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Below a copy of my recent email to OVO, Octopus and Tesla UK.

Email Subject Header: Will I just be whistling in the wind, whilst drowning and/or being electrocuted trying to plug my extension lead into an offshore turbine? Well, let's find out... Re: Octopus, OVO and Tesla UK domestic energy and including UK domestic SEG export and fixed price duel fuel import.


I'm currently on a UK fixed domestic duel fuel contract with OVO until October 2022 but because of the likelihood of another crippling rise in grid supply energy costs I'm looking ahead. This not just for the best UK fixed grid duel fuel import cost but also the best UK SEG export tariff.


I am currently under no export contract with my existing supplier OVO, or anyone else. 


I meet all UK SEG export requirements with a domestic total solar installed capacity of 2.64 kW. 


I'm disabled, 65 years old, effectively medically retired and subsist on a fixed income. Therefore, unfortunately I'm unable to afford battery storage for efficient smart export, even if this was eventually made available for green subsidy in the UK. 


I would really love a very cheap refurbished Tesla Power Wall and this not just for my benefit. Domestic energy generation with battery storage would benefit any young family that might inherit or buy our home. My Wife, and full time carer, and I obliged to do what we can, however little, to help the next generation.


My dilemma; Octopus currently offer the best UK fixed SEG export tariff but only to existing or new customers. Non customer tariff, like that from many other UK providers, pathetically low. 


It would be unwise to pay early duel fuel exit fees to my current provider and enter new contracts that will be much more expensive, until I absolutely must. 


I know very little is about Tesla energy supplier status in the UK but their overall business model and philanthropic stance across multiple sectors, coupled with unique achievement, planned and aspirational goals, is truly inspirational. 


Well done Elon and team! You've made it and this in spite of all those that 'currently' have a vested interest in slowing down the inevitable. I sincerely believe that any resourceful individual, not just you, with noble but still profitable ambition will inspire many and that together must resolve the critical issues crucial for the benefit of us all.


Back to Earth with a bang, Tesla pun intended. Most UK SEG contracts appear to be for a minimum of 12 months. 


I currently believe it prudent to wait and commit to the best cost fixed duel fuel and SEG contract with the same provider. However, I remain open to suggestions from Octopus, OVO and especially Tesla. 


Tesla because domestic energy generation coupled with vehicle battery to home and grid export, which OVO have recently trialed (well done to their CEO), might be possible for me if UK disability car lease mobility support was available for Tesla cars. 


A Tesla purpose built car would currently be my preferred option rather than a battery retrofit within an existing ICE car from a legacy vehicle manufacturer


I mean no offence to the old timers because it will take time and a boat loan of money to retool and retrain, now with the real possibility of catastrophic Company failure and; push back from shareholders and others who might prefer short term but ever reducing financial gain, rather than medium and long-term increasing financial gain, is inevitable but ultimately indefensible and certainly unsustainable. Full Tesla self-drive, when finally allowed on UK public highways, would also particularly benefit the disabled.


Hopefully Tesla UK might be able to provide update on current energy service and car provision in the UK.


OVO offers good interest on 'in credit' balances but currently only a fixed SEG export of 4p  kWh to new and existing customers. Therefore, renewing my OVO fixed cost duel fuel with a long-term SEG agreement, that doesn't currently payback monthly, would be financially unwise.


Octopus currently ticks all the right boxes but only when I switch over to them as my prime energy import provider with a current 7.5p kWh monthly SEG payback.


For all grid energy providers, import and export tariff would have likely changed dramatically by the time I come to reconsider my next energy provider, in October 2022.


I really would appreciate any advice. Maybe some form of UK grant to facilitate installation of solar battery storage and/or additional solar panels. Even perhaps a grant for domestic wind power generation and/or vertical ground source heat pump, but this only as part of a hybrid domestic system that would retain gas as backup. This because anyone that has done even minimal research on heat pumps already knows that heat pump retrofitting into individual existing UK domestic housing stock couldn't replace gas import, also indirectly electricity if still needed, unless energy costs are naturally or kept artificially high and, in any case, all cost is relative and for myself, I also suspect for many others, higher energy cost would still be unaffordable.


In summary, this email sent to my existing, currently most likely replacement provider and Tesla is simply a request for confirmation that the analysis of my own personal energy dilemma is sound or, have I missed something important pertaining specifically to the OVO Vs Octopus import and export offerings or maybe something Tesla can provide.


