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THTC / Separate Radio Teleswitch and Meter- Can I get a smart meter?

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  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 35 replies
  • April 4, 2024
metalsman wrote:


I just need this issue of 2 meters to be solved and have just one smart meter and one distribution board (I understand changing to one distribution board will be at my cost).


I do not see why you need to change to a single distribution board - my father has 2 boards now - was 3 and shower was separate. You would only need a single meter with a set of tails supplying each board. 

Although if your boards are old, changing to a modern board is a huge advantage from a safety point of view, and when I installed solar - i had a new additional consumer unit fitted which also houses the solar meters. 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1063 replies
  • April 4, 2024

Hey @metalsman 


As Blastoise186 has mentioned, we’re working hard on a replacement and will update all impacted customers and any related topic threads as soon as we have more information on this.



thelearner wrote:


I do not see why you need to change to a single distribution board - my father has 2 boards now - was 3 and shower was separate. You would only need a single meter with a set of tails supplying each board. 

Although if your boards are old, changing to a modern board is a huge advantage from a safety point of view, and when I installed solar - i had a new additional consumer unit fitted which also houses the solar meters. 


Thanks @thelearner for sharing that, the safety element of the upgrades in this situation are a common theme with old boards so that could be really helpful. I’ve also given you a badge for the solar set up you mentioned having.🙂

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 39 replies
  • April 4, 2024
Abby_OVO wrote:

Hey @metalsman 


As Blastoise186 has mentioned, we’re working hard on a replacement and will update all impacted customers and any related topic threads as soon as we have more information on this.



thelearner wrote:


I do not see why you need to change to a single distribution board - my father has 2 boards now - was 3 and shower was separate. You would only need a single meter with a set of tails supplying each board. 

Although if your boards are old, changing to a modern board is a huge advantage from a safety point of view, and when I installed solar - i had a new additional consumer unit fitted which also houses the solar meters. 


Thanks @thelearner for sharing that, the safety element of the upgrades in this situation are a common theme with old boards so that could be really helpful. I’ve also given you a badge for the solar set up you mentioned having.🙂

Thanks for the information @Abby_OVO but its the lack of even basic information of the proposed new arrangement thats annoying eg will it be a single meter? how many tails from the smart meter? my present set up has 4 tails from the meters for heating, 24 hour heating, water and domestic plus 2 neutral tails into my distribution boards.

I dont need to know the exact details of the proposed new set up for the meter and tariff just an outline of how many feeds (tails) will be coming from the new meter(s) to my distribution boards to allow me (and I suspect many others) to move forward with my solar panel and battery installation.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 5, 2024

I can’t reveal the exact info yet, but the current plan is to make it all into a single meter with enough ports to be a drop-in replacement.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 35 replies
  • April 5, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

I can’t reveal the exact info yet, but the current plan is to make it all into a single meter with enough ports to be a drop-in replacement.

While I’m twiddling my thumbs waiting for the Ofgem 8 week period to pass...You’ve now posted a bit more info about the THTC replacement solution. Will this solution allow customers to come off the THTC arrangement (Economy and Heating Load tariff in our case) and move to a single meter arrangement?

As a reminder, I’m ditching the storage heaters to move to an A2A heat pump. Existing arrangement is 2 consumer units, one for storage heaters, second one for everything else incl immersion (immersion on economy 7 timer), second consumer unit fed through a twin white meter that supplies peak and overnight off peak elec.

Or will I still need to get the feed to the storage heater consumer unit removed completely from the supply?       

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Why are you even complaining anyway? It’s already been stated many times that you cannot be moved from THTC yet and the even the Energy Ombudsman knows that.

But yes, the solution would move things to one meter IIRC. Can’t promise about coming off THTC though - that’s up to the DNO, not OVO.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 35 replies
  • April 5, 2024
Abby_OVO wrote:

Thanks @thelearner for sharing that, the safety element of the upgrades in this situation are a common theme with old boards so that could be really helpful. I’ve also given you a badge for the solar set up you mentioned having.🙂

Thank you. I have 4.4kw of SW facing panels in NE Scotland with a Give Energy 3.6 inverter and 9.5kw GivEnergy battery, delighted with the performance - not great for me in winter with low sun as I get afternoon shading from my neighbours high roof, but in March my net cost for Electric was £0, and sorry to mention them in here - but that’s mainly due to Octopus Agile Smart Tarrif and charging battery cheaply and 15p per kwh for my exported solar. Last summer I made money for export most moths and fully supplied our needs (no EV or ASHP so not high usage)

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 35 replies
  • April 5, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

Why are you even complaining anyway? It’s already been stated many times that you cannot be moved from THTC yet and the even the Energy Ombudsman knows that.

