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I don't have top up numbers now that I've moved to OVO and now I can't top up, what do I do now?

  • 21 August 2023
  • 7 replies

Right, I think my old supplier account has closed because I can't top up with the card online anymore and I've just spent hours on hold trying to top up/get a new card sent out with various teams all sending me to one another.


I eventually get in touch with boost who come to the conclusion that I've got a traditional meter which makes sense because ovo sent through a traditional PAYG gad card/key that requires insertion when I've got a smart meter?


Does anyone know how I can top up in the meantime and how I can get a smart card sent out because I've had no help from OVO/Boost. I have a gas account number from OVO but no smart card number to top up.


Hope this makes sense.





7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hi @Ercourt97 ,

To help make sure I can give you the right advice for this one, please post photos of your meters. Forum Volunteers such as myself can’t access your account, so this helps us out as an alternative to that.


Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Gotcha, thanks!

In that case… Use the Live Chat here to request the PAN numbers. Once you’ve got them, chuck those into the OVO Top-Up app and you should be able to both top-up and generate barcodes to use at any Paypoint shop.

Okay thanks for the help, does it top up automatically once I've paid? And how long does it take to come through?

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

It should do, yes. Usually within 1 hour max - otherwise you can use the UTRN Code to force it through.

Lastly, will I have to request a new PAN number for every top-up?


Thanks for the help.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Nope! It’s just a one-off task. Once generated, you can use the same one forever provided you stay with OVO.