OVO, Octopus and Tesla are all invited to comment but may choose not. So, am I just whistling in the wind?  Let's see.


Stay safe and warm if you can afford the increasing cost of heating and living costs more generally.

Regards Rick_H



A really important topic to raise here, @Rick H.


Just in case it influences your decision making process I just wanted to highlight that here at OVO we offer a Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) on a separate account to your incoming energy account so you’d be free to switch suppliers and retain the SEG with us (or vice-versa). You can find more about this and how to apply for the OVO SEG here.


As you mention your concerns at the increasing energy costs, we’d also recommend taking a look at the advice and extra support we’ve offered here.

I have 2 two bedroom bungalows 750 miles apart. ! built in 2010. 2 built in 1976.

Both are all electric.

1 has solar panels paid for by my supplier over my patio. It has a solar powered heater ventilator called a Solarventi. I have just received a £1,200 payment from the supplier for electricity generated from my panels. My cost = +£1,200.

2 has no solar panels. I pay £260 a month. The government has  given me and my wife £500 toward the cost. My cost £3,120 - £500 = £2,260. This includes running my hybrid car.

What do you think.

My son has just paid £3,000 for anew gas boiler. Has a maintenance contract to pay for. A gas bill and electric bill  and petrol to pay for!!!


Which is nearest your circumstance??


Hey @stuartfoster3,


I’ve added a badge to your account, so that other Solar Panel owners can recognize you 😊


How’s your experience been, and is there anything that you could change about having them? Would you also consider getting a battery storage system too?

I have had solar panels for 8 years I am under the old FIT system. I have just moved to OVO having had shoddy treatment from my last supplier.  It has taken months to set it up and I am due to submit my first quarterly readings  next month. I am worried about how this will go having had regular problems in the past.  My one bug bear is if I speak to anyone at OVO it takes ages to explain I am not on SEG but on FIT.  It's like having an unmentionable disease.  I have a separate post about the best way to submit readings. I have not had anything back yet. It could be me but I always feel that these payments are made begrudgingly I also feel I have had no positive response to my efforts to save energy.

Hi @SRF 


If your FIT account is set up, when the window opens to provide a reading, you should be sent an email prompting you to submit the reading for that period.


If a link isn’t showing on the email we sent, or if you never got the email, our main Support Team are able to add this to an internal form on your behalf, which will get sent to OVO’s FIT team. You can send over the reading (and a link to this topic if need be) via online chat. 


Hopefully you shouldn’t need to to that, as you should receive the email to submit the reading yourself.🙂

Hey @stuartfoster3,


I’ve added a badge to your account, so that other Solar Panel owners can recognize you 😊


How’s your experience been, and is there anything that you could change about having them? Would you also consider getting a battery storage system too?

Thanks I have been very pleased with my solar panels, I had to replace the inverter just outside the 5 year warranty. I bought a good used one and a sparky mate fitted it. I think I they paid for themselves after 5 years. The only annoying thing is the delay in getting paid for the energy I feed into the grid. It can take up to 8 weeks after submitting my readings. I am sure I wouldn’t be given this amount of time to pay my bill. I recently moved to OVO because my previous supplier suddenly stopped paying me.  I wasn’t given a reason and had to involve the ombudsman to get my money.  I understand that I have 2 accounts the Solar being separate to my gas and electric. I find it puzzling why there is no link from the app to access my FIT account.  I have never ever seen my FIT account details on line. Apart from these niggles I have nothing but praise for the money I have saved and I am glad I fitted them I have investigated having batteries fitted but due to my age the pay back point is too far in the future. I would love to have an electric car which could be used as the battery in the system ie charged from solar during the day and feeding my house overnight. I believe this will happen one day.

Hi @SRF ,

A few notes here to help you out.

FiT/SEG Accounts are always run independently from supply accounts - this is the same across all suppliers and it has to be that way. It does at least mean you can split the FiT/SEG service away to a different supplier if you wish, without affecting your main supply.

As for the eight week thing? That’ll be because OVO has chosen to wait for Ofgem to cough up the cash before making payouts - this is mainly a business decision that Ofgem delegates to each supplier to make their own choices.

Due to the low number of FiT/SEG customers on OVO’s books, it’s not currently worth having online account features at this time. This MIGHT change in the future if the books get big enough to justify it.

V2G/V2H is something the industry is developing at the moment. Watch this space :)