But yes, the solution would move things to one meter IIRC. Can’t promise about coming off THTC though - that’s up to the DNO, not OVO.

The complaint is that OVO don’t have any process or support to enable customers to enable them to move away from THTC, effectively locking me into an expensive tariff for a replacement, much more efficient, heating system, ultimately OVO will be costing me money when we move to the new heating system.  

Previously SSE were offering Smart meters to customers who arranged and funded the wiring mods themselves, OVO seem to have no similar process or advice except for offering the THTC replacement, which even then might not give me what I’m after.

What does it have to do with the DNO? the property isn’t in a LMA.

Home Energy Scotland has the below advice, so clearly its been possible previously? I know of others who have done this but its helpful to have a documented case.



Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Sigh… I’ve said this before

This is not an OVO problem - it’s an industry problem. I fail to see how punishing OVO via complaints will do anything here. I also KNOW that the solution is coming that’ll unlock the next move.

OVO didn’t create the problem - it was dumped on them.

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 35 replies
  • April 5, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

Sigh… I’ve said this before

This is not an OVO problem - it’s an industry problem. I fail to see how punishing OVO via complaints will do anything here. I also KNOW that the solution is coming that’ll unlock the next move.

OVO didn’t create the problem - it was dumped on them.

The previous supplier had a solution, OVO don’t, simple as that. This is about customer fairness and value, as well as implementing a heating system to help reduce emissions.    

Surely the THTC solution was a distinct part of the contract arrangements between SSE and OVO, yes, OVO didn’t create the issue, but they knowingly took on the task, hardly what I’d call being dumped with it, all contracts have their upsides and downsides.  


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 5, 2024

The SSE solution was imperfect and might not have worked out long term.

I am one of the few customers who knows the actual solution being developed. You’ll just have to trust me on this - it’s far superior to the SSE one.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 39 replies
  • April 5, 2024
Blastoise186 wrote:

Sigh… I’ve said this before

This is not an OVO problem - it’s an industry problem. I fail to see how punishing OVO via complaints will do anything here. I also KNOW that the solution is coming that’ll unlock the next move.

OVO didn’t create the problem - it was dumped on them.

Agree its an industry problem but it was not dumped on OVO, they should have known about DTS when the took on the retail arm of SSE.  If they didn’t then they did not carry out due diligence.

As to THTC being a DNO problem - please correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that tariffs are controlled by the the retail supplier not the DNO. Or is it a DNO problem because of LMA’s? I, and others by the sounds of it on this topic, have been in discussion with SSEN and they say its not their problem, it is the retail supplier’s.

Thanks also for your response on the potential solution, thats most helpful.  Just to confirm, I attach photos of my metering and wiring arrangement at present. As I am responsible for the wiring from the switch disconnector beneath the meters to my distribution boards, I take it that the existing tails from the switch disconnector will remain “as is” with the proposed solution.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 1864 replies
  • April 8, 2024

Thanks for sharing details of your situations, @metalsman @Infiltrator @thelearner


I feel your pain about a lack of timeframe and certainty for when a smart meter solution is available for your THTC multi meter set ups. 


As you have this set up, you will be part of a cohort of customers that have access to advisors with training in these meter types when contact our Support team. If and when you want an update on your options, your best best is to call from the number registered with your OVO account to get through to this special team: 0330 303 5063.


One ask is that you come back here to advise the group on the forum. That way others don’t have to call and the latest information is shared. 

  • Carbon Cutter*****
  • 35 replies
  • April 8, 2024
Tim_OVO wrote:

Thanks for sharing details of your situations, @metalsman @Infiltrator @thelearner


I feel your pain about a lack of timeframe and certainty for when a smart meter solution is available for your THTC multi meter set ups. 


