I own a Mitsubishi Ecodan / Zubadan ASHP 14kW with a gas boiler attached as backup heat source. It can help in colder periods but it should also switch based on energy price.
Mitsubishi also released this document https://hoctorrefrigeration.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ECODAN-Hybrid-Boiler-Application.pdf
Which states that it can be achieved but it is not technical.
The HP has an Intelligent operation mode where it can select Cost based between electricity and gas based on the price/kW of each energy.
I expect as example that at a certain outside temperature,
- COP=3 and 3kW heating are produced from 1kW electricity
- 1kW electricity costs 0.6. But it produces 3kW heat with a cost of 0.2 /kWheat
- 1kW produced with gas costs 0.2 => it pdocudes 1kW heat with a cost of 0.2
=> it should stay as soon as the outside temperature drops and COP drops => it should switch to gas boiler.
- Service menu / Operation settings / Boiler Operation / Hybrid settings/Priority Mode: Cost
- Service menu / Operation settings / Boiler Operation / Intelligent settings/Energy Price / Electricity: 0.6 */kWh
- Service menu / Operation settings / Boiler Operation / Intelligent settings/Energy Price / Boiler : 0.2 */kWh
- I can force a boiler operation when accessing
Service menu / Heat source setting (Standard/Heater/Boiler/Hybrid *7) : Boiler.
But when i select Hybrid as it should, it only runs on HP.
To test, I used a ridiculosly increase price for electricity and it soed not switch.
- I can also force only boiler oepration using the settings:
- Service menu / Operation settings / Boiler Operation / Hybrid settings /Outdoor ambient temperature: HP-Boiler when under -15 and Boiler to HP when over 1 (deg C). But it does not account the cost variable.
The manuals say very little about this topic. They say it should work.
if anyone has this setup and can advice or is an installer that did this before. thank you in advance for helping me out.