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Off Peak Storage Battery Charging

  • Abby_OVO

Plan Zero Hero

With the approach of winter and the possibility of restrictions on power use at peak times, I wonder whether an approach to off peak charging of storage batteries might be worth looking at?

At present, it is not attractive to charge off peak and consume later as there is an inherent loss in any system meaning that the consumer will get out a little less than they put in. 
There is a need for the supply grid to be strengthened generally as we increase the use of Electric Vehicles (EV’s) which will add to the draw on the whole network, potentially often at peak times. 
Despite being fairly up-to-date with equipment and technology, we currently cannot get an off peak tariff as having a SMETS2 smart meter installed, we are told that this is not compatible with Economy7 (or Economy10 etc). This seems to me a fairly simple problem in that - from what I can see - there are several registers (counters) in the smart meter and there must be a simple time signal for switching between these for logging use at different time phases. I know users who have Economy7 and SMETS2 but from what I’m told, they have to report use manually. 
Spreading power needs would help power generation, network grid and network operators alike, as well as smoothing use generally and encouraging further investment in solar PV and battery storage so … is there a rapid solution?

18 replies

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 2572 replies
  • October 7, 2022

Hey @BPLightlog,


This is a really interesting idea!


A few of our Community Members have storage batteries would be interesting to see what they think- @Transparent @jenthomson @Heatherd @dnshorto

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 232 replies
  • October 7, 2022

A SMETS2 meter can be loaded with an Economy 7 tariff and billed accordingly if done properly.

Depending on how time of use night time rates look over the winter it could perhaps be beneficial trying these as well as Economy 7, though these are more unpredictable than having an Economy 7 tariff.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 7, 2022
nealmurphy wrote:

A SMETS2 meter can be loaded with an Economy 7 tariff and billed accordingly if done properly.


That’s good to know @nealmurphy although currently I can’t get access to any off peak rates

Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 7, 2022
BPLightlog wrote:
nealmurphy wrote:

A SMETS2 meter can be loaded with an Economy 7 tariff and billed accordingly if done properly.


That’s good to know @nealmurphy although currently I get get access to any off peak rates

That should say “can’t get access” of course 🤦‍♂️

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 232 replies
  • October 7, 2022

Keep on at OVO in the hope they can upgrade their capabilities. Otherwise you could consider switching.

Either way your battery should put you in good stead for the OVO Power Move or other similar schemes being set up by other suppliers.



  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 7 replies
  • October 7, 2022

Octopus has got great tariffs that offer a low price period (similar to Economy 7 but different hours) which is ideal for many households. Definitely worth looking into if you understand your usage and how you could move some to other times.


We did have a smart tariff like this when we first got our Tesla Powerwall so it definitely works. You may not get exactly 100% back but the savings definitely outweighed this. 

Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 9, 2022
jenthomson wrote:

Octopus has got great tariffs that offer a low price period (similar to Economy 7 but different hours) which is ideal for many households. Definitely worth looking into if you understand your usage and how you could move some to other times.


We did have a smart tariff like this when we first got our Tesla Powerwall so it definitely works. You may not get exactly 100% back but the savings definitely outweighed this. 

Thanks for this @jenthomson. I’ve been tracking usage for some time so have some good data to go on. The only hesitation is current tariffs - we are a year away from the current tariff end and so it probably won’t pay to change at the minute. 

From what I can see from the trial mentioned by @nealmurphy to be run by OVO, it will only be advantageous if you can reduce demand to less than a percentage of your overall use. For those who already reduce their demand overall (with solar and battery storage for example), it will be difficult to move this percentage even further

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 232 replies
  • October 9, 2022

@BPLightlog the devil is in the detail, but as it's written currently on the blog:

" We’re looking for participants to cut their average consumption during the peak hours to less than 12.5%. "

Therefore if you're average consumption during the times given is already less tha 12.5%, you've ticked the box.

On the Octopus trial last winter we had to decrease our usage in various 2 hour timeslots by either a certain percentage or by a certain kWh amount. These timeslots were given with varying degrees of notice to see how fast and how much people could react.

I'm not sure if all suppliers are following the same formula this time or if the schemes will vary. But fair play to OVO for picking one of the best names for it! 

Community Manager
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  • 1864 replies
  • October 10, 2022

Nice post, @BPLightlog - we’ve converted this into an ‘Idea’ which allows other members to vote on it to show they want to see this feature. Make sure you vote on it yourself!