As you have this set up, you will be part of a cohort of customers that have access to advisors with training in these meter types when contact our Support team. If and when you want an update on your options, your best best is to call from the number registered with your OVO account to get through to this special team: 0330 303 5063.


One ask is that you come back here to advise the group on the forum. That way others don’t have to call and the latest information is shared. 

Thanks Tim, my initial post on this forum was following a discussion with the support team on the number you've posted. The only feedback I had was that I could tie in the air source heat pump to the board fed from the day/night meter and benefit from some cheap overnight electric, downsides of course it's that the day rate is far more expensive and would outweigh any overnight savings. I was also told the only way to get a smart meter in a THTC property was to wait for the new solution rollout, despite me clearly telling them I wanted away from THTC to a single meter solution. It was at this point I felt OVO were being obstructive to my detriment and I posted on this forum and raised a complaint with Ofgem.

Since my original post I've now learnt that there is a solution for THTC properties being developed, but no rollout date and no-one can confirm if the new solution will allow me to move away from THTC to a single meter solution. At the very least I'm hoping my complaint to Ofgem will bring forward some communication from OVO to clarify some detail of the rollout plan, as well as providing information to consumers looking to move away from THTC to more standard supply arrangements. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 39 replies
  • April 8, 2024

Like @Infiltrator I have been unsuccessful with, firstly SSE and subsequently, with OVO to get to a one meter solution.  Three years ago I was at the point of installing a PV arroy on my roof along with battery storage here in NE Scotland until I researched changing to a single meter. That stopped the process in its tracks.  I am aware of the continual delays to the switch off of the DTS which obviously affects the THTC tariff along with other tariffs from other suppliers. This is  an industry problem and not a solely OVO issue. I refuse to accept that the brain power in the electrical supply industry is so low that it cannot come up with an alternative as a replacement to the switch off of the DTS signal.  The signal was originally to be switched off by the BBC in 2020 I believe, and has been put back every year since - its now due to be switched off in June 2025.  I’ll believe that when I see it.

THTC was implemented as the electricity network in this area of Scotland (basically anything north of  Perth)did not have the necessary resilience or capacity in the network controlled by the DNO (SSEN).  In other words the customer had to bear the cost of the DNO not investing in their network.  That has now changed in recent years and SSEN and SP networks have invested huge sums to upgrade the high voltage distribution network but not yet the low voltage which supplies our homes.

What really annoys me is that THTC was one of the first TOU tarriffs (in 1988 I believe) as Hydro Electric (as it then was) guaranteed UP TO 12 hours of cheap heating but the actual hours you received was dependent on the weather and it was switched on and off by the supplier using the DTS signal when it suited them to enable load balancing in their area.  The cheap rate was basically half the cost per unit than the domestic supply e.g. in October 2011 the cheap rate was 7.02p, the normal rate was 15.95p and the standing charge was 31.31p.  Today (as of the April price reduction) the cheap rate is 21.65p, normal rate 28.31p and the standing charge 62.24p - do the maths, its nowhere near half the cost now for the cheap rate and has been like that for a number of years. And to rub salt into the wound, the OFGEM unit price rate cap only applies to standard tariffs not to exotic tariffs like THTC. There is no transparency on how the reductions or increases in unit rates are actually reached.

The failure of the industry has meant that a large number of people, as witnessed by some on this topic, have not been able to install renewable technologies as they would not receive the TOU benefits from such technologies as the tariff would remain as THTC.  I am aware that SSE and OVO have a single tariff for THTC users but that is set at the domestic THTC unit rate and therefore users are punished by paying a  higher unit rate than the OFGEM cap for single standard tariffs.

I am hoping that the advise from @Tim_OVO and @Blastoise186 will come true in the not too distant future and that those customers who want to install renewables will be able to go ahead and do so but, based on the history of this tortuous process, I am not holding my breath.


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 9, 2024

Just a heads up - SSE no longer exists as an energy supplier so we don’t generally reference them here anymore - SSE Plc also kinda asked OVO to remove all the references too where possible.

I’m still digging the data, but try calling 0330 303 5063 for now - there’s a new team on that line who specialise in THTC. You MUST call from a phone number linked to a THTC account to speak to them however.

