Updated on 11/02/25 by Ben_OVO
- As of 02/01/2025 the Guaranteed Standards of Practise (GSOP) payment for failed appointments has increased to £40
- As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for failing a five working day usage assessment for a reported faulty credit meter has increased to £40
- As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for ‘switching compensation’ has increased to £40
- As of 02/01/2025 the GSOP payment for failing to take appropriate action, or book an emergency appointment, for a faulty prepayment meter to has increased to £40. For example, if we fail to take appropriate action (book a maintenance appointment or have a conversation around a faulty prepayment meter with the customer) and/or failed to book an emergency appointment within 3hrs on a working day & 4hrs on a non-working day
The idea of the 8 weeks is to put a limit on how long the supplier has to fix an issue before you go to the Energy Ombudsman. So if a supplier doesn't even reply within 8 weeks you can go to the Ombudsman. There is no standard amount for not replying to a complaint.
If you can I would try and resolve the issue with OVO now. Obviously we don't know what your complaint is.
So put in compensation amount for whatever you are due based on the links above. Typically £30 for each regulated failure like missing an appointment then another £30 for each failure for not paying within 10 days of the incident.
Then add a small amount for the inconvenience of having to potentially raise the complaint with the ombudsman which the ombudsman often adds. £100 is a reasonable figure I personally think. OVO are likely to have to pay something if you go to the Energy Ombudsman, and also the last time I looked the standard case fee ovo have to pay the ombudsman as well is £334 to cover the energy ombudsman administration so it is not in the interest of ovo to let it go that far.
If you post how you get on I am sure it will help other customers.