy anyway so I really cant reduce. I don't think its a scam nor a con its just that for low users it isn't in my opinion,  likely to be something that is going to give BIG rewards. 

  • Carbon Cutter*
  • May 22, 2024

I've done the same but 4p didn't cover the electricity I used during the Power Up period.

decroisic wrote:

What I do for a Power Move Up is move any electric consumption that I was going to have that day anyway eg put a wash on, vacuum, mow the lawn, charge gadgets etc into the time frame of the power move up. So far I have got a few pence for my effort - which I think is better than nothing.

But if you move usage out of cheap/night rate into a daytime power up, and it isn't accounted for correctly as I found, it'll be costing you much more in your bill due to the increased unit rate than the few pennies they are refunding you. 

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • May 22, 2024

For me I would have used that energy anyway, I just used at a different time, so I see it as I got 4p, or whatever,  off :)  For those that get a cheaper a rate at other times or overnight etc then I guess it doesn't make sense to shift that energy use into a higher rate period albeit a power move up period - happy to be corrected if my thinking is wrong. 


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • May 23, 2024
MuppetThumper wrote:


I used 9kwh during a lunchtime power-up (immersion heaters etc usually only used at night) and they only credited me 0.18kw, or 5p. So I lost money.



Not really- If you were going to use that 9 kWh at your standard rate anyway then it still needed paying for.

If you weren’t going to use it anyway then that’s extra usage and not ‘Moving’ usage.

If you’ve moved it out of a lower night rate to daytime rate then why? That would be silly.

EDIT- I see from your other post in the wrong place that you did in fact move it from a cheap overnight rate to daytime rate, as I said that’s just silly.

Nukecad wrote:
MuppetThumper wrote:


EDIT- I see from your other post in the wrong place that you did in fact move it from a cheap overnight rate to daytime rate, as I said that’s just silly.


They advertised 29p refund for each kwh in the power up event. So pray tell why I am silly not to try and take advantage of that? Isn't that the whole point of the scheme?! 


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • May 23, 2024

Hey @MuppetThumper 


We’ve got a really helpful topic all about Power Move Flex, as well as the homepage that have really great explanations on how the credit rewards work but I’ve also added this part for you below:


Power Down

For Power Down events, you're rewarded based on how much electricity you’d normally use. For example, if you normally use 0.6kWh of electricity between 5pm & 6pm, and during a Power Move Flex event you only use 0.4kWh, we’ll reward you for the 0.2 kWh you didn’t use. With a reward value of £1.25/kWh for example, you’d get £0.25.

Power Up

For Power Up events, you'll be rewarded for any kWhs of electricity you shift into the event times above 0 kWh. For example, let’s say you take part in a Power Up event between 10am & 11am, and you use 1.5 kWh of electricity – we’ll reward you for the 1.5 kWh you’ve used. And if the reward value is set at £0.29/kWh for example, that means you’d earn £0.44 – just for shifting your energy use to a time when there’s less demand for it.


I hope this helps clear up how the rewards are calculated for each event type.

Abby_OVO wrote:

Hey @MuppetThumper 


We’ve got a really helpful topic all about Power Move Flex, as well as the homepage that have really great explanations on how the credit rewards work but I’ve also added this part for you below:


Power Down

For Power Down events, you're rewarded based on how much electricity you’d normally use. For example, if you normally use 0.6kWh of electricity between 5pm & 6pm, and during a Power Move Flex event you only use 0.4kWh, we’ll reward you for the 0.2 kWh you didn’t use. With a reward value of £1.25/kWh for example, you’d get £0.25.

Power Up

For Power Up events, you'll be rewarded for any kWhs of electricity you shift into the event times above 0 kWh. For example, let’s say you take part in a Power Up event between 10am & 11am, and you use 1.5 kWh of electricity – we’ll reward you for the 1.5 kWh you’ve used. And if the reward value is set at £0.29/kWh for example, that means you’d earn £0.44 – just for shifting your energy use to a time when there’s less demand for it.


I hope this helps clear up how the rewards are calculated for each event type.


Thanks, as I thought. However my 9kwh usage was only reported as 0.18kwh.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • May 27, 2024

It seems to me that unless you have an EV, power flex is pointless. I use a maximum of 2kw per day and only when I use the washing machine so using or reducing a kw within 2 hours is impossible. It seems to me that those with an EV can afford to to ignore £1.25


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