At the moment a customer on a single rate tariff can’t be moved onto a two rate tariff due to a temporary limitation of the billing platform. This will be available soon though. For anyone wanting the opposite, a workaround is available where the off peak and peak rates are changed to the same ‘single rate’ tariff. 


In your case @BPLightlog there’s some good advice above about other tariff options, and about OVO Power Move (be part of it and you’ll be part of a private forum group). I’m not sure I understand what it is you want to see introduced. Are you recommending a tariff that offers low (off peak) import rates to charge your battery? 


Forum Ideas currently works in collaboration with a few product teams for our online tools. Tariffs aren’t something we can pass on directly to the team’s roadmap. However for these ones (good ideas but out of scope), we’ll change them to ‘can’t be done yet’ which still allows for members to vote. I’ll make that change now.  

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  • October 10, 2022
NewCan't be done yet

Plan Zero Hero
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  • October 10, 2022
Tim_OVO wrote:

Nice post, @BPLightlog - we’ve converted this into an ‘Idea’ which allows other members to vote on it to show they want to see this feature. Make sure you vote on it yourself!


In your case @BPLightlog there’s some good advice above about other tariff options, and about OVO Power Move (be part of it and you’ll be part of a private forum group). I’m not sure I understand what it is you want to see introduced. Are you recommending a tariff that offers low (off peak) import rates to charge your battery? 


Thanks @Tim_OVO but I had really wanted various inputs from others - hence the original post. Having said that, with the now publicised need to smooth demand, I can’t understand why off-peak tariff charging for those who can use it, is so difficult.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 6 replies
  • October 10, 2022


Given I’ve got a battery, I’m sure I could arrange to fill outside of the power move window and then aim to be battery only during the window. Except where the consumption would exceed 2.5kw (small spikes of kettle and oven use) I could carry on as normal.


That’s partly what the battery is for surely (as well as surplus solar in the summer).

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 13 replies
  • January 9, 2023
Emmanuelle_OVO wrote:

Hey @BPLightlog,


This is a really interesting idea!


A few of our Community Members have storage batteries would be interesting to see what they think- @Transparent @jenthomson @Heatherd @dnshorto

I have economy 7. 4.8kw of batteries. In my Enphase app and online account i  can use the TOU feature. Time of use and charge at night. At the moment they are set to charge 2am to 6am. Feb i  will go down to 2am to 5am. Weather permitting I will go to 2am to 4am in march. Then nothing to october at night. It can be done just not by ovo. 


  • New Member*
  • 1 reply
  • February 10, 2023

Hi, Just about to get some solar panels and batteries (not from Ovo) and I’m currently on a smart meter economy 7 with Ovo.

Looking at this thread I’m a bit confused, could I charge the batteries overnight? 

The battery installer says their system and app will allow scheduled charging so it should be ok on that side.

But I’m wondering if there could be issues from Ovo side on this?


Plan Zero Hero
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  • February 10, 2023
Birdy wrote:

Hi, Just about to get some solar panels and batteries (not from Ovo) and I’m currently on a smart meter economy 7 with Ovo.

Looking at this thread I’m a bit confused, could I charge the batteries overnight? 

The battery installer says their system and app will allow scheduled charging so it should be ok on that side.

But I’m wondering if there could be issues from Ovo side on this?


No that should be fine @Birdy. It was just that I don’t have E7 and can’t get it currently. 
Depending in your plan, you should just double check on off peak pricing as E7 tariffs don’t come under the price cap system

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 13 replies
  • February 10, 2023

I have a smart meter with economy 7. I charge over the winter. It can be done. saves 17p a unit. run your washing machine at night and dishwasher if weather is poor. works well. Just remember to change your TIME of use in spring and turn it off in your solar software. 

Carbon Catcher***
  • Carbon Catcher***
  • 411 replies
  • February 10, 2023

You should also be able to set it so all the solar PV goes into the battery without force charging from the grid. That's useful on sunny days if your tariff has an expensive peak period in the evening.

Plan Zero Hero
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  • February 10, 2023
BPLightlog wrote:

… E7 tariffs don’t come under the price cap system

Not strictly true, BP. OVO aren’t allowed to charge more than the EPG price limits. It’s just that the two E7 rates have to be aligned so that an average user would see an average cost per unit below the limit. I reckon that E7 first begins to save the user money when the off-peak usage exceeds 40% of the total. Anything less than 40% and the flat single-rate would be cheaper.


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