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 35 replies
  • April 9, 2024
metalsman wrote:

Thanks also for your response on the potential solution, thats most helpful.  Just to confirm, I attach photos of my metering and wiring arrangement at present. As I am responsible for the wiring from the switch disconnector beneath the meters to my distribution boards, I take it that the existing tails from the switch disconnector will remain “as is” with the proposed solution.


That isolator at the meter tails is a very nice solution. That should make the installation of the new single meter a breeze for the installers. I think your main incoming fuse (grey box) will remain - probably rated at 100A. Some new houses are only being fitted with 80A supplies from what I have heard.

For my solar install - in my cupboard where consumer unit is, a new consumer unit was installed with the solar metering equipment etc, with a 4mm cable from MCB run out to my garage where my inverter and battery is located. This was naive on my part I feel, should have asked for a bigger cable as eventually we will have a car charger in garage as well which I don’t think 4mm cable will be big enough for. I should have had a bigger cable from house consumer unit to garage and had the solar control consumer unit in the garage as well. 

  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 35 replies
  • April 9, 2024
Additional Consumer Unit for Solar Panels + Battery


  • Carbon Cutter**
  • 39 replies
  • April 9, 2024

Just a quick update on the switch off of the RTS (or DTS in our area as the switching times are dynamic i.e. they change from day to day).  OFGEM have recently sent a letter to all electricity supply companies expressing concern at the delay in switching to smart meters for those customers on the RTS system.  The latest figures for the number of RTS meters in use  is - wait for it - 922521. Many of these are “dumb” in that the switching times do not change from day to day but it shows the extent of the issue that suppliers are having to deal with.  They have in the past however put this problem at the bottom of their “to do” list hence the regulators concern.

I attach a link to the OFGEM letter.

It seems that they are at last putting a bit of pressure on suppliers and not before time.


Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 9, 2024

If memory serves, a huge portion of those are Economy 7 though - which are already fully supported with Smart Meters. It’d just be a case of getting those jobs done.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 11 replies
  • April 18, 2024

I have just been informed that the deadline to replace the radio-teleswitches on THTC tariff has been again extended, now to June/July 2025. This may be good news for OVO Energy but it isn’t for customers stuck with this phenomenally expensive tariff. What is actually happening at OVO to expedite this. 

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 18, 2024

Hi @Grapallie11 ,

Forum Volunteer here.

As mentioned previously on the Forum, this isn’t an OVO specific problem, nor one OVO created by itself - it merely inherited the problem from SSE and it’s actually a very long running industry problem that OVO is trying to help solve.

Replacing RTS Meters is a piece of cake if they’re Economy 7 - OVO has an absolute ton of experience in doing that, so if you’re in that group I’d strongly recommend booking the meter swap immediately via .

As for THTC, OVO is developing the infrastructure to handle the transition. I can request updates from my contacts but the last I heard was they’re roughly on-track to have it done before the deadline.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 11 replies
  • April 18, 2024

Thank you Blastoise186. I am aware that this isn’t a problem created by OVO. However, they were aware of what they were getting when they inherited this from SSE and have had a year or two to resolve this issue. I understand that well meaning people at OVO are working hard to resolve it but what are they actually doing; what are the infrastructure issues  that require developing. If you would be so kind as to get in touch with your contacts to find out exactly what needs to be done I will be obliged. Regards, Grapallie11.

Plan Zero Hero
  • Plan Zero Hero
  • 7867 replies
  • April 18, 2024

Unfortunately, that’s the snag. I have well-placed industry contacts - and not just within OVO - but most of the THTC stuff I get from them has been placed under embargo, preventing me from saying much publicly.

I do know however, that SSE had already started to figure out a migration solution long before OVO took over - OVO was able to take that and carry on with it. If memory serves, the industry has been working on this problem for roughly 10 years at this point, for which I can back that up with this document. It must be said however, that this particular report is now a decade old - and may be slightly outdated. But it’s better than nothing.

  • Carbon Cutter****
  • 11 replies
  • April 18, 2024

I simply wish to move from THTC onto E7 with a smart meter. Simple; or so one would think but it can’t be done yet. Why I ask? Well it’s because of infrastructure issues. Mmmmmm!!!! And that’s the frustration.

Other energy suppliers won’t touch it either when they see the MPAN17 numbers. So I’m stuck for now along with many others.


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