Hey @Fuzzycat
Glad to see one of our volunteers has already stopped by with some really great advice, Blastoise186’s memory served perfectly well.
What happens when you leave OVO
1. If you’re switching energy supplier, you don’t need to tell us
Your new supplier will contact us directly and send your opening meter reading with them.
2. We’ll close your account
We’ll use the opening meter reading from your new supplier to calculate your final balance, prepare your final statement and close your account.
3. We’ll send your final statement within 6 weeks
We’ll email or post this to you. The statement will show:
your recent energy use
any money left to pay and how to pay it, or
any money we need to refund you (if so, we’ll post a cheque within 10 working days of your final statement)
Once you’ve left OVO, please throw any away top-up keys or cards.
You can view more about this on our handy article.
I hope this helps.