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Updated on 20/01/25 by Abby_OVO


Solar power is a great way to generate your own renewable energy, and gain energy independence. We’re proud that we’re now offering solar, even if you’re not an OVO customer.


If you’ve recently begun your solar journey and had your panels installed by OVO we’d love to hear more about your experience. 


Not yet had solar installed but thinking about it? See our solar product page


Whether you’ve already got solar panels, are interested in getting them installed, or are simply a green tech enthusiast here to find out more – we’ve got a number of topics here on the Forum which may interest you.


Find out more about OVO’s solar offering:



 Check out this collaborative user guide to all things solar: 



Here’s a community members guide to help if you’re planning a DIY-approach to installing solar panels:



We're also looking to get some feedback from customers who have Charge Anytime and Solar, on what they would like to see if we were able to offer both services at the same time:



Your advice and feedback might help other community members start their solar journey! 🙂 🌞

Do ovo installers work with roofers at all? our timbers are starting to rot and the entire roof structure needs to be replaced, doing solar and roof together makes a lot of sense to me.

It would be nice to take advantage of the high export costs by going with ovo but our roof cannot handle the added weight, ideally we want integrated panels as its all got to be done anyway and can’t really find out much information, I’m assuming this is standard installs only offered?

Hi @stead,


I asked our installation team, and they said that they don’t currently offer integrated panels. You’re right that it would be a standard installation. They’ve asked if you can let us know what roof tiles you are looking at. They can let you know which ones are solar-compatible. 


If you have any other questions, let us know and keep us updated on your solar journey! You will have much to consider when doing such a massive project. Have you thought about changing the pitch of your roof to maximise the coverage of any panels that will be installed? 😊

We have had a solar and battery installation for 3 months installed by OVO using Givenergy hardware. 

All is working as expected. 

We are currently using Battery Boost successfully to charge up overnight.  

However until Charge Anytime and Battery Boost can be made to work alongside each other we will hold off purchasing  an EV.

I also have several questions relating to Battery Boost that OVO's solar team seem unable to answer. These relate to how the rebate is calculated. I am unable to reconcile the amount of rebate as compared with the usage logs generated by the Givenergy Gateway. 

