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Different supply and billing address - how can I update the billing address?

  • 7 August 2023
  • 9 replies

My parents live in their own house but are getting on and have found dealing with everyday bills confusing.  For the last few years I have been having the bills sent to me and I would pay them on their behalf with SSE.

Since the change to OVO this sending of bills has stopped and I am not sure where the bills go (my parents say they are not going to them!)
It would be good if I could have the bills sent to me again so I can pay them - but not change the supply address. I know I can see the bills online but this is not what I want.
I can’t see how this can be set-up on-line.
Is it possible?

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Sohowestone , you will need the account holders to get in touch with customer support but I believe it should be possible 

Customer Support  -  tel:03303035063

It’s usual that the account holder needs to make the ‘change’ but you may want to be with them to sort 

Is there any reason that you want something other than online? That’s usually the quickest and up to date record

Userlevel 7

Yep exactly as above, the account holder or a financially liable named contact can change the billing address, and yes it doesn’t need to match the supply address. 


You might consider sticking to email communication, having your email address listed, and also using the online account whenever you need to make a change or check anything. 

Good suggestions here however, I do not want the supply address changed - only the actual address where the bills are sent.
I don’t mind doing it online, but I still need to be able to download bills showing the supply address & my address.
This must be fairly simple as I am sure many have second homes and want their accounts sent elsewhere.
In summary then, it seems it can be done - but not via the website, only on the phone.
thanks for the helpful responses.

Userlevel 7

I did this just recently, via webchat


It didn’t have to be the phone.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Yes @Firedog but you are the account holder which is not the case for @Sohowestone 

Good idea - except the chatbot is hopeless.
I put in ‘add additional address’ and all it came back with was about moving home!
Juts putting ‘address’ in comes up with ‘I don’t understand the question’.
I might try again when I have an evening to spare!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

You just need the keyword “Agent”. It’ll figure out what you want and immediately connect a human

I do have the email address in my name so that all OK.
What the issue is relates to the fact that there is no obvious way to have bills sent to an alternative address other than the supply address.
It seems such a common requirement I am surprised its proving so difficult.
For now I have written to Ovo and sent the letter so they will hopefully deal with the issue!
Thanks for all the suggestions.


Good tip about typing ‘Agent’ to get a person.
Will have to remember that!!
