Cazbob wrote:
BPLightlog wrote:
You want to check where the DC voltage is @Cazbob . Solar PV does use DC but that should get changed to AC when it passes through your inverter.
Are your appliances working ok?
How do i do that please? Appliances are all working, however we did have a problem with a power tool
It’s nothing you can do but the electrician can tell you where they found the DC.
It may be that there’s a problem with your inverter but if the appliances are working ok, it may have been a temporary issue.
Did the electrician check because of the faulty power tool?
It’s a strange comment to make actually as most measurement devices only show either AC or DC. Some do show both but a 35v level is rather low and may have been some strange situation when they were measuring
One other possibility is a poor earth connection but again, that is something your electrician can test