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2nd month in a row:

“During December your smart meter failed to send us readings at certain times, so we couldn’t see the full picture of your electricity use.

Unfortunately this means you won’t receive a Power Move credit this month.”


So how is it the ovo app shows a full half hourly breakdown of my use? 🤔


No reply from ovo last month when I queried it, maybe they’ll respond to me this month. Think it’s time to give up on this nonsense, not worth the disruption / hassle!

You might want to check your readings as the graph is just a guide and may well use estimates 

I think you might be right it is hassle. knowing you don’t always get the readings. and not achieving the targets for the power move.

That's me now sent insufficient readings in both November and December. In November, my meter didn't send readings on 3 days, leaving 19 weekdays that readings were sent and in December it didn't send readings for 2 days leaving 21 weekdays that readings were sent (20 if xmas day was excluded). OVO told me they needed 14 days of readings to qualify, unless my arithmetic is very wrong (it's not, I'm being facetious), in both of these months, I sent more than 14 days of readings. As every previous month, I was consistently using between 8 and 10% of my electricity during the hours of 4 - 7pm, do OVO really think I'd have suddenly changed my usage? I am rather peeved that I've missed out on £30 due to a failure with my meter and nothing I've done wrong. I shall carry on with eating my evening meal early and switching off unnecessary items during the month of January but if my meter doesn't send readings for the required 14 days 🙄, I certainly won't bother again. I look forward to eating my evening meal in the evening and charging my phone when it needs charged. 

2nd month in a row:

“During December your smart meter failed to send us readings at certain times, so we couldn’t see the full picture of your electricity use.

Unfortunately this means you won’t receive a Power Move credit this month.”


So how is it the ovo app shows a full half hourly breakdown of my use? 🤔


No reply from ovo last month when I queried it, maybe they’ll respond to me this month. Think it’s time to give up on this nonsense, not worth the disruption / hassle!

Spot on, the amount of time some people are using to draw up graphs and write lengthy posts over this just isn’t worth my time anyway. There’s just been another price hike, plus further one to make up for those who can’t pay. 

I’ve just had a call from the account management team at ovo following my 2 emails - apparently the settings on my account had been changed from half hourly readings to daily, but they don’t know why or who changed it! If you’re having similar problems, perhaps try phoning them - 0330 303 5063 as it could be the same thing. 
