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Power Move - Shifting Peak Usage Into Weekends

Power Move - Shifting Peak Usage Into Weekends
Community Moderator

Hi everyone,


This week we sent out your July mid-month update for the Power Move Summer Challenge.


As we’ve had a couple of questions about this challenge, we wanted to remind you that weekends are included in the calculations as off-peak times. This means you can shift your peak consumption (6pm-9pm Monday-Friday) into Saturdays and Sundays.


We want to thank you again for all of your effort with Power Move. Together we can help ease the demand on the grid, and change the future of energy.



The OVO team

13 replies

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 56 replies
  • July 19, 2024

Working well for us currently used 3.4% peak according to the progress email I got yesterday

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 47 replies
  • July 19, 2024

I have not received an update yet..

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 72 replies
  • July 19, 2024

Got my results and was surprised not to be on track at the moment which is unusual for me  :( 

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  • 735 replies
  • July 19, 2024

Hey @fancyabrew! I’m happy to hear that things are working well for you. If you have any hints or tips for other users or what changes you’ve made that you’ve seen benefit from, feel free to share them! 


@alinbongo54 Have you checked your emails/spam folder? If nothing is showing I would then suggest making sure that your email address is correct. You can do this through your MyOVO account online:


Keep us posted with how the challenges are going for you 😃

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 47 replies
  • July 19, 2024

No emails in spam, check daily. Email correct too!

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 56 replies
  • July 19, 2024

we have an EV which does quite a few miles a week and use charge anytime so its never normally charged at peak time.  We have always met the target and now with weekends counting any charging we do at weekends (and normally we do) now count in our favour, i also tend to do all the washing and drying at weekends which also now counts.  According to the end of spring power move email we’re in the top 10% of low peak users.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 31 replies
  • July 19, 2024

Thanks cristoperS_ovo for clearing that up about the weekends usage.  I was wondering how my average had gotten down to 6.99% !!! My usual rate is around 10% or so.

Cheers, mate !!!

Mike Hansen 😎

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 9 replies
  • July 20, 2024

It’s harder to reach the target now.  I’ve just fed my June usage (where I received 6 pounds credit) into the July metrics, and I now would only receive 2 pounds credit.   Hardly makes it worth all the effort.  

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 2008 replies
  • July 21, 2024

I’ve been wondering how to illustrate the effect of including all weekend usage as ‘offpeak’. Using the figures for my own account, I came up with the chart below. It shows cumulative usage, i.e. on any date the sum of figures for all the days in the month so far.

  • The grey line shows 6.5% of usage, the line below which the maximum reward will be earned. Although there are fairly large variations in usage from day to day, the trend is obvious. Projecting this trend to the end of the month suggests how it will eventually look, barring any major change in behaviour.
  • The red line shows weekday peak-time usage. It marks time - stays horizontal - over the weekend, because peak-time usage at weekends doesn’t count. 

We can see, then, that while both curves move inexorably upwards at more or less the same rate (the lines are largely parallel), the weekend interruption in the red line has the effect of shifting it downwards with respect to the grey line. The more weekend days included, the bigger the shift. 

With this comforting picture of how I’m doing, I might be tempted to allow myself to use a bit more in peak periods during the week - boil a kettle or two, or stick a ready-meal in the microwave. Then I remember that, because weekday peak-time is less than 10% of the week as a whole,

  • A small increase in peak-time usage will cause a big increase in its percentage of total usage, while
  • A large increase in offpeak usage will only bring about a small decrease in the peak-time usage percentage. 
  • It’s quite possible to be over the limit halfway through the month (red line above the grey one), but still meet the target by the end of the month as the red line shifts downwards each weekend.



Community Moderator
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  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • July 23, 2024

Hey all,


alinbongo54 wrote:

No emails in spam, check daily. Email correct too!

@alinbongo54  I’d suggest reaching out to our Support Team and asking them to check your communication preferences. Something must be blocking you from receiving the email updates. 


fancyabrew wrote:

we have an EV which does quite a few miles a week and use charge anytime so its never normally charged at peak time.  We have always met the target and now with weekends counting any charging we do at weekends (and normally we do) now count in our favour, i also tend to do all the washing and drying at weekends which also now counts.  According to the end of spring power move email we’re in the top 10% of low peak users.

@fancyabrew Amazing! I’m happy to hear that the weekends being counted is helping you smash that target! 


Mike Hansen wrote:

Thanks cristoperS_ovo for clearing that up about the weekends usage.  I was wondering how my average had gotten down to 6.99% !!! My usual rate is around 10% or so.

Cheers, mate !!!

Mike Hansen 😎

@Mike Hansen Thank you for shifting that usage like a champion 💪🏻 feel free to share any useful hints or tricks you have that might help others!! 


Fern3 wrote:

It’s harder to reach the target now.  I’ve just fed my June usage (where I received 6 pounds credit) into the July metrics, and I now would only receive 2 pounds credit.   Hardly makes it worth all the effort.  

@Fern3 We’ve heard from a few members above that the weekend being counted is really helping to achieve the targets. Have you had the chance to review your normal usage to see where you could shuffle things around that may help? I’ve been asking people to leave their tips and tricks so that everyone can share and work towards the targets together! 



  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • August 6, 2024

I’m quite surprised to be told I haven’t reached my power down target for July when I’ve been out of the country since 7th of the month, with appliances off except for fridge and plugs detached.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 56 replies
  • August 6, 2024

You shouldn't be surprised it's not about how much you use but when you use it. You're usage would have been constant accross the day so as a % your peak time usage would be no different to your off peak usage. Just got my email and we have only used 3.73% at peak time 6-9

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  • Community Moderator
  • 735 replies
  • August 7, 2024

Hey @Lpen,


I hope you’ve had a nice time away 😊


@fancyabrew, is correct in advising that it's about moving energy usage from peak to off-peak times. Not using any energy during this time would impact the result. 


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